A 'real' writer W hy don't you get off seventeen pages. You've heard it your soapbox every before, but beginning your work once in a while?" my in the morning and writing at uncle said, ref- least five pages is the only way to erencing my col- get anything done. Then there was umns. I respect that glorious day when I wrapped, his opinion - he's to put it in film-speak. Soon after, a former assis- however, came the crash where tant cameraman, there was nothing left to do but after all, and he slowly ponder ideas for a sequel. taught me every- A writers' conference came at just thing I need ANNA the right moment, as did securing to know about PAONE a slot for a pitch session. gate-crashing the entertainment industry. And pointstI'm not interested in b ng I have a long way angry all the time. So I'm going t I almost to slow it dow n this w eek, w ith a i O , but g h e r e . little meditation on my novel. * > By the time you're reading this didn't get here. editorial, I will have officially pitched my first complete rough draft to a small publishing house. I'm still not sure what I hope And even though I am often reluc- to gain by publishing. Everyone tant to admit that I'm one more always says, "Don't expect to young person punching out an make money as an author," and almost-roman a clef, it's an occa- I never did until I started run- sion for reflection. ning up debt going to the Univer- I still have a long way to go, but sity and thought about how nice I almost didn't get here in the first it would be to garner a little cash place. In ninth grade, I embarked via my labor of love. And I do plan on a special out-of-school writ- on aggressively pursuing produc- ing class, and found my precocity ers to option a movie adaptation, challenged by a jovial teacher who which would be even more of a equated daring vulgarity with art- dream come true than publication, istry. At the time, my problem with if that's possible. I'd love to see my this was not so moral as it was ideas colorized and gilded in cellu- that I didn't have anything to say loid and projected to more people that required profanity or sexual than would ever buy the book, themes. Of course, I believe whole- And while I've gotten better at heartedly that when the story calls handling criticism since starting for such content, and that it can this column, I'm still not interest- be done in a way that honors the ed in The New York Times Book human spirit, one cannot shrink Review casting its learned eye from adding such themes. But his over my little tale. Nevertheless, teaching led me to toss gratuitous this book has to go somewhere. curse words into my dialogue and I gave it to God every morning at write about affairs to make my those Masses and the characters ethos-lacking stories more accept- began to walk and talk on their able. When I couldn't do this, I felt own, as they are wont to do, as stunted, believing lwould never be I scrambled to build a satisfac- a "real writer." Over the past year, tory structure, like Ariadne con- I hammered the last nail into the structing dreams in Inception. coffin of my old pedagogue's phi- It's something I want book-crazy losophy and started to write what teenagers to drink in - one more I wanted to write. quality libation in the ever-grow- Since then, I've finished my first ing pile of YA works. substantial, serious rough draft. That makes my intentions sound For the first few months of this a lot nobler than they are. But it's break, I would go to eight o'clock normal after having written some- Mass and, on a good day, start thing to want it published. So I'll writing around 9:45.I would work put it out there, hoping for a kind straight through until I watched review, hoping for a movie ver- sports highlights at noon. On a sion and hoping I inspire someone wonderful day, I would punch out in some intangible way. Someday, a few more pages in the afternoon perhaps, I might be able to hope for before I hunkered down for "The a check for my troubles. Bachelorette" in the evening. (I'm a sucker for trashy reality shows.) - Anna Paone can be reached The best I ever did in a day was at apaone@umich.edu. Monday, August 9, 2010 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 5 SIMON BORST E-MAIL SIMONAT SIMKAL@UMICH.EDU. c Nourishing Detroit xpressing my enthusiasm for the city of Detroit gets me into different kinds of conversations, depending on whom I'm talking to. Many people, especially those who have been liv- ing in this area for a long time, don't understand my positivity. They react with disin- terest or dispar- CAROLYN LUSCH aging comments, and I nearly always end up defensive. This wasn't the case, though, during a recent conver- sation with an out-of-stater passion- ate about ecology and food systems. "Detroit! There are really exciting things happening there," he asserted. And he's right. Because of the role the University has had in several projects, many students already know that those exciting things largely concern food production and distribution in the city. Detroit has long been consid- ered a food desert, meaning that res- idents don't have adequate access to reasonably-priced fresh food. In the last few years, several creative peo- ple have envisioned ways to address this problem. Two University alums, Noam Kimelman and Zachary Markin, have received a lot of attention recently for the organization - Get Fresh Detroit - that they started as a result of a class in 2010. Aware of the prevalence of small convenience and liquor stores around Detroit, they provide fresh fruits and vege- tables to these distributors. I spoke with Mr. Kimelman recently about the strategy and vision of Get Fresh. It's a unique system in that the organization attempts to provide food in a manner that is both sus- tainable and profitable for the store owners, meaning that no store will jump in out of short-lived good will, but rather to be part of a "systemic change." Making produce profitable for a convenience store means making it similar to its other products: pack- aged, easy and convenient with a longer shelf life. It also involves a concept that may seem startling: aggressively marketing vegetables. Mr. Kimelman explained that just as potato chips wouldn't sell with- out widespread advertising by the manufacturers, simply "sticking a yellow squash on the shelf" is not enough. A large part of the organiza- tion's mission is reaching out to the community and spreading the word about their products. Future plans for Get Fresh Detroit include work- ing toward 100-percent local sourc- ing and building local partnerships. This fits well with the larger movement to both improve food access to Detroiters and improve awareness of what exactly con- stitutes sound nutrition. Another branch of this effort, which has been growingin Detroit for decades, is the creation of neighborhood and com- munity gardens. Detroit has a par- ticularly unique position for urban agriculture given the large amounts of vacant land. The Greening of Detroit provides resources and sup- port for communities and individu- als who want to start gardens. Another critical part of their mis- sion, though, is environmental educa- tion. Just like sticking a squash on a shelf, sticking a few seeds in a vacant lot doesn't make a difference unless it comes along with outreach to the community. When I worked for The Greening of Detroit last summer, I helped children plant trees and flow- ers in their school lots and taught them basic elements of environmen- tal knowledge, like how ecosystems and food chains function. Through that experience, they began to under- stand their relationship with the out- side world we know as nature. Many community gardens give children and adults the profound opportunity to see a vegetable travel through its entire life cycle, from a seed in their hand to a meal on their plate. When you plant a squash and tend to it every day, you understand the effort necessary to produce such aseeminglysimple object. You see the fruit form, at first no bigger than your finger, then over weeks miraculously nearing the size of your forearm. It's impossible, following the life of this food, to not understand that the pro- duction of such a squash took work - that it required energy. You can then visualize the transfer of energy into your body when you eat it. You understand the link between your daily activities and the sun, rain and soil. You realize your dependence on a balanced energy system and, hope- fully, feel a need to protect that deli- cate arrangement. Until recently, Detroit was a fresh food desert. Let me reiterate, Ann Arbor and the University are not isolated from these exciting developments. Aside from Universityties with Detroit and the work of entrepreneurial alumni, Project Grow maintains organic community gardens throughout the Ann Arbor area, and students both garden at home and participate in Community Supported Agriculture Programs. With so many different ideas and methods of improving fresh food access, southeast Michi- gan can take a leading role in the development of a new, more just and sustainable system of producing and distributing food. -Carolyn Lusch can be reached at Icarolyn@umich.edu.