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July 14, 2008 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2008-07-14

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Monday, July 14, 2008
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com


Pizza Hut Express to replace Magic Wok

Empty Union space
was to be filled by
Domino's Pizza
Daily StaffReporter
Almost every day last school year,
Subway's lunch rush would form

the oft-ignored businesses with
Panda Express and Domino's Pizza.
But after a few complicated
weeks, the space in the Union pre-
viously occupied by Magic Wok
and scheduled to open in the fall as
a Domino's Pizza will be the new
home of Pizza Hut Express.
Because of the limited space
that would have been available for

the new Domino's, Dave Cesarini
- current owner of multiple Dom-
ino's franchises throughout Ann
Arbor - said it would not be in the
company's best interest to go ahead
with plans for the Union.
"The configuration made it
restrictive to make a fresh product
efficiently," he said. "It would com-
promise the quality that Domino's

stands for."
When the Domino's Pizza corpo-
rate headquarters warned that the
space was too small, Cesarini said
he decided to abandon the plans.
Erika Fraenkel, member of the
Michigan Union Board of Represen-
tatives and chair of the Michigan
Union's student board, expressed
disappointment in not being able to

work with Domino's but said there
were no hard feelings.
After being thrown a curveball
from Domino's, MUBR members
were left in disarray with the fall
semester fast approaching and no
pizza joint planned for the Union.
"We've always had a pizza
option," Fraenkel said. "We wanted
See PIZZA HUT, Page 8

a line weaving through the base-
ment of the Michigan Union.
But less than a handful of peo-
ple chose to take their meals at
Magic Wok or Villa Pizza.
The Union was set to replace
A.s Unicrstyof lichi *ts Alumn,
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