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June 06, 2005 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2005-06-06

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The Michigan Daily - Monay, June 6, 2005 - 3
Levin calls for Bush to
ac.ngoa a n _BUBBLY
FENGact on global warming

International treaty and federal
funding for alternative energy are
needed to combat global warming
according to Levin
By Amber Colvin
Daily Staff Reporter
Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) said the fight against glob-
al warming should be like putting a man on the moon.
Speaking at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business
Thursday to kick off a weekend conference on global
climate change, his speech looked to the Kennedy
administration as a model for what the Bush adminis-
tration must do.
"Because of President Kennedy's vision and leader-
ship, Neil Armstrong made that giant leap for mankind,"
Levin said. "We need an effort similar to the effort of a
previous generation to put a man on the moon."
Levin said that the key to overcoming global warming
is for the Bush administration to acknowledge the sever-
ity of the situation and strongly pursue a solution - much
like the Kennedy administration set the goal of landing
men on the moon.
Levin's speech outlined two pillars for success in the
face of global warming: an international treaty to stem
global warming and federal funding used towards non-
fossil fuel energy.
Levin said both objectives could only be accom-
plished when the administration overcomes its "aller-
gy" to global warming. The administration has failed
to acknowledge global warming as a legitimate threat
to society and the world and generally avoids the issue,
Levin said.
"Significant action by the U.S. is impossible until
there is a change of heart by this administration," he
said. "The administration needs to come to grips with
the reality of global climate change."
Once this is done, Levin added, the United States
could work for an international treaty that would bind

all countries - developed and developing - to reduc-
ing carbon dioxide emissions and working together for
a global warming solution.
"Global climate change is just that - global," Levin
said. "We need to return to the negotiation table."
The second step for combating global warming is for
the Bush administration to dedicate a large amount of
funding and attention to alternative energy research,
Levin said.
With much of current funding going to "dubious
missile projects" and tax cuts, little has been left for
research into areas such as fuel cells and hydrogen
power, Levin said.
"That money would be better spent on the certain
threat of global warming," he said. "If we refuse to sup-
port the winningest technology, the needed technology,
with federal dollars, we may all end up losers."
Bringing Levin in to start the conference fit in with
the general goal of the program said co-organizer
Andrew Hoffman, who introduced Levin. Hoffman is
a joint professor between the Business School and the
School of Natural Resources and Environment.
The seminar, "Reframing the Climate Change Debate:
Jobs Trade, Security and a Revised Research Agenda,"
was devoted to examining climate change in a broader
scope as a means to bring in more support and action.
"Climate change has been framed almost entirely as an
environmental issue," Hoffman said. He added that think-
ing of climate change as more than just a special interest
issue helps people to see everything that it affects, such
as jobs, the economy and national security.
The conference was sponsored by the Center for
Advancing Research for Solutions in Society and the
Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise, a Uni-
versity institute that integrates the Stephen M. Ross
School of Business and the School of Natural Resources
and Environment.
Other speakers included Gerry Anderson - presi-
dent of DTE Energy - New York Times reporter
Micheline Maynard, Eugene Trisko - attorney for the
United Mine Workers of America - and many Univer-
sity professors.

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