10 Monday, July 30, 2007 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com FILM IN BRIEF I have no idea who killed me "I Know Who Killed Me" At Quality 16 and Showcase TriStar "I Know Who Killed Me" is not of this or any other world. It's unremittingly awful, obsessed with hyperbolically violent sex fantasies of its star - when she's not on a stripper pole, she's having a body part amputated - but that much is a surprise to no one. More interesting is how totally bizarre it turns out to be. Apparently there is a girl (Lindsay Lohan, a good actress in a role Katherine Hepburn couldn't have sold) who is kidnapped, sliced up and then starts acting like a (stripper) char- acter out of one of her stories. I think ... wait. Forget it. It's part torture porn, part concept horror, part amateur surrealism, and if that isn't enough, it also has a surprising amount in common with "The Parent Trap," the unassuming Disney remake that first brought Lohan to our attention nine years ago. Beat that. JEFFREY BLOOMER Ain't no sunshine when we're gone **** * "Sunshine" At the State and Quality 16 Fox Searchlight With "2001: A Space Odyssey," Stanley Kubrick hypothesized we are in a cyclical path of evolution and destruction. James Cameron and the Wachowski brothers pre- dicted an apocalypse at the hands of man-made robots in "Termina- tor" and "The Matrix," respectively. With "Sunshine," Danny Boyle ("28 Days Later") indulges the theory that the end of the world will coin- cide with the end of the sun, and he does so in a manner almost worthy of the previous directors and titles. As the sun burns out sometime in the distant, unspecified future, a crew of eight is sent to ignite a fusion bomb inthe sun's coreso as torestart our dying star. Boyle expertly juggles all the elements that make a sci-fi space thriller engaging: the off-put- ting comfort some experience amidst the isolation of space, the desolate solitude and silence in zero gravity and the unshakable worry that fail- ure or mishap is inevitable. Sure enough,things begin to spiral outofcontrolforthecrewasmembers begin to die one by one. Thankfully Boyle places special effects as a ter- tiary elements in "Sunshine," which is instead propelled by reasonable and non-star driven (pun intended) acting and a plot that doesn't waver until the film's closing minutes. But when this plot twist occurs, it's too late tolose the audience,we are dying to know whether the mission will be asuccess or goup insolar flames. ELIE ZWIEBEL MORE ONLINE at michigandaily.com FILM BRIEFS Read reviews of "No Reservations" and "Rescue Dawn" online. I I Sn To play: Complete 0 Michigan Head * rain & reurological Institute is seeking aaults to take part in a research study of an investigational device for the treatment of migraine headaches while the pain is still mild. You may qualify for this study if you: * Have a history of migraines with or without aura for at least 1 year " Are between the ages of 18-65 years * Experienced 2-8 migraine headaches per month for the past 3 months * Pain typically starts as mild If you qualify, you will receive study related exams, procedures, and study treatments at no cost to you. You will also receive compensation for time and travel. Please call a Research Coordinator at (734) 677-6000, option 4, for more information about Your narticioation in this study. 6 0 0 0 Il V 3 7 6 L 1I 9.: 4 I 1 38 8 9 8 3 1" i , i 3 7 4 _ ...................................................__... E it Ui 2?4 C. 8 6 7 : , .:: s ; , , . ~ . d< . _