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August 02, 2004 - Image 15

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2004-08-02

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August 2, 2004



Icers hit with surprising defection

b By Seth Gordon
and Ryan Sosin
Daily Sports Editors

and tht
for a yo
there is

Just as Red Berenson managed to Assistan
get that seductress in a New York Last
Rangers jersey to stop hanging Best D
around Yost Ice Arena, she unex- CCHA
pectedly struck again. After a failed 17 goals
attempt to lure Al Montoya away for the
from Michigan, the Rangers offered regular
would-be senior Dwight Helminen a three ye
deal, and he has chosen to accept in 120 g
After attending one of the Helm:
Rangers prospects camps - where value to
he was among the top performers - seeming
New York put an offer on the table despite
and a chance to make an impact. Perhaps
"They see him in a really good created
light, and they think that with the where H
way they are going with their team up a per
the michigan daily
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e way they have cleaned
that there's an opportunity
Dung guy like him to play if
s a season in New York,"
nt Coach Billy Powers said.
season, Helminen was voted
efensive Forward in the
while scoring a career-high
s and 11 assists in 41 games
Wolverines. He has been a
in the Michigan lineup all
ars and has scored 79 points
inen's numbers might bely his
o the team as his departure
ly leaves several holes to fill
only leaving one locker empty.
the most obvious vacancy
will be on the penalty kill,
[elminen seemingly had taken
rmanent residency.

"Obviously there will be some
guys that will have to step up as far
as the penalty kill goes because
Dwight was a leader in that regard,"
Powers said. "He was one of the
first guys that we tapped for the
penalty kill."
Michigan has several options to
replace Helminen on the unit, where
several Wolverines have already
seen action, most notably Mike
Brown and Michael Woodford.
Brandon Kaleniecki and Andrew
Ebbett have some experience in
man-down situations and will likely
see more time this year. Powers also
sees an option in expanding the
roles of highly talented offensive
players, such as Jeff Tambellini and
T.J. Hensick, by keeping them on
See HELMINEN, Page 15

Incoming freshman Ron Coleman will help fill the void left by Bernard Robinson.

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Continued from Page 1
enced teammates.
Coleman, who is listed at 6-foot-6 and
210 pounds, is confident he'll be ready
to step in and contribute when the sea-
son starts in the fall.
"The coaches told me to focus on
shooting and rebounding, and I think I
can do that," Coleman said. "But to take
that next step I need to work on quick-
ness and ball handling so that I can
become more of a slasher-type player."
Though he's always been a quiet per-
son, Oats sensed that Coleman was
becoming more of a presence in his high
school team's locker room.
"He's not a real vocal kid, but that
started to change his senior year,"
Oats said. "He's always been a
leader by example, and this year, he
took more of a leadership role and
really began to speak up."
Now that Bernard Robinson Jr. is a
Charlotte Bobcat, Abram, Harris and
Daniel Horton are expected to be the
starting guards, with Coleman and Sher-
rod Harrell as their backups.
"He's got a great opportunity to step
in and contribute," Oats said. "They lost
Bernard, and Ron plays the same posi-
tion. He knows the chance is there and
he's working hard so that he can step
right in and have a great freshman year."
For Coleman, Michigan was one of
the easiest choices he's ever made. Aside
from a visit to Michigan State, he never
even considered any other schools.
Coleman grew up in Atlanta with his
mother but would often visit his uncle
and aunt, Jeffrey and Jennifer Robert-
son. is Ronuius. And many times, Jef-
frey would take Coleman to Crisler.
Then, during the summer before ninth
grade Coleman moved in with the

Robertsons so that he could have a
father figure in his life.
Coleman quickly got familiar with
Michigan basketball. Coleman was on
the same AAU team as Abram and Gra-
ham Brown, played with Brent Petway
and Courtney Sims at a basketball camp
and also knew Harris. Before his junior
year of high school, Coleman had made
his choice.
"When coach Amaker came here
and started turning around the pro-
gram, I knew this was the place for
me," Coleman said. "He's a great
coach, and I really think he'll help me
take that next step."
"Some people weren't sure he should
have made such a quick decision, but we
were happy," Jennifer said. "He said he
liked coach Amaker and that was it. We
would have supported him wherever he
said he wanted to go, but Michigan is a.
great school and close by"
Coleman is especially excited to get
started in Ann Arbor because he feels he
was overlooked during high school.
Coleman was disappointed to miss out
on most awards and All-Star games after
his senior year and is using that to fuel
him for this year.
"He definitely feels like he's been
overlooked," Oats said. "On his AAU-
team, Joe and Malik got most of the
attention, but Ron can play with those
two. It's given him extra motivation to
show what he can do. He's a better play-
er than people realize and he's been
working hard to show everyone that."
Fans may know more about the play-
ers Michigan didn't get than Coleman,
but that doesn't bother him.
"It's not a big deal if people don't
knowme going in," Coleman said.
"They'll know who I am when the sea-
son starts and I get out on the loorv-
That's all that matters"

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