The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, July 5, 2005 - 9 March 29, 2005 Jackson v. Birmingham Board of Education. The decision allows a male teacher to bring a Title IX claim if he complains about sex discrimination. June 23, 2003 Grutter v. Bollinger, Gratz v. Bollinger. In this 5-4 decision, the court sup- ported the use of race as a "plus factor" in admis- sions. The decision had strong implications for the University's admissions policies. June 29, 1992 Planned Parenthood of Southeastern PA v. Casey. In the majority decision, Jus- tices O'Connor, Anthony M. Kennedy and David Hackett Souter reaffirm what they call the "central holding" of the Supreme Court's 1973 ruling in Roe v. Wade. Dec. 10, 2003 McConnell v. FEC. O'Connor co-authored this ruling with Justice John Paul Stevens, declaring the McCain -Feingold campaign finance law constitu- tional. March 5, 2003 Ewingv. California and Lockyer v. Andrade. O'Connor upholds California's "3-Strikes" law, which legalizes long prison terms for repeat offenders. Dec. 12, 2000 Bush v. Gore. O'Connor votes with majority in 5-4 decision concern- ing voting in Florida. The Court's decision results in George W. Bush becoming the 43rd president of the United States. Justice O'Connor decides to retire after 24 years Bush's appointment has the power constituency to make history, reward a friend and lessen the chance of having a more conservative nominee blocked in the to alter the ynamic of the court Senate. President Bush could rein the court to the right by nominat- Bush's options were rearranged when it was O'Connor, not ing a bedrock conservative to replace the retiring Justice Sandra Rehnquist, who announced she was stepping down last week. Day O'Connor. "Will politics be considered?" said Berenson, a former He could make history - and perhaps pick up votes for the Supreme Court clerk. "Will factors like the diversity of the court GOP - by naming the first Hispanic to the court. Or he could and a justice's life story be considered? Sure. ButI don't think choose a woman and keep intact the court's current balance of those things are going to drive the decision." seven men and two women. Intellect. Character. Judicial philosophy. The prospect of Bush has had nearly five years to consider how to burn the being able to win Senate confirmation. Those are the overriding "G.W.B" brand on the bench of the highest court in the land. issues that several legal experts and advocates on both the right Regardless of whom he picks, the closely divided court, and left think will guide the president, who is facing intense which often splits 5-4 on key decisions, will very well end up pressure from both sides of the political aisle. with a more conservative bent. Because Rehnquist sits on the conservative side of the court, The question is, how far to the right will the post-O'Connor replacing him with another conservative would not have shifted- court be? And how much farther to the right will it lean once the balance of power on the nine-member court. the 80-year-old Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, who is sick The same cannot be said of O'Connor. She has been the criti- with thyroid cancer, retires and possibly gives Bush a second cal fifth vote on abortion and other contentious issues involving chance to shape the court? privacy, equal opportunity, the environment and religious rights. Legal experts on both sides speculate that the retirement of "It is dramatically different with O'Connor retiring," Ralph O'Connor raises the prospect that Bush will name Attorney Neas, president of the liberal People for the American Way, said General Alberto Gonzales. He is not a favorite of conservatives, Saturday. "Replacing the conservative O'Connor with a right- who continued to target the White House this weekend in their wing ideological would be a constitutional catastrophe. anti-Gonzales campaign, saying his views on issues such as "A right-wing appointment could turn back the clock seven abortion and affirmative action are not aligned far enough to decades on so many fundamental rights and liberties and legal_ the right. protections that most Americans think are theirs forever," "When the right looks at Judge Gonzales, they have tended Neas said. "These are rights and liberties and protections that to worry they are getting another David Souter," Brad Beren- could disappear overnight ifa right-wing majority takes con- son, a White House lawyer during Bush's first term, said about trol of the court." how conservatives were disappointed when Justice Souter sides Neas' group on Saturday unveiled a television ad, set to with the court's more liberal members. "I don't personally think run on national cable news and in selected media markets that's fair, but that is their view." starting Tuesday, that asks whether Bush will choose a jus- Gonzales' confirmation hearing for the Justice Department tice who protects fundamental rights and freedoms. It ends job focused on his role in developing the administration's policy with the message targeted squarely at Bush: "May you choose on the interrogation and treatment of suspected terrorists. It is an wisely, Mr. President. The eyes of history are upon you." issue sure to dominate hearings should he turn out to be Bush's Both the liberals and conservatives, who say Neas is first nominee to the Supreme Court. exaggerating the potential change to the court, think they Yet, Gonzales is a loyal friend of the president's - and His- have the upper hand in persuading Bush to see it their way. panic, a member of one of the fast-growing voting blocs. Bush Yet the president's independent streak might make him might be willing to accept a chilly reception from his far-right impossible to sway.