Monday, August 4, 2008 The Michigan Daily - 5 CHRIS KOSLOWSKI o rTTO PASTURE E-MAIL KOSLOWSKI AT CSKOSLOW@UMICH.EDU Yo .drop the beat.isten dauand Obama you all Ci here now. Lend your ears Kennedy? Leiberman? Feingold know what they says. But y'all There's a holmes called He compromised! Cancer' ney ust play' vote McCain John McCain. Corporate liars CarolShipp? Waterboardings yu fo urth Pres Charles Fyers areamong He exercised the men hesslainesd Aer F 0o 0 Ahero in the endzone Leaving home he Army football team is nothing to write home about. It boasts more than a hand- ful of losing seasons in the last decade and little hope for any Nation- al Football League draft- ees - until Caleb Camp- RYAN bell. KARTJE When the - ---- Detroit Lions drafted Campbell in the seventh round, chants of "U.S.A.! U.S.A.!" filled New York's Radio City Hall. At a time when U.S. military action is increasingly seen as incompetent, the scene must have been a sight for sore eyes at the Pentagon. Buttherewere stillthose people who thought he should be tack- ling terrorists instead of running backs. So the Army did its best to make a deal. And I commend it for that. According to that proposal, Campbell would have forgone his call to duty and donned the Lions uniform in exchange for two years of recruiting duty. So where was Campbell when the Lions began training camp on July 24? Not in Allen Park with the team. He was wearing a uni- form, all right - just not the silver and blue. Much to the chagrin of those who found a patriotic face in the lineup to root for, the Pentagon went back on its decision to make Campbell's dreams come true. As if people didn't hate the armed forces enough, now the heir apparent to former NFL foot- ball player and fallen soldier Pat Tillman won't play a single down in the NFL. But it's not like Campbell will be fighting terrorists alongside his comrades in the Middle East. He will be serving out his active duty at a desk at West Point, armed with a pen and a lesson plan. In an ESPN interview, Campbell said he cried when he got word of the decision, but he knew he had to serve his country. Campbell is clearly a class act. He would have been a hero to many, a spokesper- son of the toughness and Ameri- cana that is supposed to be the armed forces. Unfortunately, he's been sidelined as a graduate stu- dent instructor. ' It baffles me that the Defense Department would throw away such a golden opportunity to inspire the masses. Campbell could have improved the Army's reputation every time he was on the field. Campbell would have been more of a hero on the football field than on the battlefield. That's why these armed forces athletes should be given the choice of serv- ing their country if they make it at the professional level. We live in a country where kids idolize athletes far more than doc- tors, teachers and even those in the armed forces. During Michael Jordan's prime, it seemed like more people around the world knew his name than that of the president of the United States. Thatkind of idolization of athletes is unavoidable - it is engrained in American culture. So let the athletes serve as role models for those who need to see what real American heroes are like. The Army needs more than sol- diers in this day and age. It needs the means to inspire, and ath- letes are simply the best source. of inspiration America's got at this point. There's only so many times we can claimvictory in Iraq before people just aren't inspired anymore. The fact is most of the people who think the Army made the right decision when it forced Campbell to miss his chance to play in the NFL would have watched Campbell on Sundays with a unique respect for a hard- working, overachiever who rep- resented America's collapsing working class. My bet is you won't hear his lecture on military his- tory anytime soon. Athletes are heroes in Americans' eyes, plain Campbell needs a Lions uniform, not a GSI office. and simple. It would have been nice to have a hero without the anabolic steroids and strip club shootings. Catching a ball will never be the same as taking a bullet for your country. But serving your two years of duty at a desk doesn't exactly make you "Army Strong." Ryan Kartje can be reached at 'm not really someone who plans well for the future. I don't have a place to live yet during the next school year. I'm not really sure when I'm going tograduate.And pretty much everything after graduation is up in the air for GARY me. So in light of GRACA my complete disinterest in deciding where I'm going to be in 10 years, I'm proud to say that I made one of those highly touted life-structuring decisions last weekend. My decision: Iwill never, ever live in the state of Michigan once I'm out of college. Don't get me wrong: I love this state. I was born here. I've lived here my whole life. Almost all of my friends and family live here. I've practically never even vacationed outside of this state. But, sitting in traffic on my way to my mom's house in Macomb last weekend, I had an epiphany. Michigan is going nowhere fast. It's a failing state, caught in a vicious downward spiral that it's not likely to get out of unless things change dramatically. The pessimist in me says that won'thappen. Although it was probably the traf- fic that set me off, as I thought about it more, Michigan's roads perfectly illustrate what is wrong here. As any good Michigander knows, if you hope to get anywhere in Michigan, your only option is to drive. Decades ago, the Big Three deleted public transportation from our vocabulary and kept it off our legislators' agendas. So everyone drives everywhere. All that driving, along with the weather, the trucks and the salt, has taken a predictable toll on Michi- gan's roads. Michigan now has the eighth worst road system in the United States, according to a 2007 report by the Reason Foundation. Worse yet, the Michigan Depart- ment of Transportation released a report in May sayingthat more than 3,000 bridges in the state are either structurally deficient or function- ally obsolete. In the next five years, MDOT only plans to fix a little more than 80 percent of those bridges. Without functional roads, no right-minded business wants to be in Michigan. In fact, when Volk- swagen pulled out of Michigan last summer, Michigan's crumbling infrastructure was one of its main reasons for its departure. It's more costly to travel on beat-up, slow highways, and, frankly, it's less pres- tigious when foreign clients stop by. Better to move south or out west, where salt trucks don't dig out cra- ter-size potholes each winter and traffic is an exception not the rule, than stay in Michigan. But fixing the roads is expensive. An advisory panel appointed by Gov. Jennifer Granholm reported last week that just getting Michi- gan's roads and bridges into "good shape" would require almost dou- bling transportation spending from $3.2 billion to $6.1 billion. An expanded, quality system would require increasing spending to $12.6 billion each year. Obviously, Michigan doesn't have that kind of money. Michigan is on the road to ruin. Get out. But maybe fixing roads isn't a short-term priority. I can under- stand that, especially if the state is spending the money on more imme- diate concerns like unemployment. You can always gamble on infra- structure and hope that it holds up. It usually does. Well, Michigan spends more than $2 billion a year to lock up more than 50,000 people. That makes it only one of four states in the coun- try to spend more money on prisons than higher education. Frankly, that doesn't sound like a very good way to spend money that could be spent on schools, roads or bridges. So what are young people like me left with? While big businesses like Volkswagen are leaving, the Big Three is collapsing and Michigan residents are sucking up unemploy- ment dollars in the absence of these businesses. Behind it all is a state government more intent on hoping something will pull the state out of the spiral than working to pull it out itself. That's a pretty bad situation, and one that doesn't look like it's going to improve anytime soon. I may not be good at planning out my future. But Michigan is much worse. That gives me no reason to stay. Gary Graca is the summer managing editor. He can be reached at Iditorial Board Members: Elise Baun, Anindya Bhadra, Harun Buljina, Robert Soave