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May 04, 2010 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2010-05-04

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com


Smoking ban
takes effect,

SACUA members
discuss fall agenda,
rules for meetings

many approve New committee chair
calls for candid talks

* Statewide ban makes
Michigan restaurants
and bars smoke-free
Daily StaffReporter
Though the University's campus-
wide smoking ban will not go into
effect until July of next year, a new
statewide ban on smoking has Ann
Arbor restaurants and bars turning
away patrons who choose to light up,
sending them outside instead.
The Michigan smoke-free legisla-
tion, which went into effect on Sat-
urday, forbids all cigarette and cigar
use in workplaces, including bars,
restaurants and offices. As a com-
promise between the interests of
both smokers and nonsmokers, the
mandate permits smoking directly
outside of work establishments.
According to the new law, cigar
and hookah bars will be able to
remain open provided that they file
an affidavit with the state of Michi-
Following the lead of other states,
Michigan is now the 38th state to
implement legislation that bans
smoking in public areas. California
became the first state to pass a work-
place smoking ban in 1998.
Jim Bergman, a member of the
University's Tobacco Research Net-
work and director of the Smoke-Free
Environments Law Project at the
Center for Social Gerontology, said
he believes that the initiative will
reduce the exposure of restaurant
0 An April25 article in The Michi-
gan Daily ("Freshman attacker
leads Blue, up for National
Rookie of the Year honors")
incorrectly quoted Emily Sch-
neidt and Jen Dunbar. Dunbar
said, "We heard good things
about her coming in."
Schneidt said, "She comes fast
and hard to the goal and she
knows she's going to score. Play-
ing against a player that is that
confident is definitely tougher."
The same article incorrectly states

and bar customers to secondhand
Bergman said the ban will also
help smokers cut down on the fre-
quency of their cigarette use by lim-
iting the number of places available
for them to smoke legally.
In anticipation of the heated
debate between smokers and non-
smokers, the University has assem-
bled a body of experts to discuss the
smoking ban and its impact on local
restaurants and bars.
Cliff Douglas, an adjunct lecturer
in health management and policy
at the University's School of Public
Health and a consultant on tobacco
control policy to the U.S. Assistant
Secretary for Health, said he is very
optimistic about the economic ben-
efits that the ban will bring to Ann
Arbor restaurants.
Douglas, who is also the director
of the University's Tobacco Research
Network, said restaurants in other
states have reported that their busi-
ness has remained steady and, in
some cases, have even improved,
since the enactment of their state's
smoking ban. The reported finan-
cial stability, he added, should be
encouraging to business owners.
Prior to the statewide ban, certain
restaurants and bars in Michigan
already enforced a smoke-free policy
- notably in cases where competi-
tors did not the dispute the provi-
sions of the ban.
"The response (to the smoking
ban) has been very positive," Doug-
las said. "Not everybody agrees, but
the vast majority is very support-
freshman Samantha Zetlin's sea-
son statistics, which are 52 points,
40 goals and 26 draw controls.
* An April 20 article in The Michi-
gan Daily ("Hubbard Street Dance
Company serves Ann Arbor")
incorrectly reported that the
company performed works by
William Forsythe, Lar Lubovitch
and Nacho Duato. They did not.
. Please report any error in
the Daily to corrections@

Daily StaffReporter
In a meeting with the Senate
Advisory Committee on University
Affairs yesterday, newly appointed
chair of the committee Ed Rothman
spoke about the importance of open
meetings and open dialogue between
A professor statistics at the Uni-
versity, Rothman said he wanted
"very few executive sessions," which,
under current rules, are currently
closed off to the public and members
of the press. He added that, to create
a more open atmosphere, members
of SACUA - the leading faculty gov-
ernance body on campus - ought to
voice their opinions on the meeting's
proceedings before critiquing each
other's viewpoints.
Rothman said he was also con-
cerned about the way in which
motions are currently brought up in
meetings, stating that the rules and
discussions within the committee
limit the immediate effectiveness of
its actions.
"I'm looking for a procedure that
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speaks mostly to us understanding
where we want to go, and that is not
so caught up in the rules that we use
them to move in a slightly different
direction," Rothman said.
Though some members voiced
concern that extended discussions
have led to a stalemate in the past,
Rothman said he felt the new form
of discourse could also give voices
to those who would not normally be
"What's practical about it is that
there may be perspectives that
weren't represented before that may
be the right answer, and there maybe
perspectives that attract the major-
ity of us (that) might be the wrong
answer," he said.
In addition to deliberating on the
future structure of meetings, SACUA
members also suggested ideas for the
fall agenda during yesterday's meet-
Rothman brought up the issue
underlying the potential switch from
the University's current ITS e-mail
server to a Google e-mail server,
which would be free but might
include advertisements.
The committee, Rothman said,
should beinvolved, especiallyinthese
considerations in which the image of
See SACUA, Page 8

Coming this week to
School of Infor-
mation appoints
new dean: Jeffrey K.
MacKie-Mason will
head the SI in July.
Student athletes
speak: Courtney
Fletcher and Lexi
Zimmerman share
their views.
research: Enough
with all the pointless
studies at the ', says
Eric Szulberg.
Softball's in-state
battles: The No. 2
Wolverines take on
WMU on Tuesday and
EMU on Wednesday.
Baseball in K-Zoo:
Watch for coverage of
Tuesday's away game
against the WMU
Check in online for doily updates

0.RI Color Gels
Only 28!
4 J

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