2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, July 17, 2006
Townie party begins fair
New booth formation
will give the Ann Arbor
Street Art Fair a new
look, ease conjestion
By Arikia Millikan
For the Daily
Ann Arbor's 47th annual Street
Art Fair will kick off on Wednesday
and will feature a new layout while
remaining close to the city's summer
The Townie Street Party will
begin the festivities tonight, fea-
turing music from local artists. Jill
Jack and the RFD Boys will open for
local headliners Bill Kirchen, Rich
Dishman and Sarah Brown.
Of the 175 street artists on display
this year, three are emerging onto
the scene from the University's Cre-
ative Studies Program.
Although seasoned Art Fair vet-
erans will undoubtedly find famil-
iarities among the vendors and
exhibitions, a new formation of art-
ist booths and venue sites will pro-
vide the fair with a fresh look and an
easily navigable viewing route.
According to Shary Brown, Executive
Director of the Art Fair, it's the "same
great location, new configuration."
The layout strays slightly from pre-
vious years. Instead of lining Thayer
and Washington Streets asymmetri-
cally, the booths will be arranged in
a more "positive" layout.
Forming an aerial plus sign, exhib-
its will extend from Fletcher to Thayer
Street on North University Avenue,
perpendicularly bisected by a second
line of booths stretching from Wash-
ington Street into the Diag.
Entertainment sites will be locat-
ed throughout the fair, with musical
acts anchored in the N. Ingalls mall
area near Burton Memorial Tower.
Art Fair-goers will have the
opportunity to pulse to the rhythm
of Mr. B's piano and music from
a variety of singers, dancers and
musicians ranging from Chicago's
Jeff Libman to local bands such as
Comatose Colin.
For children, the ArtZone and Imag-
ination Station, presented by Chelsea's
Center for the Artswill feature free and
continuous hands-on activities.
On Friday, the University Alumni
Center will host M-day, with activities
including an ice cream social and Uni-
versity-themed bandana painting.
Throughout the week, 18 dif-
ferent artists and members from
the Potters Guild will give hourly
demonstrations on crafts such as
pein-air pastel techniques and jig-
saw-puzzle carving.
Organizers will announce the 2006
Featured Artist on Thursday, a title
based on excellence and originality
demonstrated in last year's event.
To ensure that the judging of the
art is fair, a committee of jurors
including Mary Schmidt, associate
dean of the University's School of
Art and Design, Imre Molnar, dean
See ART FAIR, Page 8
Janis McGlone of Northville looks at the work of Pennsylvania art-
ist Bill Secunda during the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair last July.
An article in last week's edition of the Daily (Radioheadfrontman finds sound
on 'Eraser,'7/10/06) incorrectly stated that Hail to the Thief was Radiohead's
follow-up to Kid A. In fact, it was Amnesiac.
Please report any error in the Daily to corrections@michigandaily.com.
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Great Teachers Wanted! ISRAEL
$14 - $20 to start Continued from Page 1
Flexible Hours dominated the summit.
Smooth yet satisfying. The United States and France
began preparations to evacuate citi-
ACT SAT GMAT zens from Lebanon.
s's f GRE MCAT LSAT United States logistical teams arrived
by helicopter at the United States
Embassy outside Beirut yesterday to
Princeton help Americans who want to leave Leb-
Review anon, the State Department said.
Britain dispatched two ships, includ-
ing an aircraft carrier, to the eastern
Mediterranean in apparent preparation
for evacuations. Russia confirmed that it
was pulling its citizens out of the nation.
"This started because Hezbollah
decided to capture two Israeli soldiers
and fire hundreds of rockets into Israel
from southern Lebanon," Bush said.
"That's the cause of the crisis."
British Prime Minister Tony Blair,
sitting with Bush for a bilateral meet-
To play: Complete the grid so that every row, column and ing on the summit's sidelines, said
every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. everyone will work hard to find a com-
mon solution. "We all want the situa-
tion to calm down," Blair said.
There is no guessing or math involved, just use logic to solve The only way to stop the hos-
Good Luck and enjoy! tilities, Blair said, is to address the
Difficulty: Easy basic reasons - extremists backed
by Iran and Syria.
61 7 2 "I think it would be a very good
signal to send out to the world at this
moment that we can agree to such a
2 9 position," Blair said.
French President Jacques Chirac
8 4 6 5 9 said he wanted the G-8 nations to call
"for a show of moderation on the part
06 4of all parties involved, so that we can
_ __ _establish the conditions of a long-lasting
{ cease-fire in the region."
3 8Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
said United States officials have told
9 5 4 7 Israeli Prime Minister Olmert that they
are concerned about the effect the vio-
1 8 3 2 5 lence is having on innocent civilians.
"There is a great concern on all
1 6 sides about civilian casualties; there is
a great concern about damage to civil-
ian infrastructure," Rice said. "I don't
6 9 8 3 think that there is anyone here who
would say that Israel does not have a
uzib 0right to defend itself."
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