Opinion 4 Throw right-wing Christians to the lions Sports 11 National champion Monday, July 18, 2005 softball team visits w 'W1*-w' the White House Summer Weekly One-hundred-fourteen years of editorial freedom www.michigandaily.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXV, No. 133 @2005 The Michigan Daily Gay pride sticker sparks controversy at pizzeria By Laura Van Hyfte Daily News Editor Members of a local student-oriented Catholic parish received an e-maillast week urging them to boycott the New York Pizza Depot on Williams Street because of a gay pride rainbow sicker on its front door. The sticker has upset some people, including Andrew Shirvell, an NYPD customer and member of St. Mary's Stu- dent Parish, located down the street from NYPD. Shirvell, a University alumnus and for- mer president of Students for Life said the sticker is offensive because it endorses homosexuality instead of simply tolerating it. "I find the rainbow flag offensive because it is a symbol of the homosexual movement that, in my opinion, indicates a validation of the homosexual lifestyle, as opposed to a sign that indicates 'openness' to customers who are of the homosexual orientation," he said. Jaya Kalra, a co-chair for Stonewall Democrats said that it was very surprising that a parishioner reacted so strongly to the sticker, especially because she knows that St. Mary's has been supportive in the past. Kalra said that the flag represents diversity and that she is confused as to how Shirvell can be so upset - primar- ily because diversity is encouraged at this University . "People have their own right to an opin- ion. But I have to wonder if the flag itself is what's making him upset," Kalra said. "I think it's sad that they cut things down and cover things up that they don't like without trying to understand what they mean." After Shirvell saw the sticker, he asked one of the owners why it was on the door. Shirvell said Maurice Grillo, one of the owners at NYPD, told him that an incident of some sort involving the gay community "forced his hand." Last week Shirvell sent an e-mail to members of St. Mary's Student Social Justice Ministry, asking them to persuade Grillo to take the sticker down. Shirvell wrote in the e-mail that he may not eat at NYPD because it is "time to take a stand. Otherwise this type of intimidation of small business owners and their customers will never end." Shirvell encouraged others to call or visit NYPD's owners and ask them to remove the sticker. Shirvell said he was led to believe that Grillo "had to put up the rainbow flag decal in order to appease the homosexuals who frequented NYPD on Friday nights" after leaving Necto nightclub on Liberty Street. Shirvell said Grillo told him he hoped the sticker would come down in a few weeks, but declined to give details about the alleged incident. Grillo said in an interview that he was never pressured to hang the sticker on his door by anyone and that Shirvell may have misunderstood what he told him. "It was just a decision," Grillo said. "There was absolutely no pressure what- soever. I just felt like it was the right thing to do. If we feel like taking it down - we will." John Pelemaco, a manager at NYPD, said a previous incident played a role in the post- ing of the sticker. According to Pelemaco, though he was not at the restaurant on the night the alleged controversy ensued, to his understanding there was a conflict between a gay club-goer and someone at the res- taurant that resulted in the former being offended. Pelemaco said he believed hanging the sticker was a way for NYPD to make peace and ensure that no members of the gay community feel ostracized or offended. He said it was done to show that NYPD "does not discriminate against anyone." Grillo said he did not know how long the sticker will stay on the door. He said reno- vations at NYPD could result in the sticker being removed. But Pelemaco said the own- ers did not intend to keep the sticker up for more than three weeks and that it may even be down before the end of this week. Shirvell said he does not speak on behalf of the St. Mary's church or parish, but that he does think it is necessary for them to know that this has occurred. "I was solely acting in my capacity as a parishioner of St. Mary's in communi- cating to my fellow parishioners what was going on, again, since many St. Mary's parishioners frequent NYPD after weekend masses," Shirvell said. "In my e-mail, I in no way indicated that I spoke on behalf of the parish or any of its ministries, including the Student Social Justice group." Timothy Wright, operations director and pastoral associate for St. Mary's Student Parish, said that "St. Mary's has been qui- etly supportive of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered Catholics for many years ... despite very serious opposition from some (members of) the Catholic Church." Wright said that Shirvell does not have any official status as a spokesman for the church and that Shirvell's view on this mat- ter is in opposition to the majority of the See NYPD, Page 8 Top: New York Pizza Depot on Williams Street has been the focus of a Catholic student group that is offended by the rainbow-colored gay pride sticker. Bottom: A closer view of the sticker on the front door. Magic for Potter fans when midnight strikes By Jeremy Davidson and Laura Van Hyfte Daily News Editors Last Friday over 500 people packed into Borders, anxiously awaiting the stroke of midnight to start reading the next chapter of the Harry Potter series. J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" was first released in the United States in September 1998. Since then a sort of mania has taken the world by storm as people of all ages indulge in the fantasy world of Hogwarts and escape the reality world of regular humans or "mug- gles," as they are known in the book. At a pre-Potter release party, Eric Bond, manager of Borders on Liberty Street said the store sold about 600 cop- ies of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," though about 2,000 had been reserved. Since its release, the book has sold around 250,000 copies every hour in the United States alone. Jayson Zeeman, the district market- ing manager of national events for Ann Arbor's Borders said that the store was hosting several Potter-inspired events to cater to the excitement and anticipation of the fans. Zeeman said that the Harry Potter series has changed children's literature and that the Potter phenomena has inspired entire families to dress up in wizard and witch costumes - readily displaying the ward- robe of their favorite characters. Zeeman said that the Harry Potter books each have an exciting cliffhanger at the end, which grow more tantalizing as the series progresses - this may explain why both children and adults are addicted to reading about a boy wizard with glass- es and a scar. Matthew Slayton, a 17-year-old who attended the book release countdown, said that he had an almost unhealthy obsession for Harry Potter. LSA lecturer Carson Maynard said that he only attended the event to purchase a copy of the book, not to participate in the celebrations. "I was here last year," Maynard said. "I just kind of came to grab a copy." The books' ability to rekindle the feeling that fairy tales just might be real is what makes them so enjoyable, May- nard said. See POTTER, Page 8 MIKE HULSE Borders Employee Cat Dees loads copies of the sixth installment of Harry Potter series onto a cart to be sold after midnight on July 16. I ,, I I -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------------------------- --------------- P v v logo 11 - I v I PAR ol poll Is 11 IRRI m