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August 09, 2004 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2004-08-09

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 9, 2004


Bush opposes use of legacy status
n colleges' admissions process

Continued from Page 1
saying it would not be appropriate for
the administration to comment on a
political campaign. Regarding the
University's use of "legacy" status,-
she said it is a "very small factor" in

"We receive many more applica-
tions from highly qualified students
than we have space to admit, and we
consider a variety of additional fac-
tors in order to select students who
will contribute to an interesting
class," Peterson said. "It is one of

the many aspects of a student's
background that we consider."
Until last year, the admissions poli-
cy awarded 20 of 150 points to under-
represented applicants. Bush opposed
that policy, characterizing it as tanta-
mount to a "quota system."
But the president was not clear on
whether he supports the University's
current race-conscious admissions pol-
icy, which does not use a point system.
While he objected to suggestions that
he opposes affirmative action, Bush
avoided saying he supports it.
"So you support affirmative action
but not quotas?" asked Martin during
the discussion.
Bush's response prompted laughter
from audience members: "I support
colleges affirmatively taking action to
get minorities in their schools."
When asked about a projection by
Gen. Tommy Franks - a former com-
mander who led the invasion into
Afghanistan and Iraq - that Ameri-
can troops would remain in Iraq for
two to four years, Bush dismissed the
"He is trying to get me to put a
timetable out there," the president said
of the panel member who asked the
question. "I'm not going to do it, see.
And when the timetable is busted
they'll say, 'I told you."'
Bush then acknowledged the panel
member's tenacity, awarding him an
"'A' for effort."
Discussing the Iraq war and terror-
ism, Bush suggested a more descrip-
tive name for the war on terror.
"We actually misnamed the war on
terror," he said. "It ought to be a
struggle against ideological extrem-
ists who do not believe in free society,
who happen to use terror as a weapon
to try to shape the conscience of the
free world."
Bush's reception from the crowd of
minority journalists was at times less
enthusiastic than it was for Sen. John
Kerry, the Democratic presidential
nominee, who addressed the same con-
vention Thursday to hearty applause.
"It was a different climate than for
Kerry," said Lori Cheatham-Thomas, a
broadcast journalism student who
attended both speeches. "We weren't
cheering (for Bush) ... it wasn't warm,
but it was respectful."
Jack Chang, a reporter for the Con-
tra Costa Times, said some journalists
in the crowd mocked Bush as he
spoke. But Chang said journalists who
were not writing about the event
should not be criticized for expressing
their reactions.
"Journalists have opinions on things
... that's how it is," he said.
Nicole Shum, a journalism student
at the University of California Los
Angeles, said the reaction to Bush in
the overflow room, where she and sev-
eral hundred other journalists watched
the address on closed-circuit televi-
sion, was "no-holds-barred laughing."
"Whether that kind of discredits
us as professionals ... it might,"
Shum said.

President Bush speaks at the UNITY: Journalist of Color Conference at the
Washington Convention Center on Friday in D.C. In response to questions from
minority journalists, Bush explained that he believes universities should not use
"legacy" status as a factor in admissions.
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