Arts 10 The forests are
alive with art
sports 15 Graham Brown to
play in the NFL?
tJbe£i& o Tuesday, May 2,2006
Summer Weekly
One-hundred-sixteen years ofeditorialfreedom
----- --------- - -------------
Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXVI, No. 116
@2006 The Michigan Daily
Munson named new Engin dean
For the second time in a row, College of Engineering's new dean. ment before becoming dean. lege's masters program, said he first hear
the University selects an EECS If approved by the Board of Regents, Munson Interim Dean Ronald Gibala said Munson's Munson's appointment during the colle
will officially assume the position July 1. experience managing the EECS department, commencement ceremonies last week.
prof to fill deat.'s position It is not unusual for searches to last a year - as which composes nearly one-third of the entire Although surprised by the announce
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By Kelly Fraser
Daily News Editor
As the majority students spent last week bus-
ily preparing to move out of Ann Arbor for the
summer, electrical engineering and computer sci-
ence chair David Munson learned he would have
to make moving plans of his own.
After nearly a year-long search, the University
announced Thursday that Munson will be the
it idc in Munson's case, said University spokes-
woman Kelly Cunningham.
To begin any dean search, the provost requests
nominations from the colle-t and assembles an
advisory committee of faculty, staff and some-
times student or alumni representatives to com-
pose a list of candidates, Cunningham said.
Critics of the dean search said many of the can-
didates lacked ethnic and departmental diversity.
The previous dean of the college, Stephen
Director, was also a professor in the EECS depart-
college, has helped prepare him for the job.
Gibala was appointed after Director announced
his plans to leave the University in March 2005
to accept the position of provost and senior vice
president at Drexel University.
Gibala said Munson will face the challenge of
sustaining research funding on a tight budget.
"Virtually everything we do is of highest quality.
Maintaining it across the board at times when finan-
cial funding is limited can be difficult," he said.
Tim Holman, a recent graduate of the col-
Holman said he is pleased that Munson is an
internal candidate.
"He already knows Michigan," he said.
If appointed, Munson said he expects the tran-
sition from Gibala to himself to be smooth.
"When I take over the reins, people aren't
going to see a big change in direction or a big
change in style," Munson said.
Munson,who describedhisleadershipstyle as based
on "heavy consultation" with students and faculty,
See MUNSON, Page 2
Speaker bids farewell
to outgoing seniors
Graduates are pleased
witlt valuable )ers)ective>
provided by Amanpour
By Jeremy Davidson
Daily Staff Reporter
When CNN's chief foreign correspondent
Christiane Amanpour took the stage in Mich-
igan Stadium at graduation last Saturday, she
said she felt right at home, not only because
of the warm welcome - but because of the
stadium's construction.
"I'm used to this kind of scenery ... a little
bombed-out, a little devastated, a little bit of
reconstruction," she said.
While prior to the event many graduating
seniors considered Amanpour a low-pro-
file speaker, she seemed to please the crowd
of graduates, family members and kin who
attended the ceremony last Saturday.
"People living in America tend to think
inwardly a lot," said outgoing basketball
captain Daniel Horton. "She offered a valu-
able perspective that a lot of people probably
hadn't encountered."
Amanpour, who has won every major award
in broadcast journalism, highlighted the
aspect of her career that she has found most
rewarding - making a difference around the
She encouraged the audience to work
toward the same goal in their career paths.
"Ladies and gentlemen of the class of 2006,
self-absorbed is so yesterday. It's out. Cool is
now to be a citizen of our world, not just an
inhabitant," she said.
Amanpour said what really drove her to
pursue her stories - which have taken her
from the Balkans to Baghdad to Bosnia -
was her belief in the power of journalism.
"I remain convinced that good journalism
still matters," she said. "The United States needs
strong, independent journalists of integrity who
are committed to reporting without fear nor
favor, and who report the good and the bad, never
exaggerating, but never shying away from it.
Graduating senior Brett Bielory said Aman-
pour left an indelible impact on the crowd.
"(Her speech) was the highlight of the entire
day," Bielory said.
CNN's Christiane Amanpour speaks at Spring commencement Saturday, April 29.
'U' launches new prescription drug plan
. iIIer the niew })rOgraii,
VnlVersity eplp)oyees wit ti
01, ktes Wiii exPerie1ncle
rt '1 011'. in lic(iicatloli costs
By Leah Graboski
Daily News Editor
The University unveiled a program last
week that will provide its diabetic employees
with free and reduced-cost drugs, setting a
new standard for innovative healthcare plans
in institutions of higher education.
Under the MHealthy: Focus on Diabetes
two-year pilot program, which begins July
1, diabetic members of the University's pre-
scription drug plan and their dependents will
experience a reduction in co-payments for
recommended clinical services.
Co-pays will not be charged for generic
drugs that control blood sugar, lower blood
pressure, reduce the risk of heart and kidney
problems or relieve depression.
For M-CARE members, annual eye exams
will be provided free of charge in addition to
discounted drugs.
The high cost of these medications often
hinder University employees and their depen-
dents with all types of diabetes from receiv-
ing proper treatment, said William Herman,
M-CARE's medical director.
M-CARE is the University's managed care
company. The program is available to Uni-
versity employees with any type of health
insurance plan.
Herman said the total cost of the program
for the University could surpass $800,000,
adding that there is no projected return on
investment because the program's value is
largely intangible.
Although the initial financial burden on
the University will be considerable, support-
ers said that the program could enhance the
health and overall quality of life of Univer-
sity employees.
Herman said many diabetics cut back on
life-saving medications due to high co-pays.
Diabetics may take an average of six to 10
medications, which can add up to hundreds
of dollars per month in co-pays.
At the University, 2,100 employees receive
diabetes medications.
Currently, the University follows a three-
tiered co-pay system. The new program will
make generic drugs in the first tier free, pre-
ferred brandname drugs in the second tier
half-off and non-preferred brand name drugs
in the third tier 50 percent off.
The University has also considered reduc-
ing co-pays for medications for other chronic
diseases, such as asthma and heart disease.
See MHEALTHY, Page 8