Tuesday, July 6, 2010 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 15 The right chemistry BELLA SHAH E-MAIL BELLAAT BELLZ@UMICH.EDU. - Being able to successfully work with a group of peo- ple toward a common goal is a necessary skill in every- thing from sports to Math 115. The ability to work well with others requires percep- tion, diligence and reliabil- LEXI ity. to sports, it's 2~f RA easy to measure success in wins and losses - you can live and die by numbers and relish in the lack of subjectivity. On the volleyball team, we crunch numbers all the time to obtain black-and-white explanations for problems with our play. Our "side out" percentage was either above 60% or it wasn't. Our execution, or lack thereof, translates directly into a win or loss, and the numbers clearly tell us how well we played. But there are some games where numbers can't tell the whole story. What has always sparked my curi- osity are the improbable games that, statistically, just don't make sense. Stats can tell you who's win- ning or which hitter is hot, but they don't explain how team "chemis- try" affects a game. Chemistry is difficult to explain, incredibly easy to feel and often hard to come by. But there's little consensus on what this abstract concept is and how it helps so many teams, especially the underdogs, win. There's even less agreement on how it affects the way non-athlete groups work together. I'm no expert, but I have my theories. A necessary precursor to chem- istry is trust, which is earned throughtherepetitionof consistent behavior. In volleyball, this might be digging a tip. In class, it could be doing your assigned problems. Either way, you're performing to a consistent standard, and your teammates (or classmates) associ- ate you with that task. You earn expectations and fulfill them, and this creates a dynamic and interac- tive atmosphere. If I had to worry about someone else performing your job, it would distract me from my own, causing the whole team's performance to suffer. Instead, I know where they're going to be because they've demonstrated that they'll always be there. The goal of any group working together is to produce. Constant management is needed to con- sistently cut down on error and continue to pursue perfection. This particular aspect of chemis- try allows your team to maintain focus, which is one of the crucial tools needed to achieve your goals - be it winning a game or complet- ing homework. Chemistry is the foundation of a group's success. Effective leadership is another fundamental component of chem- istry. It guides those raw tools your team worked so hard to cultivate toward one collective vision. Being a leader demands constant re-eval- uation of goals and direction based on the current situation. Where management is focused on the process, leadership is concerned with making sure you're aiming toward the right end result. War- ren Bennis, known as the pioneer of "leadership studies," identified this difference between leadership and management in saying, "Manage- ment is doing things right. Leader- ship is doing the right things." In every successful team I have been a part of, every member has had one of these clearly defined roles: managers, leaders and pro- ducers. These are all essential to a group's success, but each role has different requirements. Be it the volleyball team or a student orga- nization, personnel may change but there are always people spe- cializing in each of these duties. The leader makes sure the team is focused and inspires them to stay that way. The manager looks for ways the group can better itself. And producers get through the legwork by concentrating on their own individual responsibilities. Being a good teammate means looking at your team and figuring out which of these roles it needs, not which one you want to fill. If you are newly joining the Olympic team, your main focus should be on your own efficiency and pro- duction, since it's expected that everyone else will already be per- forming at a high level. If you join the ranks of a student organiza- tion that isn't performing, maybe you lead and delegate manage- ment. Success as a team relies on each role functioning and balanc- ing out the other two. - Lexi Zimmerman can be reached at lexizimm@umich.edu. 2001aa 200% cmo rrio 20i10r" . JLL J t~ ~ ~~ P , Tini s We're not living in the Matrix Besides the occasional col- lege student too obsessed with Facebook to spend time on anything else, the human race isn't yet the j slave of comput- ers. Machines aren't mining people for elec- tricity and feeding them a cocktail NICHOLAS of dead bodies as CLIFT imagined by the "Matrix" trilogy. But they are revolutionizing the way we perceive the universe. On a fundamental level, progress in modern science requires comput- ers. You may remember (or not) that in introductory science courses, things are "ideal": balls are thrown in rooms without air, gases are made of particles with no mass, magnetic fields are perfectly uniform and football teams never lose. But when things stop being ideal, when wind and mass and randomness are taken into account, things get hairy quite quickly. Researchers in every dis- cipline rely on computers to study these hairier realms of reality. But it's interesting to consider whether the rise of computers in science might herald the beginning of the end of human intuition as the driving force in science, as did a recent episode of the WNYC-pro- duced radio show Radiolab, titled "Limits." Ph.D. students working on Eureka, a computer at Cornell University, set their computer to watch a pendulum swing back and forth. And then, after doing this for 24 hours ... boom! Their computer program produced a simple, beauti- ful equation: F = ma, Sir Isaac New- ton's second law of motion and one of the most important equations in all of science. In one day, Eureka found something that had eluded the human race for millennia. Something similar happened to a biologist when he fed Eureka data he had collected from cell behavior. Unlike in the case of the pendulum, though, the equation was like noth- ing biologists had seen before. And while the equation clearly worked, the biologist was at a loss to under- stand one crucial thing: why. Computers are giving us extraor- dinary power. But does that mean that, in general, scientists like the aforementioned biologist have a less intuitive understanding of their sci- ence? The answer I've come up with is a resounding "no." In fact, Sharon Glotzer told me they do just the opposite. "(Com- puters) can help give intuition," she said. She's the Stuart W. Churchill Professor of Chemical Engineering with faculty appointments in four other departments and Director of Research Computing in the College of Engineering. She felt computers can help scientists see trends in data (think of making a graph). Now, I know what you might be thinking: Eureka isn't like other computers most scientists are using. But Eureka is more normal than you might think. Like other computers, -it's just providing analysis based on a computer algorithm written by humans. All computers perform a series of calculations that, Glotzer confirmed, could be performed by a billion well-coordinated eighth- grade mathletes. And that's really what computing is all about. August Evrard, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Physics, uses computers extensively in his work studying cosmology. He told me that the crazy-cool thing about Eureka, and all computation used in modern scientific research, is its ability to make sense of huge, unfathomably large quantities of data. That power is being har- nessed by "almost any field you can think of," Evrard informed me. The ATLAS detector at the Large Had- ron Collider in Switzerland, the largest particle accelerator in the world, generates 3,200 terabytes of data every day. It doesn't matter how decked out your abacus is - you can't make sense of that with- out powerful computers. Computers simply aren't replacing human scientists. If Mark Newman, Paul Dirac Col- legiate Professor of Physics, could do billions of mathematical calcula- tions in his head every second, he might not need to use computers. But when you want to know how fast a disease spreads, it doesn't mat- ter how well you intuitively under- stand that sneezing on other people spreads infection. The only way to know how soon everyone else will be infected, he told me, is to ask a com- putertocrunchthenumbers.There's a reason most people don't just run quick, computational simulations in their head. "If the real world is too complicated to understand," he said, your computer model probably would be as well. But such models could always be reduced to the underlying scientific or mathematical principles govern- ing them. Computers like Eureka have an important, intriguing role to play in science - a role I don't think includes replacing human intuition. Computers are still far from being able to "think" for themselves. Eureka's biologist didn't under- stand why his equation worked, but he'll have to figure that out in order to build on the computer's discovery - something unthinking computers can't do for him. Science just doesn't work without scientists who understand their fields. And for as long as the universe remains fathomable to humans and comput- ers remain unable to "think," I don't see that changing. - Nicholas Clift can be reached at nclift@umich.edu.