Arts 9 Art Fair: Is it really art? Sports 13 He's back: Former commitment Legion rejoins Cagers One-hundred-sixteen years ofeditoridfreedom Monday,July 24, 2006 Summer Weekly Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXVI, No. 127 @2006 The Michigan Daily Regents approve tuition increase Most students will pay 5.5 percent increase last year. The tentatively agreed approved a 7.7-percent increase in financial aid. aid last year. The University expects students o upon 3-percent increase in funding from the state The University prides itself on its ability to families to cover the remaining cost of $9,739 P percent more than last year; government this year has allowed the University increase financial aid at the same rate as tuition, although they can also borrow up to this amoun financial aid also increases to increase tuition more moderately. said Phil Hanlon, associate provost for academic in federal and private loans. In-state LSA students will pay $9,723 in and budgetary affairs. Hanlon is the chief budget But according to a June state-by-state repor By Leah Graboski tuition and fees with the 5.5-percent increase, as manager for University Provost Teresa Sullivan, analysis of student debt by the Senate's Health Daily News Editor compared to $9,213 last year. who has the lead role in allocating the Universi- Education, Labor and Pensions Committe >r t, it ,t e Students will pay more to take classes at the University this year. For most students, the 5.5- percent tuition hike - approved by the Univer- sity Board of Regents Friday - will amount to $510 more in tuition and fees than last year. The increase is not out of the ordinary - tuition has increased every year since 2001. This year's hike is a much softer blow than the 12.3- With the exception of the Art, Music and Nursing schools - which each face a 6.6-per- cent hike - other University schools and col- leges are raising tuition at the same rate. Due to technology upgrades, tuition for the Col- lege of Engineering will increase by 7 percent. Out-of-state students will also see a 5.5-percent increase - raising their tuition to $29,131 per year. In step with the tuition hike, the regents also ty's resources. The Office of Financial Aid estimates that stu- dents paid an average of about $19,643 to live and attend school here last year. This approxi- mation includes tuition and fees, books, room and board and miscellaneous costs. The bulk of financial aid recipients - those with family incomes between $60,001 and $80,000 - received an average of $9,904 in Democrats and the Democratic Policy Com- mittee, Michigan families spend 32 percent of their income to pay for one year at four-year public universities - even after accounting for financial aid. The report also shows that the 56 percent of Michigan undergraduates who take out loans to pay for college owe about $17,941 in loan payments See TUITION, Page 2 Seating change reunites students Protesters hold a sign at the protest of Israeli's use of force in Lebanon Saturday afternoon. The rally drew a crowd of about 250 and ended in a march around campus. Diag stage for anti-violence rally Marching Band will be seated in front of the stadium's student section By Scott Bell Managing Sports Editor Students who felt isolated in the south end zone last fall can rest easy: The Michigan football student sec- tion is united once again. Associate Athletic Director Marty Bodnar announced the change on Thursday, adding that the Michigan Marching Band will move directly in front of the student section. The decision moves the band away from the northeast side of the stadium, where they previously sat and performed. "It's an interesting idea, to say the least, although I am somewhat sur- prised they haven't done it earlier," School of Music sophomore Jona- thon Duggan said. Duggan said it only makes sense to put the band next to its biggest supporters. His only concern was that issues may arise with students interfering with the band's performance, he said. Bodnar's announcement said that nearly 2,000 seats will be available in the north end zone. In addition, seats adjacent to the student section will also be made available to help extend the capacity of the student section. The student section's new capac- ity is expected to be 20,469, which should accommodate all student sea- son ticket holders. For those students who were forced to sit in the south end zone last season, the change comes as good news. Many freshmen and first-year ticket holders were moved from the student section due to a lack of capacity. Though they were moved to the first few rows of the end zone, many displaced students were unhappy with the move. LSA sophomore Sarah Breed had tickets in the south end zone as a freshman, and although there were some advantages to the seats, she said she would prefer to be part of the regular student section. "The seats were really good and really close, but you couldn't get together with other students as much and socialize," Breed said. Breed also said students near her felt isolated and did not feel they could show as much team spirit because they were surrounded by adults. Problems also arose when those seated behind the students in the south end zone complained that stu- dents were standing. E-mails were sent prior to the Notre Dame game urging these students to sit during the game - which would not have been asked of them if they were in the main student section. "This change will provide for a more unified student community, create a more enjoyable experience for students and improve the game -day atmosphere at the Big House, especially for Maize Out games," Bodnar said in an e-mail. Maize Out games are games in which the athletic department rec- ommends all students wear maize to the game to create the image of a unified student section. Last season, the Maize Out game was a victory against then-undefeat- ed Penn State. This season, Maize Out games are planned against Michigan State and Wisconsin. Community members protest Israel's mihlitary aggressiom i Lebaliol By Kelly Fraser Daily News Editor About 250 community members, students and faculty members gath- ered on the Diag Saturday afternoon in a rally against Israel's military actions in Lebanon. As speakers began to give personal accounts of relatives in Lebanon, sup- porters and families wearing red, green and white - the national colors of Leba- non - slowly trickled into the crowd. . "It's extremely easy for people to forget about injustices happening oceans away," said Shimaa Abdelfa- deel, an organizer of the rally and political chair of the Muslim Stu- dents' Association. Abdelfadeel said the Lebanese per- spective has not been equally covered in the media. "The event was more of an educational demonstration than anything," she said. Today marks the 13th day of vio- lence between Israeli and Hezbollah forces in Lebanon. The conflict began when Hezbollah fighters captured two Israeli soldiers. Calling the action an act of war, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert responded by sending planes to bomb Hezbollah camps in southern Lebanon. The Washington Post estimates that at least 375 Lebanese, mostly civilians, and 36 Israelis - including 17 civilians - have been killed since the conflict began. President George W. Bush has not called for a cease-fire, saying Israel has the right to defend itself. Although some spoke and carried signs specifically addressing Israeli's military action in Lebanon, crowd members also chanted against United States involvement in Iraq and escalat- ing conflict in Gaza between Israeli forces and Palestinians. Abdelfadeel said it's easier to focus on Lebanon because the nation is receiving the most media attention of the countries experi- encing conflict in the Middle East - but that other areas, such as the Gaza Strip, were equally important to organizers. The rally culminated in a nearly See PROTEST, Page 3