The Michigan Daily - Orientation Edition 2007 2,5 AMAZIN' BLUE The oldes t and best co-ed a capella ensenoible on campus. COMEDY COMPANY Interested ins comedy? join the bash i xprov rop at lichigan deudtnt As! ooooical Societfy An acadontically-minded group that seeks to encoutragoand develop an understanding and loy of science tharou e astronomy. GROOVE Described as the love child of TIP andI the1BlueNIon Group, fhis:tudenf ron grotuppexplores now -way to nt e n1 tOi and rhythr un t! IMPACIT AiNC A c-ed dance cotnpany for ton-dante majors perfornoio0 o intavariety otfstyles. BIG FTICKET 1ROD UC'!IONS WNhy did ,Jerry Seinfold,1)enntsli 'er and Guster performin on camputs? Be'cause Big iickot Production: tnde it happ en. M-AGINATION FILMS Stop side Dreaamwork pDisney and Fox. This production conoipany is entirely run by stud 'n]ts. 4-FLIC KS Nlovie screenings and sne'ak pre'viewvs galeore! T'he University Activities Ccx fr is theclargest student-run programming otrganization at the Lntversity of Michigan.I. C's missinrtis to provide quaity progranoming that ts both entortatntng and enriclhing to students, faculty, atod staff. LAC is comprised of fitteen comnntt s, each iovolviog stuenttsintoeloeatoning atndexe- cution of o voni'ty of eventsbettlo eon d off campus. Whothe'r it's theater, c otto dy, music datoce, movies, or just thain old fut-UAC commoittees can noake' it happen.! - st ~I 1111I < s ;CPETFFONS 1%ioht's your finoal aoswe, r? Com pete in col legiate quiz tournaments throughout time United State'. MICHICAN EVERY THREE_ WEEKLY I laif-biting satire, hoalf-ridiculouisab'ur- dity, anda can ef Planter's low-salt peanuts. :Pi'k upacopyeof theEver T hree Weekly's Summe'r Orientation Ediftion - it's re'ally fuiony. MIC.HJGAN P0PS ORCHJESTRA 'le Unooversityv's only studeof-run orchesfra..[)Doiot tut that instruetf art ay...etendeon't ha ve toomajortionomusic te ay in the ntoost tmesically ediverse eorcesteaeonooampus (that's ets). MIN! COUR ES Tlo-ese areno-redtcit ases otfered eah term. You decietdwh ich loaisses ire offerd. 13artendeing? Belly Dotoctog? Malssage? You makefteoll MLL'KFT lote'reste'd ito musical. teater? MUSKET pe'rfeornios oe arge-scale oroductonotoeaclo l mster THE .RUDE2MECHANICA-LS Aftoe'ter grotep for neon-theater majors. You can write, eirectt or act SPEAKER INITIATIVE Bring Poalitical and sociaI figures to'-uac campus to address the concerns of -h students. Past speakers include Spike 734-763-1107 Lee, Gloria Stino n, and Jimes Carville. 4002 Michigan Union