The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 8, 2005 - 3 Student government leaders address Council By Amber Colvmn that zoning re Daily Staff Reporter four people pe would not be The dispute between Ann Arbor City Council and with various f student government continued at last Monday's City that eight perr Council meeting, where representatives from the Michi- "It would1 gan Student Assembly and LSA Student Government number of p spoke out against the passage of a parking resolution in mits would b the summer, while most students affected are gone. to arrive at a The resolution passed at the July 18 meeting - group faciliti despite the protest from MSA members - and cre- Counciln ated a residential parking district for the residents of motioned to the North Burns Park and Oxbridge neighborhoods. mits per hou Under the rules of the new district, which includes but the motio the area south of Hill Street between Forest Avenue Yahkindw and Geddes Avenue, each house will be allowed four would consid parking permits that allow them to park anywhere in "Our prop the district for an entire year. Group housing, such as mise, and the fraternities, sororities and co-ops, will be permitted said. "Theyd eight passes apiece. Wagner sa LSA-SG President Andrew Yahkind said he was parking reso worried by the City Council's actions. with students "I'm concerned because the resolution will hurt He presented students, but I'm more concerned about the way the show that he resolution was passed," said Yahkind. "The issue the resolution itself isn't the parking." Council with An amendment to the resolution was passed at that he thoug the meeting that allows cars with non-Michigan "Clearlys license plates to use the parking permits as long as ingly whichN the owner could provide some proof of residency, addressed th such as utility bills or a copy of the lease. tions, thereN Stuart Wagner and Melton Lee, both MSA represen- hood affecte( tatives, also spoke at the meeting and said that while they Yahkind s, supported the amendment to authorize parking permits resolution in for cars with out-of-state license plates, the number of students was permits allowed at each house should be changed from a resolution t four to six, and that group housing should be allowed 12 before City C permits instead of eight. "Last yeari Council member Jean Carlberg (D-2nd Ward) said year who kno' FREE PRESS continued from page 1. there has been speculation about the News's new editor- in-chief, David Butler, who, according to Foster, promises to avoid the cookie cutter-style stories that were published under Gannett. "(David Butler) seems like a guy that's going to allow you to be creative, to be a journalist ... I might be buying the holy water, but I like the guy," Foster said. Furthermore, many said, because MediaNews is a privately held company, it will be able to provide extra financing for the paper when necessary instead of being obligated to boost returns for stockholders. But even with a new competitive edge and a fresh staff, some said, the News may only have succeeded in extending its life, not saving it. "The economics of the industry indi- strictions in the neighborhoods only allow er unit; therefore six permits for one house necessary. She added that conversations raternities in the neighborhood had shown mits per fraternity was a reasonable figure. be hard to say each fraternity has this eople and therefore this number of per- e appropriate," Carlberg said. "We tried number that meets the needs of those es in this area." member Kim Groom (D-1st Ward) amend the resolution to allow six per- se and 12 per group housing facility, on died when no one seconded it. was upset that no one besides Groom der giving more permits to the houses. osal was one of resolve and compro- ey didn't even want to listen," Yahkind didn't even discuss it." aid that City Council lied about the lution, claiming that they consulted s and did not receive any complaints. d the Council with a Pinocchio doll to believed their arguments in support of n were dishonest. Wagner presented the earplugs at the last meeting to show ht they were not listening to students. some arguments were made know- were not accurate," Wagner said as he e Council. "Contrary to your allega- were students living in the neighbor- d who voiced their concerns." aid that the Council's choice to pass a the summer that dramatically affects becoming habitual - last summer the to ban couches on front porches came ouncil, but it was not passed. it was couches, this year it's parking. Next ws what it's going to be," Yahkind said. }:ussr os}stuos/saY.y MIKE HULSEBUS/Daily MSA representative Melton Lee asks members of City Council to consider revising the proposed amendment to the parking resolution that they passed two weeks ago. Lee wants the amendment to be more accommodating for student residents of Ann Arbor. ACLU continued from page 1 "This lawsuit is in part aimed at stopping abuse of power by police on campus," said Michael J. Steinberg, Legal Director of ACLU of Michigan. Ashley Berden, another plaintiff from Saginaw County, had already left from a graduation party when the Thomas Township police showed up. When the police found Berden's purse at the party, they woke her up at 4:00 a.m. in order to administer a breath test. The police told Berden that if she refused to take the Breathalyzer test, that she would be guilty of a civil infraction. The test registered a 0-percent blood alcohol level. Steinberg said that these are not isolated incidents. "The problem of police abusing their power under this law is especially prevalent on cam- puses across this state. We receive dozens and dozens of calls from college students who are simply walking across campus on a weekend and are stopped and forced to take a breath test, or about campus police coming into parties unannounced and making every person line up and take a breath test," Steinberg said. cate that only one daily will be able to since pre-strike highs, and the News's circula- compete ... it would be extremely diffi- Young people tion has fallen 55 percent. cult for the News to win," Wayne State 't "It really is a question about the Detroit mar- professor Steve Lacy said. simply don ket," Morton said. Lacy said there is uncertainty over read In addition to local troubles, the national what will happen to the industry in the newspapers media environment will be crucial for the suc- distant future, but he predicts the News anymore." cess of both Detroit papers. "Young people will either close or be swallowed by ay r simply don't read newspapers anymore," Lacy the Free Press within the next 10 to 20 said. years. - Steve Lacey, Newspapers are being forced to creatively Newspaper circulation has been Wayne State Professor adapt to an evolving media scene. Gannett slumping nationwide, making the indus- already owns 60 different websites, indicating try unpredictable. Detroit has been hit that it is diversifying away from print media. particularly hard; a strike in 1995, cou- But the turmoil of the modern media market, pled with advertising loss due to a struggling auto industry, analysts say, may yield overall improvements for consumers. has crippled Detroit's newspapers. "Truthfully, I think these are the most exciting times for The circulation of the Free Press has fallen 45 percent media communication in the last 50 years," Burns said. 991niluncinim 1r first annual Fake fldlirntgst! Try to find the "fake ad" in today's paper. 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