Opinion 4 Michigan stem cell
laws need to change
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Sports 10 Softball headed back Summer Weekly
to Oklahoma City
One-hundredfourteen years of editorialfreedom
www. michikandlaily. com
Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXV, No. 127 02005 The Michigan Daily
GOP formula
would give U
more fundig
Proposed formula would lion higher education cut she made
o c S 1.3 tuiton mor01°e in March.
The University received $141 million
to 'U' btt cut four public for research this year, but would have
received $371 million without the 40
u111VerS1tieS percent cap on the amount of match-
ing funds a university can receive from
By Justin Miller the state. The University performed 63
Daily News Editor percent of all federally funded research
conducted by Michigan universities,
The University would see a mod- according to data from the non-partisan
est funding increase under a funding House Fiscal Agency. The next largest
formula proposed last week by House recipient of federal funding was Michi-
Republicans compared to the gover- gan State University, with 17.4 percent
nor's current budget. of research conducted.
The Republican plan would give Wilbanks said the cap seems to work
about $1.3 million more to the Uni- against economic growth that is tied to
versity's Ann Arbor branch - a 0.4 research.
percent increase over Gov. Jennifer "Perceptually the idea of a cap
Granholm's higher education budget appears to run counter to the other goals
for next year. Of the 15 public univer- of state policy-makers to try to generate
sities considered in the formula, 11 additional economic activity. There are
would see funding increases and four three research universities in the state
would lose funding. - the University of Michigan. Michi-
Proposed by Republican members of gan State, and Wayne State - and we
the House Appropriations Subcommit- are all expected to be a very robust
tee on Higher Education, the formula engine of economic activity, very much
would determine how much money uni- related to our research activity - the
versities receive from the state, based two are not disconnected," she said.
on enrollment, degrees awarded and the Rep. Jerry Kooiman (R-Grand Rapids).
amount of federally funded research who serves on the subcommittee, said the
conducted. cap is necessary and can be changed in
University Vice President for the future.
Government Affairs Cynthia Wil- "U-M is the big dog in terms of research
banks acknowledged the formu- dollars and we don't have enough money
la's increase, but she said the gap in our budget" Kooiman said.
between it and Granholm's proposal Rep. Rich Brown (D-Bessemer), who
may close next year if the gover- also serves on the committee, said he
nor's budget restores the $30 mil- See FUNDING, Page 3
of funding
DETROIT (AP) - A pro-affirma-
tive action group has accused a Michi-
gan group behind an anti-affirmative
action ballot initiative of money laun-
dering and other campaign finance vio-
BAMN claims that the Michigan
Civil Rights Initiative and California
affirmative action opponent Ward Con-
nerly have unlawfully refused to disclose
who has donated most of the funding for
their efforts.
"Public accountability is fundamen-
tal to open, democratic debate on public
policy," Shanta Driver, a spokeswoman
for BAMN, said in a statement released
by the group. "The people of Michigan
have a right to know who is trying to
outlaw affirmative action for women
and minorities."
But officials speaking on behalf of
MCRI called BAMN's claims "frivo-
lous" and maintained that all the
donations in question were properly
A formal complaint was faxed and
sent by mail to the Michigan Secretary
of State on May 24, Driver said.
According to the complaint, MCRI
received $713,464 in 2004, with
$545,693 of that coming from Conner-
ly's California-based American Civil
Rights Coalition.
Butthe Michigan group didn't include
a list of people who gave money to
ACRC in their state campaign finance
report, thus concealing the identities of
the people who contributed about three
See MCRI, Page 2
Seth Sorrels, age 8, of Commerce Township, dances with neon lights at the Under-
ground Stage at the Fuse-in music festival in downtown Detroit on May 28.
LSI recruits scientists to new laboratory
* tegrte(i staffs, zleW
lahoratOry utsed to draxw
SCWi 1tiytSt to 1w II'VeSit V
By Muhammad Saleem Khan
For the Daily
As the year-old Life Sciences Institute
continues to grow, it is seeking to add
additional faculty to roster of scientists
from various disciplines of the life sci-
In April the LSI announced the hiring
of six new faculty members, bringing the
total number of faculty up to 17. While
the six recently hired faculty members are
bringing the LSI closer to its goal of 25
to 30 faculties, Barry projected that LSI
hopes to reach maximum occupancy at
the end of the decade.
"In about three years of active recruit-
ing, the LSI has hired 17 faculty out of
potential 25 to 30. This is a remarkable
pace especially given the duality of the
recruits we have hired," said Managing
Director of the LSI Liz Barry.
The Instittute is still only more than
halfway complete in hiring.
"There are currently about 350
people working in the LSI. When we
are fully occupied, there will be about
400-500 people working in the LSI,"
Barry said.
When the LSI recruits new scientists,
often times they are competing against
other research institutions for the most
qualified people available for the position.
"The incentive to come to the LSI is
the ability to do great science among great
colleagues from many disciplines. We
offer salary and start-up research funds
that are competitive in the marketplace
but it is the concept and mission of the LSI
which seems to make the difference to
those who decide to come," said Barry.
While such incentives are often attrac-
tive to scientists, a more peculiar feature
of the LSI is its "laboratory without walls"
philosophy that promotes interdisciplin-
ary work.
"Our new 'laboratory without walls' is
attractive to those who want the opportu-
nity to collaborate but it is the team that
makes the difference," said Barry.
Lois Weisman, one of the six new fac-
ulty members, said she left her established
faculty position atthe University oftlowafor
the LSI's excellent research environment.
"We think of scientists as working
alone in an ivory tower. But the environ-
ment of an institution has a huge impact
of the progress and direction of individual
research programs. This view attracted
me to the LSI," said Weisman.
Weisman liked the LSI's integrated
approach and thought it improved the
research environment.
"What is unique about the LSI is that
in addition to having excellent faculty, it is
taking a deliberate approach towards the
development of an optimal physical and
intellectual environment," said Weisman.
Dr. Noah Rosenberg talked about the
attractive nature of collaborating with other
scientists at LSI and around campus.
"I was really excited about the possibil-
ity of working in an environment with a
lot of different biologists. The LSI and the
University of Michigan seemed like an
ideal place for interdisciplinary work in
the biological sciences," said Rosenberg.
The LSI is using a comprehensive and
thorough search process to identify scien-
tists for recruitment.
"We want to attract great scientists who
want to work in a collaborative environ-
ment. Through a variety of methods, we
partner with other units on campus to
recruit from across the country at both
the senior and junior level. Candidates are
identified through searches, committees,
standing programs, task forces and