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May 09, 2005 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2005-05-09

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Sports 10
Opinion 4

Softball wins Big
Ten championship
Archdiocese of
Detroit abandons
city's students

Ihe - oiuredji &r IftJs
One-hundred-furteen years of edin7Fors reedom

Monday, May 9, 2005
Summer Weekly

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www.michigandaily.com Ann Arbor Michigan Vol. CXV No. 125

©25 Thehi nDail

Remembering a Michigan man
Former athlete, recruited so any talented black ath-
coach and athletic letes from paces in the Caribbean,
director died May 3 such as Jamaica and Trinidad, that
Michigan hadthe most black athletes
By Jeremy Davidson enrolled during his tenure.
t Managing News Editor Soon after arriving at a track meet


. z As the fans at Michigan Stadium
scream "Hail to the Victors" this fall,
there will be one irrep.laceable voice
absent from the crowd. When Don
1 01 a Canham passed away on May 3, he
left a legacy that will forever define
Michigan athletics as some of the
best in the country.
"We have lost a giant at Michigan
and we will miss him. Mr. Canham
was a remarkable man and his legacy
will endure," football coach Lloyd
Carr said.
Canham started his ca reer in
1938, when he enrolled as a student-
4! athlete at the University. Competing
in the high jump with the track and
field team eventually led him to an
NCAA championship in 1940. After
graduating from the University, Can-
ham went on to become head track
coach in 1948.
Over the next 20 years he recruit-
ed athletes from around the world to
play for Michigan, including coun-
tries in the Caribbean, Africa and
FILE PHOTO Tom Goss, a former University
Canham overlooks Michigan Stadium as the crowd pours In for a football game on Saturday, Oct. 3, 1987. athletic director, said that Canham

at Georgia in 1951, Canham headed
back to Michigan with his team, after
discovering that black athletes and
white athletes couldn't eat together.
"I don't care what it was. I don't
care how unpopular it was. You
could count on Don doing the right
thing," Goss said.
Canham's integrated team broke
American and world indoor records
in the track distance medley relay.
After 20 years as headtrackcoach,
and nearly three decades of involve-
ment with Michigan sports, Can-
ham was appointed athletic director,
where he championed publicity
for college athletics and hired Bo
Schembechler, who has won more
games than any Michigan football
coach in the program's history.
"I worked for him for 21 years
without a contract!" Schembechler
said. "That's how much faith I had
him in. I coached Michigan without
ever a thought I'd get fired because
he stood behind me. I was hired at
Michigan by him and him alone. I
had a lot of faith in him and he had a
See CANHAM, Page 3

Sachs says "clinical
ecOnOmicS" catn enl world
poverty if rich nations are
committed to provide aid
By Julia F. Heming
Daily Staff Reporter
Renowned economist Jeffrey Sachs out-
lined his goal to help the one billion people
living in "extreme poverty" in the next 20
years while speaking at the Birmingham
Temple in Farmington Hills last Thursday.
Sachs spoke about his first-hand encounters
with poverty and presented a plan that he
urged the world to participate in.
Sachs has gained recognition as director
of the United Nations Millennium Project,
a program designed to cut poverty in half
by 2015. His bestselling book "The End of
Poverty" was recently released and contains
his systematic method for the termination
of world suffering.
Sachs called his approach "clinical eco-
nomics," where countries afflicted by
extreme poverty are assessed individually
and donor countries treat them by giving
increased amounts of aid.

takes on world poverty
"Clinical economics means assigning the to poor weather conditions.
logic of modern science-based medicine to "As every day passes, 20,000 people die
the methodology of modern and 'should-be- of extreme poverty on our planet. They're
science-based' development," Sachs said. dying of malaria, an entirely treatable dis-
Providing greater aid for growing food, ease. They're dying of AIDS, a disease both
fighting disease and creating an infrastructure preventable and, though not curable, wholly
to allow countries to become part of the world treatable. They're dying of tuberculosis,
economy would help many of the world's poor (also) wholly treatable," Sachs said.
escape from poverty, Sachs said. He also spoke against the current relief
In 2000, donor countries agreed to donate efforts of the United States, saying that
0.7 percent of their gross national income to while the annual budget for the military is
accomplish the goals of the U.N. Millen- $500 billion, the budget for aid in Africa is
nium Project - a promise that Sachs said only $2 billion. Sachs said politicians blame
has not been backed with action. poverty on corrupt governments and do not
"This is something that the United States look at the other factors.
signed on to, not some invention by me or by "President Bush has said the word 'free-
the U.N. The countries of the world agreed to dom' a thousand times without saying the
this," he said. "Let's just live up to what we word 'poverty' once," Sachs said.
said, and we'll reap a lot of benefits from it." But Andrew Coleman, professor of eco-
Speaking primarily about Africa, Sachs nomics at the University, said giving more
gave examples of some causes of poverty on aid could stifle the development of a coun-
the continent, while also sharing anecdotes try with a corrupt government in power. He
from his own travels. He showed photographs said countries will only develop with the
of overcrowded hospitals in Kenya, where he right incentives.
said the government has $8 per person each "Sometimes aid given to countries where
year to spend on health care, compared to the the governments are really bad can worsen
$6,000 allotted to each person in the United things," he said. "It depends on where it
States per year. He also gave examples of goes and how it's used."
people suffering from malaria, AIDS, con- Coleman stressed the importance of
taminated water and a lack of irrigation due See SACHS, Page 2

Economist Jeffrey Sachs explains the vitality of the United Nations
"Millenium Project" plan to take on poverty last Thursday.

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