honday ue 20, 2005 be cfiditgtu Bail RTS 9 KNIGHTED BALE DISAPPEARS INTO NOLAN'S MASTERFUL 'BATMAN' REIMAGINING By Evan McGarvey Daily Arts Editor All it takes is the first 10 min- utes of "Batman Begins" - where a shockingly grizzly Christian Bale fights off a dozen men in a rural Chinese prison courtyard, mud streaking his face, the sky cov- ered in steely grays and washed- out blues - to make the audience forget a series of corpulent, pee- vishly Technicolor Joel Schum- acher-helmed Batman McMovies and submit to director Christopher Nolan's rejuvenating, grimy and psychological take on America's most emblematic hero. Bale ("American Psycho"), with a diamond-cut jaw line and perfect WASP features, was born to play Bruce Wayne. While his voice as Batman doesn't reach the dark heights of Michael Keaton's origi- nal take, Bale simply looks exactly as we'd imagine Bruce Wayne - afterall, Bale has done idle yet deeply flawed rich kid before. For those of us who were denied the singular pleasure of Batman comics by our parents, here's an unjustly quick primer: Gotham City is Amer- ica's largest metropolis with Batman a beyond-seedy Begins underbelly. Nice, At the Showcase old money, phil- and Quality 16 anthropic Wayne family goes to Wamer Bros. opera. Mom and Dad are killed by a mugger. Son watches parents die, spends for- mative years on a spiritual quest in Europe and Asia complete with martial arts training and general trust-fund spending. Boy returns to Gotham, Puts on big, black rubber suit, redirects newfound thirst for vengeance and decides the only way to clean up his fair city is to catch the criminals that the corrupt city police are too lazy to catch. Phew. Thirty-plus years of Amer- ica's greatest comic book in a single paragraph. Bet you're not going to make fun of that kid for wearing a cape to class anymore. One" (on which David S. Goyer and Nolan's admirable script is loosely based), makes a fine introduction, but many watchers might find it an even more compelling purchase after seeing the film. Nolan gets infinite credit for not surrounding Bale with random ingenues but instead leaning on a bevy of fantastic actors. Gary Oldman ("Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"), with his finest performance in recent memory, nails the dually idealistic and battle- hardened Lieutenant Gordon. Michael Caine ("Secondhand Lions") is a stately Alfred Pennyworth, loyal butler and eventual co-conspirator to Bruce Wayne. Mob boss Carmine Falcone, the thinnest part of the villains, still man- ages to come to weary, casually violent life thanks to Tom Wilkinson ("Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"). And lest we forget the Scarecrow. Cillian Murphy, previously seen fighting a Zombie-infested Europe (no, they weren't bored kids study- ing abroad) in "28 Days Later," not only gets the best costume in hero- movie history, but genuinely disqui- ets everyone he touches on film. With his macabre burlap-patch- work mask and canisters of hallucino- genic toxin lurking under the guise of psychiatrist Jonathan Crane, Murphy doesn't just chew scenery - he mali- ciously chomps it. If Nolan has any one major fault in plotting, it's giving too much weight to a more standard, grand-destruction plot (dutifully car- ried by Liam Neeson and Ken Wata- nabe) and not enough screen time to Murphy's gleefully warped mental health professional/villain. Fitting for the plot's emphasis on Gotham's disparity of wealth, the scenery looks like a mash-up of Hong Kong's skyscrapers and slums and Los Angeles's sprawl, all topped off with a post-industri- al shade straight from Detroit. The technology is reasonable, the stock bad guys frighteningly everyday and the most gloomy character is Bale's Batman. It's not enough that he looks like he should be Batman; it's clear he genuinely wants to become Batman. Refreshing how after four mov- ies stuffed with action-figure rep- etition, Bale looks like a fan. And hey, with fans like Bale and Nolan, how could anyone think this movie could've gone wrong? (734) 623-7272 " 401 E. Huron Street FRESH. FAST. A4W1ARGAIN$com NO CLASS 0 AND BOOKING TO GO ON AN INTERNATIONAL VACATION? E AIRSARGAW&SCOM HAS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST AIRFARE PRICES' annuncingour first annual FakY fdContest! Try to find the "fake ad" in today's paper. If you think you have found the ad, e-mail your guess (with the name and page number of the ad) to: (Subject: Falke Ad Contest) Contest sponsored by Papa John's Pizza. Winner will receive 1 Free Large, Specialty Pizza for 6 months! One winner will be chosen at the end of each month and will be contacted by e-mail. y. Order online at I Medium t 1 Topping Pizza . *5,9 9 C ade C 6 5575'5 Epres t 31, tttt ddtn t opq"5s'sr' % --l-, moo