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Opinion 4 Regents should pass Tuesday, May 3,2005
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'U, to build
new hospital
Proposed $498 million
hospital replaces current
children's and women's
facility in order to aid
increased demand
By Amber Colvin
Daily Staff Reporter
The University Board of Regents
approved the most expensive build-
ing in University history with plans
for a new $498 million children's and
women's hospital to replace the cur-
rent C.S. Mott Children's and Women's
Approved at the regents' last meeting,
the replacement facility is being built in
response to an increased demand on the
hospital system, and a greater need for
space to allow patient privacy and state-
of-the-art facilities.
University President Mary Sue Cole-
man opened the April regents' meeting
by addressing the increasingly outdat-
ed facilities at Mott, which opened in
"The Mott facilities are 35 years old
and virtually the whole world of pedi-
atric medicine has changed during that
time," Coleman said. "The Mott team
has coped with insufficient and out-
dated spaces as patient demand has
Coleman expressed the University's
desire to continue to improve the qual-
ity of care that Mott has provided for
families throughout Michigan and the
"It is time for the quality of facilities
to again match the quality of medical
care," she said.
University Health System spokes-
woman Krista Hopson said Mott's
age prohibited it from keeping up with
medical advances.
"Things have just grown tremendous-
ly," Hopson said. "We're operating in a
facility that was designed long before
we had innovations such as pediatric V
magnetic resonance imaging, before
we had the treatments that we have for
things such as leukemia."
Hopson also said that the number of
patients in Mott had nearly quadrupled
in the last 35 years.
Funding for the hospital is expected
to come from private donations, mul-
tiple fundraising efforts and hospi-
tal reserves. UHS has already raised
roughly $35 million for the new build-
ing, with $25 million coming through
a grant from the C.S. Mott Foundation, A
based in Flint, and $4 million through Students packed Michigan Stadium to celebrate commencement on April 30. John Seely
a grant from the Carls Foundation. The Brown, author and former chief scientist at Xerox, delivered the commencement address.
"M GO BLUE for Mott" wristbands
have also raised $500,000 in sales to go
See MOTT, Page 3
Obama speaks at Detroit NAACP
U.S. Settator receives
L1ifet ime Ach~ievem1ent award,
stre Ss curaOe a11( reater
person1al respon1sibility
By Justin Miller
Daily News Editor
DETROIT - Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.)
said African-Americans will need the hope
and courage that led civil rights pioneers to
triumph over racism so they can ensure a bet-
ter future for themselves and their children.
Speaking at the Detroit NAACP's 50th
annual "Fight for Freedom" dinner on
Sunday, Obama was given the Lifetime
Achievement award in front of Gov. Jennifer
Granholm, the Michigan congressional del-
egation and approximately 10,000 people in
"I have to say I was hesitant when I
received the lifetime achievement award,"
Obama said. "Someone asked me 'How does
it feel to make history,' I said, 'I don't feel
like I made history, I won an election and
there's work to do.' "
Obama's election made him the fifth Afri-
can-American to ever serve in the U.S. Sen-
ate. He credited his success to civil rights
advocates he channeled to motivate the
audience to improve black communities and
"In a world where kids from Detroit aren't
just competing with kids from Macomb for
middle-class jobs but with kids from Malay-
sia and New Delhi, ensuring that every
American child gets the best education pos-
sible is the new civil rights challenge of our
time," Obama said.
The senator reminded his audience that
the civil rights movement was not all clar-
ity and unity, but a period of difficulty and
division, adding that all roads to change are
"And so it's never been clear. And it's
never been easy. To get to where we are today
it took struggle and sacrifice, discipline and
tremendous courage," Obama said. "The bat-
tle lines may have shifted, and the barriers to
equality may be new, but what's not new is
the need for everyday heroes to stand up and
speak out for what they believe is right."
Obama said he believed the country needs
to put greater investment in schools and
criticizing his Republican peers for failing to
fund schools.
"In Washington, they'll talk about the
importance of education one day and sign
big tax cuts that starve our schools the next.
They'll talk about leaving no child behind
but then say nothing when it becomes obvi-
ous that they've left the money behind," he
Congress has funded the No Child Left
Behind Act below authorized levels since it
became law in 2001.
While all politicians have a "mutual
responsibility" to ensure well-funded schools
and affordable higher education, Obama said
individuals must bare some of the responsi-
bility for the state of their schools and com-
munities as well.
"Our grandparents used to tell us that
being black means you have to work twice
as hard to succeed in life. And-so I ask today,
can we honestly say our kids are working
twice as hard as the kids in India and China
who are graduating ahead of us, with better
test scores and the tools they need to kick our
See OBAMA, Page 8
Obama spoke before 10,000 people in Detroit on May 1.
He is only the fifth African-American ever in the Senate.