Tuesday, May 29, 2007 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 5 GARY GRACA EMMARIE HUETTEMAN A two-party problem Our doped-up society When Jesse Ventura ran for governor of Min- nesota in 1998, he cam- paigned with one simple message: "Retaliate in '98." Part of that slo- gan was a playful take on his pro- wrestling career as A third party Jesse "The p Body" Ven- could be just tura. But what the that slogan was also a state needs. battle cry against the two-party system in Minnesota that had distanced itself from the people so much so that it no longer represented their interests. While Ventura's victory in 1998 was criticized as "a triumph for political showmanship, anti-intel- lectualism and the trivialization of the electoral process" by people like Steven Dornfeld of the St. Paul Pioneer Press, it still scared the hell out of Minnesota's two major parties. For once, theyhad to think about losing to a new challenger - a seemingly unqualified and dim- witted wrestler nonetheless. This is exactly what Michigan needs right now: a viable third- party challenger to shake up the state's politicians. Granted, "dim-witted" doesn't usually come to mind when I think of the perfect governor. And for some odd reason I don't think that a pro-wrestler is qualified to be the governor of the state with the highest unemployment rate in the country. But Gov. Jennifer Granholm's Harvard law degree hasn't done much to make her a leader either. Take, for instance, the recent debacle over the state's budget cri- sis. While many use the collapse of the auto industry as the all-encom- passingexcuse for Michigan's eco- nomic crisis, state leaders should be sharing in the blame as well. In her State of the State address in February, Granholm told her fel- low lawmakers that, "We cannot afford to be divided or to be timid." She was exactly right. But since then, she has been just that, and Democrats and Republicans in Lan- sing have been as divided as ever. Her timid approach to political bar- gaining has made her the ineffec- tive leader of a divided government that has allowed petty differences in ideology to render it useless. After proposing her budget, the governor expectedly ran into Republican opposition to her pro- posed tax increases. What fol- lowed was a pointless tug-of-war between state Republicans who wouldn't vote for anything with a tax increase and state Democrats who couldn't come up with a com- promise or, even, a more innova- tive way to raise revenue. Neither party wanted to fall in the mud and risk losing a votes. Meanwhile, as the budget deficit swelled to $802 million, Speaker of the House Andy Dillon (D-Red- ford Township) and other House Democrats proposed buying every student an iPod, roughly 80 state officials went to Honolulu for a week-long pension conference on the taxpayers' dime and more than 350,000 Michigan residents con- tinued to be unemployed. When a budget finally got passed last Fri- day, it didn't even cut the deficit in half because the cuts are temporary fixes that will need to be addressed next fiscal year. Not to mention that the majority of those cuts came at the expense of one of the state's few bright spots: its universities. Together, the parties let the state slip further into the black hole of debt and unemployment. And the people who suffer because of all this are not those lawmak- ers in Lansing; it's the people who voted for them. It's no wonder that people hate politicians. But what's even sadder is that these politicians will get re-elect- ed year after year. In the current two-party system, incumbents rarely lose, and if they do their replacements are politicians who are just as likely to adhere to their party's platform. While this is largely the case because cam- paign finance and ballot-access restrictions limit the ability of third parties to contend, it doesn't make it acceptable. If Michigan residents want to hold the state's major parties accountable for this incompetence, they should do it by rejecting this system. I don't think that a third-party candidate could win in Michigan. I don't even think I want one to win. But I want something to convince the legislators in Lansing that incompetence has consequences. The best way for that to happen is if voters "Retaliate in '08." Gary Graca is the summer editorial page editor. He can be reached at gmgraca@umich.edu. Last fall, I came down with an unidentifiable illness that strongly resembled mono. When the pain in my throat became so intense that even water was too difficult to drink, I ended up in the emergency We don't room with an IV in my always have arm and a to listen to slew of doc- doctors. tors peer- ing into my