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June 30, 2010 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2010-06-30

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Asian carp found
near Lake Michigan
Possible migration of inva-
sive species into Great Lakes
draws concern from many.
Put down the books
and play
Tyler Jones examines how
playtime can be just as vital
to success as study sessions.
Dublin turns to Hell
in 'The Seafarer'
The Performance Network's
latest VU faculty-driven play
battles drunken demons.
>> SEE PAGE 10
Harris, Sims not
selected in draft
Both former Wolverines sign
contracts to play on summer
league teams.
>> SEE PAGE 12

University officials speak at the Board of Regents' meeting at the Fleming Administration Building on Thursday, June 17. At the meeting,
the regents voted to approve a tuition increase for the upcoming academic year.
Regents vote in favor
of modest tuition hike

Clinic to
appeal for
a retr ial
Despite new evidence,
client may return to
prison on technicality
Daily News Editor
Eight years into her prison sen-
tence, Michigan resident Lorinda
Swain was released after the Universi-
ty Law School's Innocence Clinic pre-
sented new evidence nearly one year
ago for her defense in the request for a
new trial.F
But Swain, now 49, could be sent
behind bars once again for the same
crime because the Michigan Court of
Appeals ruled that too much time has
passed since her initial conviction.
A jury trial convicted Swain
in 2002 of sexually assaulting her
adopted teenage son, Ronnie, whose
testimony alone put her behind bars.
Shortly following Swain's conviction,
Ronnie admitted his claims of sexual
assault were false and has since tried
to clear his mother's record.
Sentenced to 25 to 50 years in pris-
on for the four counts of sexual assault
she was convicted of, Swain has always
maintained her innocence and wrote
to the Innocence Clinic - founded in
January of last year at the Law School.
Recent law school graduate Erin
Opperman, a member of the student
staff for the Innocence Clinic, said the
group took an interest in the case upon
receiving the letter from Swain last
After determining that Swain was
innocent through its own investigation
of the information and that the convic-
See COURT, Page 7

Vol. CXX, No. 141 1 6 2010'The Michigan Daily
NEW S ............................... 2
OPINION ...............................4
CLASSIFIEDS.......................... 6
SUDOKU..................................... 8
A RT S .....................................9

'U' officials warn a
mid-year tuition
increase possible
Daily News Editor
The University's Board of
Regents voted 6-2 to approve a
1.5-percent tuition increase for in-
state students and a3-percenttuition
increase for out-of-state students at
their monthly meetingJun. 17.
The vote translates into a net

increase of $178 for in-state students
and $1,064 for out-of-state students.
However, University officials say
some students will actually pay less
to attend the University next year.
In a briefing with media outlets
prior to the Board of Regents meet-
ing, University Provost Teresa Sul-
livan, who will be leaving to assume
the presidency at the University
of Virginia later this summer, and
Philip Hanlon, the University's Vice
Provost for Academic and Budget-
ary Affairs who will take the post
of University Provost in July, said
the University is committing to a
10.6-percent increase in centrally-

awarded student financial aid from
the University and a new Economic
Hardship Program created to help
Michigan families.
"Many students and their fami-
lies will pay less to attend the Uni-
versity in the coming year than they
did last year," Sullivan said, citing
the University's commitment to
meet the full demonstrated financial
need of in-state students.
The in-state tuition increase of
1.5 percent is the smallest approved
by the Board of Regents since 1984.
Sullivan said a major reason the
modest increase was possible was
See TUITION, Page 7

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