Tuesday, June 1, 2010 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 15 DOUGLAS SMITH I A corrupt institution BELLA SHAH E-MAIL BELLA AT BELLZ@ UMICH.EDU. All universities must take pru- dent steps to prevent campus vio- lence,asevidencedbytheshootings at Virginia Tech University and University of Alabama-Huntsville. But the University of Michigan is exploiting the tense and fearful environment that arose from these incidents. The administration has repeatedly used false allegations of threatening behavior to justify the actions they have taken to pun- ish and discredit faculty, students and staff. This has brought true shame upon a great university, and the recently published case of the treatment of Dr. Andrei Borisov is one such example. Unfortunately, it is but one of many similar cases at the University. Dr. Borisov accused a fellow faculty member of claiming credit for his work and violating federal rules regarding research grants. His department, the Department of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases, retaliated against him, accusing him of being "threaten- ing" because he continued a con- versation with a fellow faculty member all the way to his car. The fellow faculty member has said that he did not feel threatened, but the department chair called the campus police to read Dr. Borisov a trespass warning and bar him from campus anyway. The officers arrested him for trespassing and resisting arrest, but he was acquit- ted of all charges. Yet the Univer- sity still refuses to lift the trespass warning and maintains the fic- tion that Dr. Borisov is guilty of "threatening behavior." Linda Martinson was a student in the College of Nursing when she was accused of threatening behav- ior and the campus police were called to read her a trespass warn- ing, effectively expelling her since she couldn't attend class. After the trespass warning, the administra- tion found no grounds for emergen- cyexpulsionbased onpsychological illness or violation of the student code. Still, the College of Nursing and the campus police refused to lift the trespass warning. The Col- lege did not follow the Office of Stu- dent Conflict Resolution process, instead inventing a new process within the College. The result was that Martinson was expelled in less than a week after a hearing at which she was not present because she was not notified that it was tak- ing place. She appealed for a new hearing and won, but the appeals board's findings were ignored by the College. I was a tenured professor in the College of Medicine, and I was threatened by a University attorney after I filed a grievance against my chairman. I was told that I was scaring people and that if I did not stop talking to people about my grievances, I would be declared dangerous, fired and would have to make the next call to my attorney from Kipke Avenue (the office of campus police). The former University Gen- eral Counsel, Elsa Cole, testified in a deposition that she spoke at a national meetingofuniversitygen- eral counsels about how the admin- istration handles whistleblowers at the University of Michigan, thus spreading the administration's tac- tics to other universities. Every time the administration strips away rightsto a fair grievance hearing or to investigate wrongdo- ing, they increase their power to intimidate faculty, students and staff. The Administration tried to trick the Michigan Student Assem- bly into proposing the reduction of proof required for violations of the student code of rights and respon- sibilities from" clear and convinc- ing evidence" to "a preponderance of the evidence" in order to make it easier to expel students. The administration has fought tooth and nail against having a properly elected and function- ing Department of Public Safety Oversight Committee. There were no elections for student or faculty members of the committee for more than 10 years and the admin- istration recently rewrote rules for the committee that allow the police chief and president of the University to block any grievance hearing they object to. This codi- fies the president's power to cover up police misconduct. I have lobbied the University', including at the Board of Regents meeting three times and in a letter to President Coleman, for changes to policies and procedures that will protect faculty, staff and students from such false allegations and for true civilian oversight of campus police. The campus police should be responsive to the rights of all members of the University com- munity, not just the wishes of the administration. The administra- tion has responded by "circling the wagons" to protect its members and preserve their power to treat faculty, staff and students as they wish. It is time for the University community to stand up and tell the Board of Regents that their rights must be protected. Douglas Smith is a former Medical professor. Otto 0 f Q a ° f; r z J lv' ' S"ta Donating life 've heard of people using Face- book to find apartments or roommates or to sell or buy furniture. But _ Melissa Foster of Pontiac is taking. the commodity search to a whole new level. She's using Facebook to find a new kidney. Foster's kidney RACHEL started failing VANGLLDER when she was 16 years old, accord- ing to a May 26 article in the Detroit News. She waited nine years for a replacement, which her body is now rejecting. So she started the Facebook group "Mel Needs a Kidney" to search for individuals who would be willing to donate a kidney to her. To date, Fos- ter has received about 100 replies from possible donors willing to be tested to see if their kidney would be compatible to hers. I hope that Foster's search for a compatible donor is successful, and that her body doesn't reject a replacement kidney a second time. I admire her determination and ini- tiative to work around a notoriously long process. But individual use of social networking sites to search for organs doesn't solve a much larger problem: Michigan needs more organ donors. When you think about it, it's a scientific miracle that organ donation is even possible. But the miracle is being stifled by a lack of donors. The specifics of Foster's case allow her to look for a donor privately. A donor can give her the organ she needs without suffering serious inju- ry because humans only need one kidney to survive, even though we are born with two. Similarly, living donors can provide a liver to anoth- er person since the human liver has remarkable regenerative proper- ties. But many organs aren't redun- dant. Human beings can't offer up their heart, pancreas or stomach to another person via Facebook. More Michigan residents should register to be organ donors so that Facebook doesn't have to become the go-to option for finding an organ. Michigan has among the low- est percentage of donors in the nation. According to the Detroit News report, the state ranks 42nd. That kind of sucks, especially since the process is so easy to become a donor. All Michiganders need to do is go online to add their name to the registry of organ donors. Michigan law requires that organ donors vol- unteer, so unless residents add their name to the registry, they aren't donors by default. College students should lead the way to increase Michigan's number of registered organ donors. Stu- dents don't tend to give death much serious consideration. We're at a time in our lives when we feel invin- cible. And for the most part, I think that's okay. That confidence helps us prepare for the rest of our lives. But there is always the chance that something could happen, despite our Superman-like mentality, so it's good to be prepared. College stu- dents are typically in good physical condition, making us prime donors. And, though no one likes to consider the possibility, an accident or illness could make almost anyone in need of a new organ. Students should be aware that they can - and should - be donors. I signed up to be an organ donor last year after, coincidentally, I noticed an ad on Facebook that encouraged users to become donors. It only took me a few minutes to provide the required informa- tion online. After I signed up, I was mailed a small sticker shaped like a heart to attach to my driver's license so that emergency personnel will know that I am a donor in the event of a serious accident. The back of Michigan licenses also have spaces for residents to indicate if they'd be willing to donate organs in the event of sudden death. College students should lead in organ donation. To make sure that, should the cir- cumstances ever arise, my wishes would be fulfilled, I had to have a very uncomfortable conversation with my mother about which organs I would want to donate. It was a pretty morbid conversation, but I encourage everyone to have that talk with their parents or significant oth- ers. It's bleak to think about, but the reality is that it could matter a lot to someone in need of a new pancreas or skin grafts. To become an organ donor, go to the Michigan Secretary of State's website and click on the "Organ Donation" tab, then fill out the online application to join the donor regis- try. It only takes a few minutes. And signing up makes college students a lot more like Superman than just feeling invincible: It could actually save someone's life. - Rachel Van Gilder is the Daily's 2010 editorial page editor. She can be reached at rachelvg@umich.edu. EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS: Nicholas Clift, Emma Jeszke, Harsha Panduranga, Joe Stapleton, Rachel Van Gilder