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July 21, 2008 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2008-07-21

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Criminals not after crafts

Gary Graca explains why long
and ever-lengthing election
I season are leaning him ex-
hausted - and what presiden-
tial candidates can do to help.
See Page 5
Batman returns in
stunning sequel
Christopher Nolan turns a typi-
cal comic book story into one
of the most enthralling, unique
films of the year.
See Page 10
Futures Game kind
to Wolverines
Former Michigan baseball
players Clayton Richard and
Chris Getz are steadily mov-
ing up the Chicago White Sox's
farm system.
See Page 11
Vol. cxviii, No. 146
©2008 The Michigan Daily
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A R T S ...............................................9

Daily News Editor
Drunken college students are
usually accused of being rowdy,
loud and obnoxious, but when the
typical crowd of Ann Arbor bar-
goers stumbled into the streets
around 2:00 a.m. during last
week's Ann Arbor Art Fairs, some
of them were pegged as potential
Whenever more than 500,000
people pack the streets of Ann
Arbor - especially for the city's

annual extravaganza of all things
art - laws are bound tobe broken.
The reality, though, is that you're
more likely to see a 15-foot-tall
bronze rabbit posted in the middle
of the street than a petty criminal.
Police and artists agree that
shoplifting and theft are rare
occurrences at the Art Fairs, and
even after shops are closed up for
the night most artists said they felt
like the paintings and pottery they
left behind would be safe.
So when security guard Lucia-
no Dukus patrolled the street fair
after dark last week, he wasn't
looking to bust an elaborate art
heist or catch a thief with an
armful of woven wicker baskets.
Instead, Dukus said he looked for
the same kind of drunken antics

that would happen on a typical
football Saturday.
One of eight guards assigned to
South University Avenue, Dukus
said he managed to keep tabs on
artists' booths and watch people
roaming the streets just by pay-
ing a little extra attention to bars
like The Brown Jug and Good
Time Charley's.
"Pretty much any time after
10 p.m. we watch the bar doors
to see who's going in and who's
coming out," Dukus said.
Whether it's someone peeing on
a tent or just peeking in to see the
art inside, though, Dukus said it's
usuallythe case that it will 11appen
after 2 a.m. - and when it does, he
works with the Ann Arbor police
See ART FAIR, Page 3


Groups help high-
school students
prepare to apply
Daily StaffReporters
Britney Littles, vice president
of the University's chapter of
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People,
said that the group will amp up its
tutoring of minority high school
students from the Ann Arbor and
Ypsilanti areas to help them pre-
pare for college.
More difficult than teaching
ACT or SAT preparation, she said,
will be convincing them that col-
lege is within their reach. Since
the statewide ban on gender- and
race-based affirmative action, she
said, many minority high school
students don't consider the Uni-
versity a plausible option.
"We tell them that these things
aren't really the end-all-be-all,
but they don't think they can get
accepted now," she said.
Because of the 2006 race- and
gender-based affirmative action
ban, student organizations that

Members of Groove practice in Regents' Plaza Sunday. The group was rehearsing for an upcoming festival.

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