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June 11, 2007 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2007-06-11

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Monday, June 11, 2007
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com


From page 1
ing and managing admissions levels,
better serving applicants and allow-
ing time for those admitted to get to
know the University, Spencer said.
"Students we admit early have an
opportunity to look into the Univer-
sity," he said. "It demystifies for a lot
of students the anxieties they have
in applying to selective colleges."
Spencer said an early admissions
option allows the University to bet-
ter process the growing number of
applicants, as well as keep abreast of
developments in higher education
and take advantage of the benefits
research shows such programs pro-
vide to students and colleges.
"Early has become more the rule
than the exception," he said.
Being free to decline offers of
admission to the University, accept-
ed Early Response applicants have
until May 1 - the regular deadline
for all undergraduate admissions
- to enroll.
Spencer said this is the approach
most schools take for their early
admissions programs - a move

away from Early Decision programs
like the one Harvard discarded this
year, which bind participants to
enrolling if accepted.
Early Response applicants will
be reviewed using the same crite-
ria applied to applicants during the
regular rolling admissions, Spencer
He said students deferred during
the Early Response period will find
out their acceptance status around
the time deferrals from the regular
admission cycle are decided, which
can be as late as mid-summer.
Admissions personnel have
been considering adopting an early
admissions option for the past
three years, Spencer said He said
the success of last year's switch to
completely paperless admissions
in speeding up the processing time
for applications presented the right
opportunity to implement Early
"The paperless system worked
wonderfully," Spencer said.
High school counselors will be
able to give their students more
concrete advice for approaching
the University's often-enigmatic
admissions process now because

Early Response clearly highlights
advantages of applying early, Spen-
cer said.
Decisions about scholarships will
continue to be made through out the
fall and winter, while the University
will still allocate need-based grants
to students beginning in March.
The factbox on page 1 of last week's
Daily incorrectly stated that there
had been a15 percent change in total
number of minority applicants. The
number actually refers to total number
of admitted applicants.
Please report any error in the Daily to

From page 2
who attended the University also
lived there.
"It's a shame because it was a
classy building," Shtern said. "It
was old, but it was homey. We
loved living there."
Ladd mentioned the South
University Area Association
encountered some difficulty in
getting the zoning changed in
order to attract developers like
"A study we did three years
ago produced the realization that
we couldn't really change any-

thing development-wise because
the zoning was too restrictive,
allowing for only one- and two-
story buildings," Ladd said.
After three years of lobbying
to get the zoning changed, the
association was successful last
November in getting the street's
classification changed from cam-
pus business district to central
business district, allowing for
taller, more urban buildings like
the one Zaragon is expected to
"This is the first of what I hope
to be many developments that
will increase the (population)
density in the South University
area," Ladd said.

Michigan Head * Pain & Neurological Institute is seeking adults to
take part in a research study of an investigational device for
the treatment of migraine headaches while the pain is still mild.
You may qualify for this study if you:
* Have a history of migraines with or without aura for at least 1 year
* Are between the ages of 18-65 years
* Experienced 2-8 migraine headaches per month for the past 3
* Pain typically starts as mild
If you qualify, you will receive study related exams, procedures,
ond study treatments at no cost to you. You will also receive
compensation for time and travel. Please call a Research
Coordinator at (734) 677-6000, option 4, for more information
about your participation in this study.

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