N E S IMonday, June 30, 2008 2 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom BUDGET From Page 1 represents the state's 15 public universities. "We started at three, the state fell on some tough bud- get times and we're a victim of the whole structural deficit that con- tinues to deflate the whole state of Michigan." Boulos said he was graceful high- er education was one of the few bud- gets to see an increase. Granholm also recommended the hill include a cap on tuition hikes at the rate of inflation, prevent- log state universities from raising tuition any more than 2.3 percent. Both the Senate and House rejected the provision. "The governor recommended 3 percent, we were coming in at 1 percent and it was just unrealis- tic to make the universities hold down their tuition when we were not giving them the recommended (3-percent) increase," said Byrnes, whose district includes North Campus. The University's budget, passed during the University Board of Regents' June 19 meeting, based See BUDGET, Page 8 b4 ° " - c ea b0 s v_ " - O .i+' . ._ 370000, 000 360, 000, 000 350, 000, 000 040, 000, 000 300, 000, 000 000, 000, 000 010, 000, 000 STATE APPROPRIATIONS 199- 2000- 0001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 20000 0006- 0007- 2000- 00 01 02 03 04 050 600 70 08 00 Scholastic year 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MIt48109-1327 www michigandailycom EMMARIE ELAINA HUETTEMAN BWGU EditorinChief Bsinesa Manaae huetemanr@michian- tmdbuiaass0gmailcomr daily.cm CONTACT INFORMATION NewsomnOfficehours: News Tips , news~@micigandaily.comr torrectios correctionA'riciadaily.am' Lnttes tsthetEditor catedaily@mihigandaily.n'rr Photographyttepartment photo@michigandaily.comr AtstSectionr arspag@ichigandaiy.om Editorial Page opinin@rnichigandaily.com, SporsSection sports@michigandarilycomr Display Sales dailydisplay@grrail.,arn tlassitied Sales dailylasiiegad~omn Financn tmafiance@gn.,i1,a, SOURCE: THE MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE; GRAPHIC BY HILLARY RUFFE/Daily EDITORIAL STAFF Gary Graca gra,,arichigandaily.om Managinag Editor I I talie Rowe Maaaing ewEdto rowe@mrchigandaily.a,., ASSOCIATE0ITORS: Charles Gregn-Gei, Lindy Sv, ~aaaLynne Tele Kate Traesdell Editorial Pageuditor truesdell@michigandaily.cm ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Harun Bulina,RoberteSoave Andy Reid MnagngrSports Editor reid@michigandaily.com Bandon tonradis Maaging Arts Editor conadiAamichigandaiy.a,,, tlif Reeder Maaning hooditor reederArrchigandailyaaam ASSOCIATE EITOR: Chanl Vaasablr-Lothringe Hllary Ruffe Manain DeienEditor ruffoorrichigandai ly~corr thanelonabsur-Lothringen Ma10ryadia Editor vonh~abbuglothringnAricigadaiy.com Brian Merlns Maagng nliane dto meosmiigan~daily.com 4 4 Winner will receive two free burritos from Rio Wraps. Try to find the fake advertisement in this week's paper and throughout the month. If you think you've found it, e-mail your name, the page number of the ad and the ad caption to dailydisplayt~gmail.com (subject: fake ad contest). One winner Bill be chosen at the end of each month and will be contacted by e-mail. . < '3' BUSINESS STAFF Dan Newman Katie Joawiak Marissa Gerher Ben English RobhAbb AisonnThomas DisplaySales Manager Special Sectios Manager Onlin alesManager Production Manager LayoutrMaager Casifiedaager 4 The Michigan Daily lISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the tall and winter terms by students at the Universityaof Michigan. One copy is available bree of charge to all readers. Additianal copies may he icked up at the Dailys aocefor $2. Sabscriptionstfor fall term, starting in Seytembe,aia U.S. mail are $110. Witer term (January through April) is $115. yearlong (September through April) is $t95. University affiliates are subject to a reduced subscription rate On-cam pus subscriptions tor tall term are $30, Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member ot The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press. 4 L3 .........