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May 10, 2004 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2004-05-10

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Opinion 4 Elliot Mallen wants you
to question the V
Arts 9 Arts discusses touring
with Destroyer

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One-hundred- thirteen years (fedit'oralfreedom

Monday, May 10, 2004
Summer Weekly

wwwmichigyndaily.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 141 02004 The Michigan Daily

Dean of students announces resignation from 'U'

By Mona Rafeeq step away from my
Daily News Editor role as Dean of Stu-
dents," Willis wrote
Dean of Students Ed Willis in an e-mail sent to
announced Thursday that he has his colleagues at the
decided to resign from his position University.F
for personal reasons. He added, "This
The dean of students works with the has been a long
Office of Student Affairs to provide and difficult deci-
assistance to individual students, student sion to make, and
groups, faculty and staff on issues out- it came after con- Willis
side of the academic setting. siderable thought
"My need and desire to support my and much consultation."
family at this time necessitates that I Frank Cianciola, senior associate vice
Initiative legalizing
1. . .10

president for student affairs, said he form an advisory group to "explore the would like to see an MSA representative
worked with Willis on many crisis situa- appropriate next steps in launching a sit on the board of the advisory group
tions and student projects. search for a successor'.' and participate in the search for an eligi-
"He's balancing his commitment to Jason Mironov, president of the ble candidate for the position.
his family and to his profession, and this Michigan Student Assembly, said he Cianciola said Harper will decide the
is a personal decision," Cianciola said. was sad to hear that Willis will be leav- members of the group because the dean
Willis said in his e-mail he will be ing. Mironov said Willis had been help- of students reports directly to her.
leaving the University "within the ing MSA plan and organize Spring Willis has served on several commit-
next few days," but Cianciola said it Fling, an activity scheduled for the tees, including the Undergraduate Coun-
is likely that he will be in and out of spring of 2005. He said MSA will seek cil, Diversity Council and the Provost's
his office until June. other help with the project. Task Force on Campus Climate fos
In a press release to The Michigan As for the search for a successor to Transgender, Bisexual, Lesbian, Gay
Daily, Vice President of Student Affairs the dean of students position, Mironov, a Faculty, Staff and Students.
E. Royster Harper said that she will' fourth-year business student, said he He was unavailable for comment.
Art museum receivesx$10million donation

may be on
Kate Tomkie
DailyStaff Reporter
After collecting almost 7,000
signatures in support of decrimi-
nalizing marijuana for medical use,
members of the Washtenaw Coali-
tion for Compassionate Care
marched from the Arbor Brewing
Company to the city clerk's office
last Friday to turn in the petition.
With the help of the University's
chapter of the National Organization
for the Reform of Marijuana Laws,
the coalition has collected almost
twice the 4,170 valid signatures legal-
ly required by the city.
Now, they may finally see the
medicinal marijuana initiative on the
ballot in November if the city clerk's

Nov. ballot
office approves the petition.
The petition asks voters to sup-
port amendments to the Ann Arbor
charter that would prohibit the city
from fining residents for possess-
ing marijuana when it is recom-
mended by a physician and used
for medical treatment. The petition
also asks that fines for marijuana
use be capped at $100, currently
the minimum amount for posses-
sion of the drug.
Charles Ream, chairman of the
Washtenaw Coalition for Compas-
sionate Care, said he has spent the
last year collecting petitions from
Ann Arbor residents.
"Ann Arbor is a progressive town,
and I know people want this to work,"

Officer to face trial for
prisoner abuse photos
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Stung by a prosecuting those responsible for a
worldwide outcry, the U.S. military yes- scandal that threatens to undermine
terday announced the first court-martial the U.S. mission in Iraq and President
in the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse allega- Bush's re-election chances.
tions, ordering a reservist to face a pub- Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmit t,
lic trial in Baghdad on May 19. announcing the trial date, said the
Spc. Jeremy Sivits of Hyndman, proceedings would be held in the
Pa., a member of the 372nd Military Baghdad Convention Center, which
Police Company, will face a military houses the coalition press office,
court less than a month after photos of and be open to media coverage.
prisoners being abused and humiliated Bush promised Saturday that "we
were first broadcast April 28. will learn all the facts and determine
Both the speed of the trial's schedul- the full extent of these abuses. Those
ing and the venue in the Iraqi capital involved will be identified. They will
underscore the military's realization answer for their actions."
that it must demonstrate resolve in See PRISONERS Page 2

Ann Arbor resident Jacob Zelle, age 13, ponders a painting at the University of Michigan Museum of Art on Saturday.
The museum is beginning plans for expansion and received $10 million from the Maxine and Stuart Frankel Foundation
on May 4. The money will be used to build a new wing which will include galleries, classrooms and an auditorium.

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