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May 05, 2008 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2008-05-05

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Monday, May 5, 2008
The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

Coleman: Minority enrollment down

In Detroit,
'U' president talks
recruitment changes
Daily Staff Reporter
After months of speculation, Uni-
versity President Mary Sue. Cole-
man confirmed suspicions about a
drop in the University's minority

enrollment in a speech Wednesday.
"I can tell you that our numbers
are down," Coleman said to a group
of 75 people gathered in Detroit
for an event hosted by the Michi-
gan Chronicle, the city's foremost
newspaper on black issues.
Though Coleman expressed con-
cern for the declining numbers, she
did not provide statistics to support
her statement.
The University is expected to
officially release demographics for

the Class of 2012 by mid-May.
Next year's freshmen will be the
first group admitted to the Univer-
sity since the passage of the 2006
statewide ballot initiative that
banned the use of race- and gender-
based affirmative action by public
institutions in Michigan.
Coleman said the University has
been working to improve underrep-
resented minority enrollment rates
since 2006 and she was hopeful the
percentages would improve in tom-

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ing years.
"Our numbers were down after
the Supreme Court ruling, and we
managed to claw our way back up,"
Coleman said in an interview. "If
we have to claw our way to the top
again, we will."
The University heightened its
minority recruitment efforts in
2003, after the U.S. Supreme Court
ruled its undergraduate admissions
process was unconstitutional in the
case of Gratz v. Bollinsger.
Minority enrollment numbers
dropped in 2004 after the Gratz
ruling, but rose the next year to
surpass 2003 levels, peaking at
more than 13 percent in 2005.
After the passage of the race-
and gender-based affirmative
action ban, minority enrollment
dropped to a new five-year low,
hitting 10.9 percent in 2007.
The University's struggle to
increase minority enrollment for
the 2008 admissions cycle meant
a totally revamped application
and admissions process this year.
Though Coleman said the Univer-
sity has always reviewed applica-
tions holistically, she said each
application is now read several
times before a decision is made.
See COLEMAN, Page 3

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