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May 27, 2008 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2008-05-27

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6:. Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
the michigan daily
* "p** i*gPARKING FOR RENT! Got the
housing covered and now you need
somewhere to park? We have covered,
uncovered, garage, and carport parking
2 025 available and ALL throughout campus
(and off campus too) in the best and
most convenient locations for super
LOW, LOW MILES: 2000 Suzuki low rates. Wilson White Management
LOW ikeneLOWM rLst,2000lSuzi SPACE AVAIL. SEPT. '08-Aug. '09. 734.995.9200
VZ e n00 n7 r-6u589we main- 402 Hill. $50/mo. Neg. 734-904-6735. www.wilsonwhitemanagement.com
1Tle Mich' 'an aid
going strong for
one-hundred-fifteen years...........

312 BEAKES - 3 bedroom apartments
featuring central air, washer and dryer
in unit, hardwood floors, and a dish-
washer! Call today; Wilson White
Management 734.995.9200


Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
ACROSS 5 Comparatively 39"Ol' Sinatra 51 Little deer
1 Gator kin low on cash nickname 52 LPGA #1 player
5 Visits the mall 6 Arizona tribe 43 Where to find Lorena
0 Hydroelectric 7 Signs of the many books 53 Butler at Tara
power projects future nowadays 54 Sunset -_
4 Don't need, 8 Capitalof 44 Actress Lupino 55 Wheat._:
maybe Western 45 Insurance cracker brand
5 Great Lakes Australia payment 59 Nullify
mnemonic 9 Org. funded by 46 Certain Slav 60 Space opening?
6 Give forth FICA 50 Digit that can 61 RPI or MIT
7 Daredevil Knievel 10 Jackson was the precede last 62 "I think we
8 Soap or horse firstto become parts of answers should"
follower president to starred clues 64 Beat-heat link
9 Note to the staff 11 One-celled critter
0 It's important to 12 Wordless ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE:
read it before performers E T ATALE DONUT
signing 13 Mom-and-pop, E
2 Serious e.g. R O I T I B E TEE L A T E
3 Diner sandwich, 21 Socket insert I B M H E A T H L E D G E R
briefly 22 Trade C A M E L S T E E D S S N
4 Display 25 Be beholden A D E L E A S L E E P
enclosure 26Nervous spasms A F T E R R E A S O N
6 Sniffler's box 27 Calvary C O D E M A I L P A L E
0 Serious hostilities inscription A O B T L
1 Relative of Ltd. 28 Operation
2*Clown makeup memento L O W E S U G A R L O S
8 Dungeness 29 Caught in the C O S M O S E D I F Y
delicacy act P U TT ER P UF FY
o Large deer 33Flight height: F T D T R ESX V I R S L E
1 Indisputable Abbr. L E AT H O M P S O N EI N
2 fBeeftcuts 34 Pass over, ACT 1 1 P E R O T L E T
.7 Montmartre Mrs. 35"la Douce G H E N T S L O M O D S L
8 Where Rockne 36 Feeling nothing
coached: Abbr. 37 Pegs for Woods xwordeditor@aol.com 05/1/08

!!LARGE rm., Hill St. off State.
Prkg. For male. $325/mo. 972-1392.
*AVAIL. SEPT. 2008. Large 3 bdrm.
house. Walking distance from campus
& stadium. Non-smoking, lots of park-
ing. Contact 734-276-3876.
1 OR 2 bedroom apts avail. Spectacu-
lar location! Close to Campus. Lots of
amenities. Creative lease terms avail.
Call now for details! 734.663.8463.
1/2 OFF SALE*! Opportunity to re-
ceive 1/2 off internet, 1/2 off security
deposit, 1/2 off processing fee. Univer-
sity Towers offers: furnished 1, 2, & 3
bdrm. apartments. Heat & water incl.
Excellent maintenance, Great loca-
tion- on campus, plus much more.
*On select units, offer ends at anytime.
Leasing for Fall 2008. Call us 734-761-
2680 or visit our website at:

2 BDRM. APT. 929 S. Division. Fall
2008. $1000/mo. Includes heat and
water and prkg. avail. Call 734-996-
1991 or visit CappoManagement.com
2 BDRM., 2 bath. Fireplace. 3rd floor.
Paullin and Stadium. 248-318-9759.
3 BDRM. HOUSE on E.Davis. Fur-
nished, basement, yard for outdoor
grilling, parking. 'Available Sept. 1,
lease. $1300 + util. 734-663-8487.

800 HENRY. AVAIL. in the fall. 3
bdrm. and 2 bath. Lrg. living rm, kitch.,
and rec. room. Ldry. incl. $1350/mo.
646-5269. jsu2007@yahoo.com
915 OAKLAND - live one block from
campus in one of the most stunning and
grand homes on campus. These apart-
ments are so spacious that the 2 bed-
rooms sleep 4 and the studios feel like
they have room to spare! Wilson White
Management 734.995.9200
AVAIL. 9/1/08 WILLIAM & Divi-
sion. Eff., 1 bdrm. apt. w/ security
buzzer. Laundry facility & separate
storage lockers. Gallitan Realty Co.

49 Modular homes j, 2
51 The Weather
Channel's "Local ,4
on the 8s," e.g.
56 Verdi's tu" 17
57 Hurt
58 'Small, as a 20
63 Miss Muffetfare
64 Singer Lopez 26 27
65 Herediy unit
66 Piano key, e.g. 31 -
67 One to whom the
Ganges is sacred 38
68 Once, at one a
69 Pre-coll. exams
70 English Derby
site 51 52
71 Goes bad
1 Bobby Flay, for
oe 66
2 Sitar master
Shankar 69
3 Pizza maker
4 Big cheeses, so ty sus,
to speak ca200

! 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
15 16
18 19
21 22
23 24 25
!7 28 29 30
32 33 34 35 36 37
39 40 41
43 44 45 46 47
4$ 49 50
i2 53 54 55 56
58 59 60 61 62
1 64 65
67 68
70 71
san Miskimins
8 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

320 East Madison
Huge z bedrooms (space
for 4!) centrally located on
campus with parking!
2 blocks from West Quad
and the Business School
and Blimpy Burger is on
the way!
2008 South State Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

306 PACKARD - be the envy of your
friends by having the best location and
the best deal on campus. Grand house
divided into apartments (we have effi-
ciency through 2 bedrooms left) Call
today! Wilson White Management
4 BDRM. RENTAL house. Comes
with washer/dryer. 1209 Cambridge Ct.
Please call for more info. 734-320-6619.
800Fuller Apartmentsl
1 & 2 bdrm. Apts. near State St.
www.housing.umich.edu www.800fuller.com

sion. Lg. room in completely remod-
eled apt. w/ dining room and 2.5 baths.
Gallatin Realty Co. 734-368-0256.
'Broadview Apartments
'Spacious I bedroom apartments
'Spacious 2 bedrooms with master bath
"'Shuttle around campus
*LLarge private balconies
with wooded views
*Pets welcome
'Models Open Daily
> 741-9300


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