2 I N W S IMonday, July 14, 2008 2 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL No health care charity for students Insurance access disqualifies some By SARA LYNNE THELEN Daily News Editor When it comes to your health, peace of mind is far from priceless. That's the lesson LSA alum Krystal Kuczmcrs learned one month before graduating last year - and, incidenrtally, one month after her mother lost her job and their health insurance - when an emergency appendectomy at Uni- versity Hospitaldug her more than $21,000 into debt. Kuczmera, who is paying off her hills in $70 monthly increments, said she was frustrated to learnothat doesn't accept students because her status as a student disqualified it is meant for patients who do not her from many health care charity have the option of subsidized health programs, including MSupport, the insurance likecthe Domestic Student University's health care charity. Health Insurance Plan the Univer- "If it had happened two months sity offers to students. later, D could have been covered (by "All students are excluded from charity care)," Kuczmera said. the program who attend the Univer- Terni Roe, a services represents- sity of Michigan," Roe said, adding tive for MSupport, said the program See HEALTH CARE, PageS8 AILL OIIIIUV15; AM*VU,7IJ IiJWI FTUe lIU AW11 Over 3,300 Pages and Online Center Over 105 hours of Live Instruction Average MCAT Score- 30 Points' Ic ;: 5 Expert Instructors (L4 1n w v .Satisfaction Guaranteed _ 800-2Review LPrincetonReview~orm RANDOLPH COURT APARTMENTS z6 2 Bedroom Apartment Homes Ground Floor Ranch Style! Private Entrance! Patio! Spacious Kitchen! Air Conditioning! Laundry Facilities! 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance! Pets Welcome! And much, much more! Call today to reserve your new address! 734'97='2828 Equal Housing Opportunity M Lake Fine Apt Camp's Ink aii lYouh SymphonyDOesr and International Choral Ensemble 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI448109-1327 www.michigandaily.com EMMARIE ELAINA HUETTEMAN BUGUI EdomrnChef BusinssMnager CONTACT INFORMATION Newsomnfi o urs News Tips ,nesmichgadaiycom Corrections corrcionsrmichigandailycorm Lettes tothnEditor toteOdiye~ichigndaicur Photography Departmennt pbto@mitnhapdaity.com Ats Section arspageemichiadiynom Ediorial Page opinion,@mirirygodiy.ore Sports Sectinn sporsiegadaihscer Display Sales dailydispulayarseilscr ClassiiedtSales diylssgededeeirdccw Online Sales rmdntine@gmar.rcom Finance nrdfirnuroe@grrail.cor EDITORIA STAFF Gar Gaca Mnging Einor Julie Rowe Manasgiges Eior, rwe,,@rrhigrdaily.rs., ASSOCAEuT OReS:nCharlesGreg-e-ist, Lidy Sev, r a ~Lynne Thelen Kate Truesdell Editorisa agnditor corudelrmi,5igandiy.curn ASSOCATE EDITOS: Harun Bujin,Robe5rtSave AndyeReid MnaginSprEditor reidA,.ichicardaily.scr Brandonntneadis MngingArts Editor conrad,@micjOadaily. ASSOCIATcEDITOR: BenVanrWgner ClifReeder MnginehotocEditrr r,,der~michicgrrdaily.r,.r ASCIATEcEDITOR:ChaneltVonasObrg-Ltringen HillaryeRutle Mnaging Design Editor ruffe@rrrhigundaily.cnon ChanelVnnHahshur-Lothrineen Multimedia cditor vohbsburlothringen @ihisrdiy.ucrm BrianMnrlos MnagignOnline Editor mrlorsAbrichigardail.or BUSINESS STAFF Dan Newman DispaySeys Managrer KatielJoawiak SpcilSetiornsMnager Massa Gehner OnlineSales Maner Bent Elish Producio ana~ger RbhAbb LyutManager AlisoeThomas CassiiedManager The Michigan Daily (ISSN 10745967) is published Monday through Friday during the tall and winter terns by students at the University ofMichigan. Dee copy is available ree of charge to all readers. Additional copies nay he picked up at the Daily's nfficetfor $2. Subsciptiosoalterm, startirg in Septenber, via U..nail are $ttD. Widter teen (January throueh April)tiA $115, yearong (September thnough April) is $195. Dniuensity attiliates are subect to a reduced subscdiption rate. Dn-canpus subscriptions ton tall tern are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a nember ot The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press. 4 4 .U s N f . >yx :;; Two Special Concerte Tuesday & Wednesday, July 290 X7S a :20 Hill Auditorium in An Aror Free Admissien 3