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May 22, 2006 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2006-05-22

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, May 22, 2006

Continued from Page 1
column on Coleman's decision.
"Coleman found no benefit in further
delaying the discussion,' Peterson said.
John Pollack - founder of Save the
Big House, a group opposed to the reno-
vations - said the University's decision
to tack the renovations onto the agenda
was irresponsible.
"It was a very sly move, and I don't
think it reflects well on due process at the
University of Michigan," Pollack said.
"This is halo times 100:'
The halo was the painted ring added to
the stadium in 1998. After two years, the
halo was removed due to vehement pub-
lic disapproval. Pollack is also concerned
about the message the University is send-
ing by building luxury seating while
Michigan's economy is suffering.
"It's fiscally irresponsible," he said.
Former Dean for Research and Gradu-
ate Studies at the Medical School Irwin
Goldstein said he was disappointed with
was one of 33 faculty members from nine
schools and colleges who signed a letter
expressing their opposition to the luxury

boxes. Goldstein said if he knew the sta-
dium renovations were to be discussed
at the meeting, he would have been there
- along with several of his colleagues.
He said the meeting should have been
held in Ann Arbor.
Maynard acknowledged that holding
the meeting in Dearborn was not conve-
nient for Ann Arbor residents who wanted
to voice their opinions.
Goldstein is also upset that the skybox-
es will be so high, saying they will "pre-
clude the sun."
"We have an incredibly beautiful
stadium and it will never be the same,"
he said.
Goldstein supports Regent Laurence
Deitch's alternative proposal of spending
$55 to $60 million on "necessary" reno-
vations, excluding the luxury boxes.
He said he wished he could have been
at the meeting to endorse Deitch.
Goldstein hopes an additional meeting
will be held in Ann Arbor for the commu-
nity to comment. He said he is willing to
pay more for tickets if necessary.
After a Freedom of Information
request, athletic director Bill Martin
revealed the project to The Ann Arbor
News Thursday.
See RESPONSE, Page 3


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To play: Complete the grid so that every row, column and
every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
There is no guessing or math involved, just use logic to solve.
Good Luck and enjoy!
Difficulty: Easy


ICE raids incite fury in
immigrant community
. Debate heightens Latinos Unidos is an organization and a deployment of 6,000 National
as illegal immigrants that represents the Detroit Latino Guardsmen to the border.
community. Bush requested $1.9 billion to pay
are arrested and Bush The raid, part of ICE's Fugitive for the first 1,000 National Guards-
nrApprehension Project, came a few men to be deployed over a two-year
increases border patrol days before period. Congress approved his request
By Leah Graboski President Thursday.
Daily News Editor Bush's Bush also outlined a temporary
national worker program through which for-
The Department of Homeland address eigners will be able to live and work in
Security's Immigration and Customs Monday the United States for a limited period
Enforcement raided three Detroit night on and then return home. He described a
homes last Friday. Three unmarked immigration IMMIGRATION new identification card for legal for-
minivans drove away with 18 illegal reform. First in a three- eign workers that will aid employers
immigrants living at West Vernor and Declaring part series in distinguishing between legal and
Calgary Streets. an urgent illegal immigrants.
ICE was in search of three people need to Bush said a better system needs to be
who had outstanding deportation secure the United States-Mexico implemented to allow the current 11 to
orders. One person will be deported. border, Bush called for a two-fold
"(ICE) is trying to intimidate our increase in border patrol agents See RAIDS, Page 8
community," said Latinos Unidos coor-
dinator Rosendo Delgado. "They are
trying to make criminals out of us." E
Please report any error in the Daily to corrections@michigandaily.com.
Continued from Page 1
University officials told the Daily in
2004 that Ohio Stadium served as a model 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, M48109-1327
for some of the proposed changes to Michi- www. michigandaily.com
Many Michigan fans worry the Universi- Editor in Chief Business/Finance Manager
ty is going too far to outdo the competition. davidson@michigandaiy. com btiness@michigandaily.com
Friday's decision comes after eight 647-3336 764-0558
months of heated debate over whether the
elite nature of the private suites isn't in line
with University's values. CONTACT INFORMATION Newsroom: 763-2459
Critics of the project argue the separa- Ofiee hor,: son.Thu.11 a.m. - 2a.m.
tion of wealthy fans in the luxury boxes News Tips news@michigandaily.cm
from the crowd below suggests the Uni- Corrections corrections@michigadaily.com
versity is more interested in financial gain Letters to the Editor tothedaily@michigandaily.com
than a unified environment. Photography Department photo@michigadailycom
The 5-3 vote marks one of the most Arts Section artspage@michigandaily.com
contentious issues the Regents have ever 763-0379
addressed. Regents have voted unanimous- Editorial Page opinion@michigandaily.com
ly in the last 400 building projects. 763-0379
Regents opposed to the renovation plan Sports Section sports@michigandaily.com
are LaurenceDeitch (D-Bloomfield Hills), Display Sales disa 764-8585
Rebecca McGowan (D-Ann Arbor) and 764-0554play@michigandaily.c
Katherine White (D-Ann Arbor). Classified Sales classified@michigandaily.com
McGowan said she is concerned the 764-0557
project will spend "too much money on too Online Sales onlineads@michigandaily.com
few people 615-0135
Deitch said the project "screams of Finance fnance@michigandaily.com
insensitivity" amid Michigan's insolvent EDITORIAL STAFF
economy. He proposed a $60-million Jeffrey Bloomer Managing Editor bloomer@michigandaily.com
alternative option he believes would cover Carissa Miller Managing News Editor miller@michigadaily.com
the necessary renovations. NEWS EDITORS: Kelly iFr.er, Leah Gabski
Maynard, who voted for the project, Imran Syed Editorial Page Editor syed@michigandaily.con
only recently decided to approve of the Scott Bell Managing Sports Editor bell@michigandaily.com
renovations - a decision she attributed ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR: H. Jose Bsch
to her faith in University President Mary Andrew Klein Managing Arts Editor klein@michigandaily.om
Sue Coleman and the athletic director, who ASSOCIATE ARTS EDITOR: Chs Grig
adamantly support the project. Eugene Robertson Managing Photo Editor robertson@michigadaily.com
said the plan's anroval in in ASSOCIATE PHOTO EDITOR: Angela Cesere
arsai h *pa'saprvlsi the Angela Csere Managing Online Editor ceere@mihigandaily.cm
best interest of Michigan athletics. Phil Dokas Managing Online Editor dkae@michigandaily.com
"We have frankly fallen behind in many
of our facilities, and we've got to address BUSINESS STAFF
them," University athletic director Bill Ben Schrotenboer Display Sales Manager
He saidit willtake atleast ayear tocom- Matthew Peurach Classified Sales Manager
plete the design and obtain approval from Erica Brehmer Layout Manager
the Regents, adding that construction will Trent Busakowski Production Manager
be complete by 2010 and will not interrupt
any football games. The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) ispublished Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at
the University of Michigan. one copy is available free of charge to all readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the
The architecture firm, HNTB Architec- Dalys office for $2. Subscriptions for (al term, starting in September, viaU.s. mail are $110. WintertermJanuary through
ture, was officially hired Friday to begin Apr) is $115, yearon (September through April is $195. University affiliates are subject to areduced subscription rate.
-ocampus subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan DailyIs a member of The
Ahe jri ssociated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.

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