throat. While asking the usual questions, one doctor gestured to a sign on the wall, illustrating the levels of pain intensity from a smiley face (level one) to a really, really distressed face (level 10). "How bad is your pain?" he asked casually. "I guess I'm about a three or four ... ?" I responded, wonder- ing if this subjective question was pertinent to my diagnosis. "I can give you some morphine," he said as he headed towards the cabinet. I thought back to the first time I read Margaret Mitchell's "Gone with the Wind" and pictured myself lying on a Southern dirt road with a fatal wound, begging for morphine. I declined his offer. When I was discharged without being diagnosed with mono or strep throat, he prescribed me an anti- biotic and two painkillers. Inarguably, our society is dependent on medications. Ner- vous parents bring their sick children to the doctor with every sore throat, fearful that it may be a fatal case of strep. Doctors respondby prescribingantibiotics for every sore throat, fearful that it may be a lawsuit in the mak- ing. According to The New York Times, 70 percent of sore throat- stricken children who see doctors are given antibiotics, while only about 30 percent of them actually have strep throat. While giving sick kids anti- biotics even as a precautionary measure may seem like a good idea, many don't realize the rami- fications of overuse. No, I'm not alluding to drug addiction but rather to something you wouldn't find in a made-for-TV movie: drug-resistant disease. Initially, drug-resistant strains developed out of complacency. Antibiotics were such an amaz- ing development in the early 20th century that pharmaceu- tical companies started focus- ing on innovations against viral infection, failing to anticipate that bacteria are living, evolving organisms. However, even the increased awareness among drug companies about this issue has not resolved it. We already have drug-resistant bacteria, and our "just-in-case" attitude towards antibiotics is only aggravating the problem. Consider the 40 percent of kids who don't have strep throat but take antibiotics anyway. The drugs will still kill bacteria in the absence of strep, even helpful bacteria. And since we're talking about evolution, think survival of the fittest: only the strongest bacteria will survive, and those aren't always the good kind. Since we Americans like to blame someone, let's be fair and split the fault. For one, there are the patients, who view themselves as consumers seeking a product: medical care. Antibiotics seem like the concrete remedytoillness, especially when the alternative is something as intangible as rest. Of course, the doctors are also to blame, submitting to the patients' persuasions and -addressing only physical problems. Osteopathic medicine is a phi- losophy that takes a more holistic approach by treating the person rather than just the illness. As New Age as that sounds, it's an accredited system that requires a medical degree and utilizes conventional treatment methods like medications and surgery. Its philosophy includes one focus desperately lacking in our phar- maceutically manipulated soci- ety: This form of medicine "has an appreciation of the body's ability to heal itself." However, in America, there are about 26 schools of osteopathic medicine - compared to the more than 125 schools of allopathic medicine. But because doctors are often too preoccupied with the satis- faction of the consumer - I mean, patient - to focus on a holistic approach, we should alleviate the problem as patients first. We don't have to take every medica- tion we're prescribed. When you think you have a cold and the doc- tor hands you penicillin, or when you don't actually need that shot of morphine for your sore throat, you don't have totake it. Maybe a little healthy skepti- cism would make our society a little healthier. Emmarie Huetteman is the summer associate editorial page editor. She can be reached at huetteme@umich.edu. CHRIS KOSLOWSKII TT AT E -- ~C ...Andthatsnwhat changed my wcan you joke aboutthis mind about Global WarmingI Global Warming affects every- are remarkably stupid always knew itwas anissue but one. It penetrates deep into all i never realized it was so big. levels of society 0 + ..,."",.Tatwhat shesaid n at's what she said! a HA! That's what she sad a a aCC' C t '"' ""' fiii'_ ,i', a L C a C a C -C- - - - a- M RE {ONINEILETTERS BLOGS MV REX NLlINE Readers are encouraged to submit letters to the editor. Please include the writer's name, Read more up-to-date opinion at at michigandaily.com college and class standing or other University affiliation. Send letters to tothedailyumich.edu. michigandaily.com/thepodium