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June 11, 2005 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2005-06-11

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4 Why liberals should
be disappointed
with Granholm
9R. Kelly releases
'Reloaded' to public

One-hundredfourteen years ofeditorlfreedom

Monday,July 11, 2005
Summer Weekly

www.michigandaily.com Ann Arbor, Michigan m Vol. CXV, No. 132 ©2005 The Michigan Daily

State rep may
put stem-cell
egislation on
next year's ballot
After more than a month
of watching his legis-
ation on embryonic
stem-cell research languish in
the Michigan House of Repre-
sentatives, state Rep. Andrew
Meisner (D-Ferndale) said
he is considering putting the
issue before the voters in 2006. J .PS
Meisner, a 1995 University JASON Z PESICK
alum, introduced a package of
three bills that would liberalize
Michigan's current embryonic stem-cell research restrictions,
which in April Nature magazine categorized as some of the
nation's most restrictive.
At a time when state leaders are repeatedly touting the impor-
tance of diversifying Michigan's stagnant economy by expand-
ing life-sciences research and University administrators worry
about losing top scientists, Meisner's legislation can't even get a
hearing. And Gov. Jennifer Granholm, the most visible of these
state leaders paying lip service to the importance of life sciences,
as not come out in support of the legislation or embryonic stem-
cell research specifically - a decision Meisner said is a mistake.
Granholm's spokeswoman, Liz Boyd, told me the governor
has not had enough time to fully consider the legislation. Then
she shifted blame for the inaction to Republicans: "We are deal-
ing with the political reality of the Michigan Legislature being
controlled by the Republican Party."
Apparently, Boyd didn't notice that in May the Republican-
ntrolled U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation
to increase federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research
despite White House objections and a veto threat by President
Michigan political guru Ed Sarpolus said
^ Granholm is unlikely to support changing Mich-
igan's laws because she could lose Catholic and
conservative voters and it "doesn't gain her any-
thing." His assessment was that Meisner's legis-
lation isn't going anywhere in the Legislature.
Meisner told me that if the current Legisla-
ture does not deal with the issue, he would seri-
Melsner ously consider following the lead of California,
where last year voters approved a ballot proposal that provides
funding for stem-cell research in the state. Meisner said he is
not sure whether a Michigan initiative would only change the
law or also include funding, saying, "I think that funds would
be ideal." In addition to California, New Jersey, Wisconsin
and Connecticut have all passed legislation to fund stem-cell
search, and a number of other states are considering provid-
ing funding as well.
But in order to get the issue on the ballot in 2006, the same
year that Granholm is up for re-election, Meisner will need to
gather 254,206 valid signatures by May 31.
"I've had very preliminary discussions with some folks on the
topic," Meisner said. But Jason Brewer, a spokesperson for the
House Republican Caucus, said "I think at this stage it's prob-
bly talk."
The legislation would allow Michigan scientists to derive new
embryonic stem-cell lines, legalize somatic nuclear transfer (or
therapeutic cloning) and increase the state's penalty for reproduc-
See PESICK, Page 2

Londoners ride the Underground after three nearly simultaneous terrorist attacks on the tube system last Thursday that killed more than 50 people.
Terror striwkes ondon

Londoniers go ont after City is
)Omnl)e(I in worst attack since
World War II
By Stewart McMillan
For the Daily
LONDON - Any city in the world has its own
rhythm, a pulse that the residents become accus-
tomed to with time. The rhythm that Londoners had
become so used to skipped a beat last Thursday.
Starting at 8:56 a.m., one day after London won
the election as host for the 2012 Summer Olympics,
the city's public transport system was rocked by a
series of terrorist bombs.
Three of the explosions targeted London Under-
ground trains, and a fourth tore the roof off a dou-
ble-decker bus.
The explosions were so intense that police say
none of 49 known dead have been identified. Anoth-
er 50 are unaccounted for in the worst attack in Brit-
ain since World War II.
Emergency services were swift in responding to the
attacks, evacuating the London Underground while
urging pedestrians to remain indoors. Road signs out-
side the city advised travelers to "avoid London."
In a statement made shortly after hearing news of
the bombings, Prime Minister Tony Blair promised
"the most intense police and security service action to
make sure that we bring those responsible to justice."
Al-Qaeda groups are widely suspected to have
been behind the attacks, but there is no evidence of
See LONDON, Page 2

London Metropolitan Police taped-off areas stricken by bombings and assist
citizens after some tube routes were closed.

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