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August 16, 2004 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2004-08-16

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Arts 13
Sports 14

Curiosa Festival brings
gloom, doom, joysto Detroit
0-line, -line mast gel for
football to repeat success

eody, AuguSt 16, 2004
One-hundred-thirteen years of edioral freedm Summer Weekly

zmw.michigandaily.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 154 02004 The Michigan Daily

Edwards addresses Flint crowd,
outlines college tuition proposal
By Donn M. Freosard "It's impossible to pay for, isn't it?" Edwards platform, Edwards emphasized plans to make
Daily Staff Reporter fasked. health care more affordable and to remove tax
Edwards continued to project an air ofempa- incentives for American companies that out-
FLINT - Sitting in a patio chair on thy throughout the brief front-lawn discussion. source jobs.
Flint resident Philip Phelps's front lawn, "Jobs are important to us," he said, reminding When Phelps asked Edwards what he could
Democratic vice-presidential nominee John the small, working-class crowd that he grew do for young people in his situation, Edwards
Edwards listened Friday as Phelps and two up the son of a textile-mill worker. "We don't replied that he and Kerry would create a tax
other locals shared their stories of economic want to create jobs in the abstract; we want to credit of up to $4,000 for college tuition. Later,
hardship. bring them to the places and areas where they during a rally at Mott Community College in
Phelps, a 25-year-old student at the Uni- have been lost." Flint, Edwards described a proposal to pay
versity of Michigan-Flint, told Edwards he is Edwards addressed concerns from Phelps four years of tuition at a public university
struggling to pay for college with the money as well as Sue Duffiney and Shirley Wood, for students who give two years of full-time
he earns delivering pizzas. Edwards asked him two middle-aged women who had recently lost national service.
whether he had health insurance; Phelps said their jobs. Discussing their economic hard- The "Service for College" plan, described
he did not. ships and fielding their questions about his See EDWARDS, Page 10
somewhere tne
."tym y '}-4'_ } R 50]-

unurg aruauuur.
See you in September!
-The Editors
SA to unveil
landlord rating
'site for students
By Brian Gougherty
For the Daily
Just as landlords are able to check credit reports and refer-
*nces of potential tenants, soon renters will have access to
an online database that rates the quality of local rental agen-
cies and landlords. Funded and developed by Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly, the new website will allow students to rate
landlords on a scale of one to five and post comments, which
landlords will be able to post responses to, said MSA Presi-
dent Jason Mironov.
With a scheduled debut in the first week of September,
Mironov said the site seeks to remedy one of the most com-
mon complaints from recent graduates: housing. The pur-
os is simple, Mironov stated, "to see quality landlords get
business and see that landlords that have had problems in the
-t are more attentive."
ior the website to be successful, there is an essential com-
nrsent: student participation in reporting both the positive
ad negative aspects of a landlord. Whether or not comments
romt ing landlords will be reported as often as grievances
:tands to question.
"People ignore the good and dwell on the bad," said LSA
senior Austin Gorman.
Kirsten Olson, a junior in the College of Architecture and
Urban Planning, said she has no problems with her current
Oandlord. But, when it comes to signing online to spread the
vord, Olson said, "I don't know if I would take the initiative
u go on myself."
Mironov said MSA hopes to entice students like Olson
and Gorman with kickoff eVents in the Diag following
Welcome Week.
Gorman, who will soon be moving into his third off-cam-
paus rental in Ann Arbor, sees potential even in a website that
merely exposes bad landlords.
"Ive heard lots of horror stories," Gorman said.
One of these stories may have come from Kevin Mundy, an
* SA junior, who said he is excited to sign on to the new site.
After three weeks of requesting his landlord to fix the broken
mailboxes in his apartment building, he said he finally heard
a repairman pounding on the boxes early one morning.
See WEB SITE, Page 10

A University Construction Services worker removes concrete plaques at the Michigan Union to recover a time capsule in the wall.
Inside: Full story about the Union time capsule: Page 2.

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