Monday, July 9, 2007 The Michigan Daily - RACHEL WAGNER Leave NCLB behind KATE TRUESDELL WPOtNT The price of patriotism W ith regards to my education, I'm glad went to elementary school in the 1990s rather than the 2000s. Maybe it's because I was too youngto know the politics behind educational policy, but my own schoolgirl experience seems freer and more stimulating com- pared to the experience of school- children today. When I look back on my elemen- tary school days, I remember field trips, class plays and science fairs. I imagine most college students nowadays have similar memories, but I fear that many future college students will recall a much bleak- er scenario. This will be a past stripped of arts and sports pro- grams, spoon-fed with a narrowed curriculum and crammed with constant standardized testing. No Child Left Behind, President Bush's educational manifesto, has unfortunately led to many of these consequences. However, unlike some of his other policies, this one was at least good at heart. It's hard to criticize the desire to fix fail- ing schools and close racial and economic achievement gaps, but NCLB needs some revamping to accomplish these lofty goals. The backbone of NCLB is a series of standardized tests in reading and math administered once a year from third to eighth grade and once during high school. These tests are supposed to show which schools are making "adequate yearly prog- ress" and which are "failing," yet the numbers aren't matching up with reality. One problem is what's called the "race to the bottom." Chil- dren take two sets of tests, a state test and a national assessment test. However with the punitive measures against failing schools, the states often design easier, watered-down tests to inflate their students' scores and keep their schools afloat. In 2005, Mississip- pi reported that 89 percent of its fourth graders were proficient in reading. Yet, when the same stu- dents took the national test, only 18 percent of them were deemed proficient. Another problem is that even when schools are dramatically improving, if they don't meet the level of adequate yearly progress they are still considered failing. A school could have fourth graders who started the year reading at a first grade level and raise them to a third grade level, but they would stillbe marked failing because they didn't make it to a fourth grade level within the year. A potential solution to the NCLB woes could be the growth model, already in place in a dozen states. The growth model follows the progress of individual students through the years, as opposed to contrasting one year's class with the last year's class. The growth model offers a fairer way to determine progress. While schools would still maintain the goal of getting kids up to grade level, with growth models they would not be punished for mak- ing substantial progress even if it wasn't quite up to the national benchmark. It would also give a go child jef 6 _1 more specific measurement of how all students, from advanced classes to special education, are perform- ing. It would be an accountable yet flexible tool, offering the carrot more than the stick. Is the growth model the per- fect way to measure progress in education? I'd say no, but neither is standardized testing the magi- cal cure-all of education problems. Standardized testingis necessaryto ensure teachers nationwide cover core principles and to give some sort of performance gauge, yet mak- ing progress in education is about attitude as well as numbers. We would make a critical move forward in education if we could foster and maintain a positive atti- tude towards learning, which is usually lostby middle school. If we could get kids to value their educa- tion and keep their enthusiasm for learning, we would probably see big jumps in test scores. Too bad you can't take a person's attitude into account on a multiple- choice test. Rachel Wagner can be reached at Last week, I was lucky enough to spend my Fourth of July in the great state of Wyoming. I have been living here at the University's Camp Davis for the past two weeks. For the Fourth, many students including myself set out for the nearby town of Jackson to celebrate and watch the fireworks. But a seemingly benign trip led me to a more seri- ous question: What is the price of such celebrations of patriotism? We arrived at the local town park and selected a spot on the grassy lawn amidst throngs of families and children with sticky ice creamhands. As I watched the fiery display, I became concerned. With each burst of color came a large dark cloud of smoke and the air became thicker with each passing moment. Thinking back, I recall this same effect at all of my firework experiences, but this time I had a new perspective. The smoke from fireworks consists of fine particles. This is referred to by environmental- ists as particulate matter. It has been suggested that the presence of PM leads to lower air quality. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, these par- ticles may cause negative short- and long-term health effects including respiratory and cardio- vascular problems. I wondered if anyone had bothered to point that out to the families oohing and aahing next to me. My concern did not end there. As those following the news may know, the West is in the middle of a drought. After the grand finale, I could see a number of small glowing globs on the ridge. I realized with some anxiety that these were small fires. The fires were quickly extin- guished, but still I had to wonder why the city would take the risk, since recently, the area has been plagued by forest fires. I'm neither a member of the medical community nor an envi- ronmental expert, but it does seem to me that these things should be at least topics of debate. It's dangerous when we follow these traditions without taking the time to review them. I have nothing against the Fourth of July. In fact, in this day and age I think it has become increasingly important to recall and celebrate our rebellious her- itage and to remember that, quite explicitly, dissent is patriotic. okay, so I stole that from a bumper sticker, but the point is that the holiday is meant to cel- ebrate America's autonomy. But I'm not sure we need flashy blaz- ing displays to celebrate, espe- cially at the potential detriment to human health and the land. Kate Truesdell is an LSA senior and a member of the Daily's editorial board.