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July 28, 2008 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2008-07-28

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MINORITY Part two of afour-part series on effortsto maintain
RECRUITING diversity oncampusafter the statewide affirmative action ban
Alumni offer what 'U' can't

Veiled voting
Robert Soave explains the
secrecy and confusivn behind
the Retorm Michigan Govvern-
ment Now! initiative and how
it's representative of the bigger
dangers of direct democracy.
See Page5
The "Brothers" fail
"Step Brthers" is anvther step
dvwn tvr Will Ferrel. Playgrond
and stable characters make this
a dispensible film.
See Page 9
Football Media Day
New Michigan coach Rich
Rvdriguez shed some light
on the goings on o the Wol-
verine program and all the
changes his regime looks to
install, including the new pro-
cedure to induct team captains.
See Page 11
Vol. cxviii, No. 147
o200The Michigan Daily
SU D O K U ........................................2
CLASSIFIEDS .................................6
A R T S ................ ... .......................9
SPO RTS ..... .................................11

Minorities targeted numbers of three New York high
school students. Bane called them
for scholarships, and offered to talk.
But the students weren't looking
experiences for investment advice. Bane, a Uni-
versity alum, called because they
By CHARLES GREGG-GEIST were admitted to the University but
Daily News Editor hadn't decided to enroll yet.
Bane, who is from Mali, is a men-
In the spring, Nouhoum Bane, tor in the Each One/Reach One
an investment banker in New York program, an Alumni Association
City, received an e-mail with the initiative which pairs minority
names, e-mail addresses and phone alumni with accepted underrepre-

sented minority students.
Steve Grafton, president of the
Alumni Association, said every
underrepresented minority student
offered admission this year was
paired with an alum. The organi-
zation is ramping up its efforts to
recruit to help make up for what the
University can't do, he said.
The Each One/Reach program
was one of several initiatives started
by University alumni after the 2006
statewide ban on race- and gen-

der-based affirmative action use in
public institutions. With the goal of
creating a diverse campus, alumni
organizations have increased their
outreach efforts and established
scholarships for underrepresented
A major component of the Alumni
Association's push for a diverse cam-
pus is its Diversity Scholarship Pro-
gram. Established in 2007, it offers
in-state students $10,000 a year and

'U' team takes first
in 2,40-mirace

'Continuum' wins
North American race
for fifth time
Daily NewsEditor
For most students, the summer
is an escape from school. But for
about 125 University students, this
summer saw the culmination of
years of hard work in a 2,400-mile
solar car race from Plano, Texas to
Calgary, Alberta.
The University of Michigan
Solar Car Team and its vehicle,
Continuum, led 15 other teams of
students across the North Ameri-
can Solar Challenge finish line in
Calgary Tuesday. The team com-
pleted the race in 51 hours and 42
minutes on the road.
The victory is the team's fifth

championship inthe lastnine NASC
races. It also won the most recent
NASC, held in 2005.
Principia College placed second,
followed by the sole European fin-
isher, the German FH Bochum Solar
Car Team. It took Principia almost
10 hours longer than Michigan to
complete the race, in about 61 hours
and 38 minutes. Bochum's car took
about two hours more.
College of Education graduate
Jeff Ferman, the team's race man-
ager, said it was incredibly reward-
ing to walk across the finish line
beside Continuum, surrounded by
40,000 people.
"All the time and dedication real-
ly paid off," he said. "We got to get
out and walk across the finish line
with (the car). It was great."
"The streets were lined with
people," he -said. "There were
people on overpasses with tripods
See SOLAR CAR, Page 3

Mason and builder Mark Gottman reconstructs the wall around'the Deek Fr,
ternity building on William Street, which was hit by a car during the Art Fairs.

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