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July 14, 2008 - Image 15

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2008-07-14

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Monday, July 14, 2008
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com


From Page13 t
That hardlytarnishes Michi-
gan's image. And it wasn't a dis-
traction either.
I'msure not a single player per-
formed worse in spring practice
because the lawsuit was on his.
mind. And Rodriguez let his law-
yers handle it enough that he was
focused on football, too.
If the cash had dragged into the
fall and Rodriguez had to make
court appearances, that would
have been a distraction. But it
never would have gone that far.
This was an isolated incident,
and it was handled. Rodriguez
doesn't have a history of griping
with his employers and chasing
jobs. It wasn't until he thought
conditions at West Virginia
became unbearable that he pur-
sued Alabama in 2006 and Michi-
gan last year.

Rodriguez turned down an
offer to become head coach at
Texas Tech in 1999, opting to
stay at Clemson as offensive
coordinator. The year before,
he turned down the top spot at
Southwestern Louisiana (now
Louisiana-Lafayette) to take that
job at Clemson in the first place.
Hardly a guy who's willing to do
whatever it takes to jump to a
more prominent position.
The lawsuit was a sensation-
alized story. It should have been
covered, sure, but not as this
grand issue that was disgracing
Michigan and Rodriguez,
A guy thought he had a right
to keep $4 million and, with the
backing of his employer, made
that claim through the legal
What was so wrong with
- Dan Feldman can be
reached at danfeld@umich.edu.


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