12 - The Michigan Daily - Orientation Edition 2005
New regulations limit
party size, implement
BYOB policy
By Kyle Herrala
and Justin Miller
Daily Staff Reporters
Yesterday marked the final step
for a new social policy that will rad-
ically change Greek system parties
next semester.
The Interfraternity Council adopt-
ed an amendment last night that
"strongly encourages" fraternity
houses to have people sign waivers
when entering a party. This proposi-
tion is optional for houses, unlike the
requirements passed last week for
parties requiring that Greeks must
limit the number of guests at their
parties, register parties in advance,
adopt a bring-your-own alcohol pol-
icy and include monitors at the door
and inside.
While the changes will require the
Greek system to restrict and moni-
tor the number of people attending
fraternity parties, they will still be
open to all University students, and
not just members of the Greek sys-
The Greek community has
approve party changes
adopted these changes to make monitoring level of each party by party with numerous SRC monitors.
parties safer, keep them fun and SRC. No matter what the size of the
to reduce chapters' liability in the The first tier will allow 100 people party, all attendees must show their
event of a lawsuit, said Alan Lovi, or fewer to attend, including frater- Mcard at the door and bring their
IFC spokesman. The changes take nity members living in that house. own alcohol, which may be up to a
effect next semester, but there will Monitors from SRC will be required six-pack of beer or one pint of liquor
be no fraternity parties for the to attend the party. SRC monitors per person. Once inside, a person
first weekend after classes begin would regulate party attendance at will have the option of holding their
because new Social the door alcohol or keeping it at a check-in
Responsibility and try to station where it will be given back
Committee moni- Party On keep the to them when they ask for it.
tars must be trained party safe In addition, some houses may ask
before they can Greeks will limit the number of inside. people to sign a waiver, drafted by a
watch over parties. people attending parties and Once the lawyer, which aims to reduce frater-
"There's two have monitors at the door party nities' liability for partygoers' negli-
real big challenges reaches gence. Pi Kappa Alpha already uses
- execution of the The number of party monitors its limit, this waiver at all of its parties.
plan and enforce- will depend on the number of the SRC "I think that it may be a good idea
ment," said Dustin guests invited to the party moni- to help the problems that have been
Schmuldt, incom- A bring-your-own-alcohol policy tors must associated with frat parties," said
ing vice president was adopted prohibit LSA junior Lisa Gluck, who did not
of social policy. more peo- attend the meeting. "But it's going to
"We want to educate Greek officials said they ple from be difficult to enforce it."
people that we're adopted the changes to make going in New IFC members will be par-
not ostracizing (stu- parties safer and reduce until oth- tially in charge of enforcing the
dents), and to make fraternities' liabilities in ers leave. social policy they adopted when
them realize that our lawsuits Sec- their new members take office and
parties were out of ond-tier the policy take effect next month.
control." parties will allow twice as many "There's a lot of pressure I'm putting
Fraternities must register parties people and require more SRC mon- on myself to get things done," said
and tell SRC, a board that ensures itors. incoming IFC President Michael
adherence to party regulations, how The third tier will be the larg- Caplan. "By no means is our com-
many people will be in attendance. est permitted by the Greek system, munity perfect. We're aspiring to
A tier system, contingent on the esti- allowing fraternity members and keep building on the foundation
mated guest list, will determine the from 200 to 400 extra people in a that was built before us."
Drinking fountain
ripped out of wall
September 13, 2004
Early Friday morning, a DPS officer
filed a malicious destruction report after
finding a drinking fountain removed
from the wall of Mary Markley Resi-
dence Hall.
Vending machine
broken into at 'U'
golf course
November 10, 2004
A vending machine at the University
Golf Course was broken into, according
to a DPS report from Monday morning.
DPS has no suspects in the case.
Caller allegedly
groped by
hospital employee
December 3, 2004
- r -r
File-sharing suit focuses on Internet2
A caller reported being harassed by a
University Hospital employee Wednes-
day night, according to DPS. The caller
claimed to have been groped improperly.
The hospital employee was arreste
and taken to the Washtenaw County Jail
Car window broken,
gas cap stolen
April 15, 2005
By Chris Gaerig
Daily Arts Writer
The Recording Industry Associa-
tion of America - the group respon-
sible for the production and distribution
of 90 percent of the legal music in the
United States - will again ratchet up
its presence on many college campuses.
The RIAA announced this week that it
would be filing copyright infringement
violations against 405 students from 18
campuses across the country.
There are currently no University
students among those that will be facing
The target of this slew of lawsuits is
the Internet2application i2hub. Internet2
is a high-speed network on campuses
across the nation, including the Univer-
sity, where it was originally developed.
Unlike most file-sharing applications,
not all students are able to utilize i2hub
and Internet2. Some of the specifications
for use are "at least IOM bps switched
access to a lOOM bps departmental net-
work," the network must support mul-
ticast services and "workstations must
be able to sustain high bandwidth appli-
cations" according to the University's
Internet2 site.
Internet2 is currently being utilized
on campus primarily for research.
Alex Ade - who worked on the Vis-
ible Human Project - said that he had
not heard of illegal file sharing across
the network. He said VHS consists of
staff and researchers who have little
interaction with the student body on
the network.
i2hub - a program much like Nap-
ster that runs exclusively on Internet2
- makes sending and receiving files on
the high-speed network easy and effi-
cient. The peer-to-peer application is
easily downloadable and usable by any-
one with Internet2. "Downloading from
i2hub via Internet2 is extremely fast
- in most cases, less than five minutes
for a movie or less than 20 seconds for a
song," according to the RIAA's official
press release.
RIAA President Cary Sherman said
these lawsuits aren't simply a witch-
hunt. "Internet2 is an amazing network
that holds great promise. We can't let it
be hijacked for illegal purposes from the
outset," he said.
Although Sherman stressed that "col-
lege students are not the primary target,"
he added that the RIAA has identified
students at 140 unnamed universities
across the nation for possible future liti-
gation. For the time being, they are opt-
ing to only prosecute 25 students from
each university.
"Today's lawsuits are different in that
we focused on i2hub, which is uniquely
available on college campuses. Hence
the focus on students in this round only,"
Sherman added during an online inter-
The RIAA plans to send notices and
warnings to the presidents of the iden-
tified schools. Sherman said he hopes
that these messages and cautionary
announcements from the university
heads will stifle the growth of Internet
March 30, 2005
A caller reported at about 12:34 a.m. on
Tuesday that his friend's car was broken
into while parked at the carport on Church
Street. According to DPS, the driver's side
window was smashed in and the gas cap
was stolen.
Intruder scared
away at "hello"
April 6, 2005
A woman said an intruder entered
her home at about 1:30 a.m. yesterday,
but immediately left after she called out
"hello" to him, according to the Ann
Arbor Police Department.
The woman, who lives on the 1000
block of Vaughn Street, said the door was
unlocked because she was expecting her
roommate tocomehome. The woman said
she saw a man walking down the hallway
to her bedroom, but he quickly left after
she called out to him, police said.
Woman falls off
bed, hits head
April 6, 2005
A caller reported to the Department of
Public Safety that a visitor fell out of bed
and hit her head in Stockwell Residence
Hall on Monday. The woman refused
medical attention.
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