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June 01, 2010 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2010-06-01

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

From Page 7

would learn how to present
ideas and how to go through the
bureaucracy,"he said. "By the time
(the students) would graduate, they
would be able to step in as a profes-
sional artist and be able to function
in the realm of public art."
As part of the Witt Residency
Program, a program hosted by the
School of Art & Design, Dennisuk
said he has worked with students to
construct sculptures but feels that
there is a lack of commitment since
they cannot earn credit for the proj-
Dennisuk's current project will
be displayed in-various water-based
locations around the campus and
Ann Arbor. His first sculpture was
installed in the reflecting pool just
outside the industrial Operations
Engineering building on North
Campus. The second sculpture was
placed in Gallup Park while the final
sculpture was installed in Nichols
Arboretum last week.
Dennisuk said his public sculp-
ture project was originally con-
ceived as a way to help bridge the
gap between the natural scenery
and the man-made scenery of Ann
Arbor using water as a dynamic
medium to represent the cohesive-
ness of both environments.
E-mail alapinoaumich.edu for details.

Coming this week to
Paying the price:
Eric Stulberg makes
the case for better
compensation for
those in the military.
A unique nuance:
Lexi Zimmerman and
Courtney Fletcher
explain how Ann
Arbor is unlike most
other cities.
NCAA curtains
close: Men's and
women's tennis and
rowing all took their
act to NCAAs, but 'M'
came up just short.
A beast of an
album: Janelle Monie
goes big on 'The Arch-
A flurry of festi-
vals: From Detroit
(Movement) to Quin-
cy, Washington (Sas-
quatch), The Filter has
all the music festival
coverage you need.


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