Monday, July 30, 2007 The Michigan Daily - 13 BILLS From page 1 with Rogers's Law and more to do with an overall decline in students' political involvement. But he said Rogers's Law does sometimes create confusion for potential voters who think chang- ing their permanent address is complicated or could jeopardize their dependency status, causing them to lose their parents' health care coverage. Kestenbaum said the implemen- tation of the bills wouldn't be a major problem among clerks. "We could certainly make that work," he said. But there is still concern among supporters that the bills will face more of a challenge when they go before the Republican majority in the Senate. LSA junior Chris Irvine, chair of the College Republicans, said he doesn't think personal political views should affect the decision to make the voting process easier, and that Warren's bills would be an improvement for student voters. CORRECTIONS Please report any errors in the Daily to corrections@ michigandailycom. ACT From page 1 The bill would impact fed- eral student-aid through the Pell Grant, a form of federal funding that is given to students who show the greatest financial need. It will increase the maximum Pell Grant award to $6,300, while raising the minimum grant amount to 10 per- cent of the maximum. Margaret Rodriguez, senior associate director in the Univer- sity's Office of Financial Aid, said she was encouraged by the new legislation. "Though further negotiation between House and Senate mem- removes the possibility of abuses bers will occur before the actual in the federal loan programs." increase in the Pell Grant is final- Rodriguez also said that the ized, we are very happy that legis- University does not promote a list lation proposed in both the House of preferred-lenders for private and the Senate recognizes the need loans. for increases in federal funding for "We place no restrictions or bar- our needy students," she said in an riers to students using the lender of e-mail. their choice," she said. "We offer Rodriguez said that because no incentives to students for using federal loans provide students a particular loan provider." with funds directly from the gov- Rodriguez said the bill's aim ernment, the University is able to to limit profitable arrangements bypass private lenders. between lenders and colleges does "The issues described recently not apply to the University. in the press about incentives and "Neither U-M nor any of its preferential treatment are not an employees receive anybenefitfrom issue for us," Rodriguez said. "We anylenderto have access to student are supportive of legislation that borrowers," Rodriguez said. The Michigan lMiracles Medical Center patci in asu ' "hw "rgueaf grades and work habits of college students Eligible students may apply:, * Mus be enrolled insum er term classes at * Must have no previous use of tobacco, Mshealble for two hours of academic observation and one hour of testing per week Participants will receive $995 along with compensation for all substances used during the study period. Please contact Tracy at MmiraclesMCa imailtcom for more information Or to Sian Up. Deadline is July 29th. 1000'S OF CD's & LPs ON SALE NOW! LAST DAY FRIDAY AUG. 3RD 20-30% OFF ALL CDS & LPS 5% OFF SALORDER NEXT DAY ON SPECIAL ORDERS SPOON - GA GA GA... $11.99 332 S. STATE ST. (734) 663-7248 DOWNSTAIRS INSIDE BIVOUAC Website By ias: WWW.SCHOOLKIDS.COM STO B 'AN lSY GOD I i I 810 S State Street 222-4822 - 1906 Packard 995-9940 | To play: Complete the grid so that every row, column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Hyperlearning LSAT Last Chance - August 11th 10-point Average Score Increase Teachers in the Top 5th Percentile The 64 Hours of Instruction Small Classes $100 OFF Revew 800-2Review To play: Complete the grid so that ev I I n or Ist I 6 1 ;4 7 315 3,9 7 4 2 0 5 4 2 9 1 71 4 5 3 9 1 8:5 3. 8 3_7 7: 2 1_ _ 4 9 8 7 4 I 8 {2,8 8l 5 3 r 2 4 E 4 9 t _ - 1 8 P b st 9 5 Ic a hrw Mrwrr 0