2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 13, 2005
Continued from page 1.
In Kattola's four-count complaint, filed at the
Washtenaw County Circuit Court, he accused SAE
members of fueling the violence that ensued that
night hy supplying minorsuwith alcohol and encour-
aging an intra-fraternity feud.
Nacht said he was disappointed with the way the Uni-
versity handled the matter, adding that the University
did not ensure that underage drinking was prevented.
"This lawsuit should be a clear indication that if you
get drunk and beat people up because you don't like
their ethnic group, you are going to be held responsible,"
Nacht said. "My law firm is actively investigating abusive
behavior by Greeks on campus, and it is my personal view
that the University has not tried to curb the abuses."
He said it was now his job to seek justice.
"If the University isn't going to do it and the police
aren't either, civil rights attorneys like me are going to
do it," Nacht said.
At the time of the original incident, Ann Arbor police
told the Daily they would not pursue the matter, calling
the fighting "childish nonsense."
"Its outrageous that a student can be on campus and
be attacked," Nacht said.
University spokeswoman Julie Peterson said fraterni-
ties and sororities are off-campus private property, and
the University does not have the ability to punish an
entire fraternity.
"Either the national organization will order sanctions
or the Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic (Council)
will," Peterson said. "The university can only directly
punish individual students."
Peterson added that, although fraternity houses are
private property, the University still stays involved and
has concern for every student's safety.
Peterson acknowledged that, while much progress
has been made in the Greek system, there is still more
work to be done.
SAE president Paul Mezan did not return requests for
a comment.
Poll: college students
ighly spiritual, religious
By Ruth Neuman The report also found that students with
For the Daily high spiritual and religious beliefs were like-
College students report a high interest in
spirituality and religion, but many are unsure
of their beliefs, according to new polling data
from post-secondary education institutes.
The University of California at Los Ange-
les's Higher Education Research Institute
reported that 80 percent of students show
high degrees of religious commitment and
spirituality. The new data comes from a
survey conducted this past year involving
112,232 first year students attending 236
various colleges and universities.
According to the survey, most college
freshmen believe in God, but fewer than
half follow religious teachings in their daily
lives. The survey also said that one-in-four
students reported being either "conflicted"
or "doubting" their faith.
The survey also found that many stu-
dents place a large weight on spiritual and
religious attitudes when forming political
and social beliefs.
Ta'leah Zahier, a senior in the Sum-
mer Research Opportunity Program who
described herself as a liberal, agreed with
the survey's results.
"Many of my spiritual views relate to
being liberal and do not relate to those of the
conservative party," said Zahier.
ly to disagree with same-sex marriage and
the legalization of marijuana.
Some religious attitudes among students
do not match general population trends. The
report established that people with strong
spiritual and religious beliefs were pre-
sumed to disagree with the death penalty,
but the survey found that only 42 percent of
religious or spiritual students did.
Business School junior Andrew Wong
said his spiritual beliefs and political views
are independent from one another.
"I don't like the idea of an organization,
like a church, (dictating) howI vote," he said.
In some cases, religious attitudes do not
even unite political beliefs within families.
The survey found that 52 percent of students
have disagreed with family members about
religious issues.
Wong said that, even though his family
may not share his beliefs, arguing his posi-
tion makes his faith stronger.
The report also said'83 percent of students
believe those who are non-religious can be
just as moral as those who are.
Today's religious students were found to be
extremely tolerant of those who are non-reli-
gious, despite their personal commitment.
"I have tolerance because I myself was not
LSA senior Stephanie Gardiner attends a service at St. Mary's
Church on Sunday.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and wineteerms
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