2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, July 19, 2004
Budget increases MESA, SAPACfunds
Continued from Page 1
survivors, and outreach and education
But Our Voices Count member and
recent graduate Mia White said the
majority of the $70,000 would go
toward the renovations of the Counsel-
ing and Psychological Services, which
now includes SAPAC. OVC is a stu-
dent group that formed to oppose
changes to SAPAC.
The new budget also restores $27,000
in funding to MESA and Pow Wow, par-
tially reinstates $8,000 to Student Activi-
ties and Leadership.
While Harper's e-mail notes that
funding has also been increased to the
International Center and its programs
according to federal regulations, she
does not include the specific amount.
The administration's budget also
allots $25,000 to "emerging opportuni-
ties." Cianciola said this will cover any
issues or programs that come up during
the coming year that may require funds.
It will also be a resource the Universi-
ty can use to match funds with student
groups. For example, when Harper sup-
ported the Michigan Student Assembly's
effort to restore Entree Plus at Michigan
Stadium, the administration matched
funds with MSA so equipment could be
purchased for that cause.
The administration has set aside
$800,000 for infrastructure repairs to
the William Monroe Trotter House
Multicultural Center for the next two
years, as well as $200,000 for imme-
diate facility needs. Cianciola said
there are two primary purposes for
infrastructure repair. "We want to
make sure that the facilities are safe
and fully functional," he said.
"Some of those interior and exterior
enhancements will include upgrading
electrical wiring and repairs to windows,
and some of those dollars will be spent
to make changes that visitors will be
able to see when they use the building, "
Cianciola added.
In addition to facility changes, the
administration has allotted $80,000 to
support multicultural programs at
Trotter House.
MSA President Jason Mironov said
he was pleased to learn about the
increases in funding to the Student
Affairs programs, but especially regard-
ing the Trotter House.
"This allows us to withdraw the
request that we were going to make to
(the University's Board of Regents) to
increase student fees by an additional $1
to support the Trotter House, which was
voted on the ballot last year," he said.
Harper's e-mail also states that the
position of education coordinator at the
Office of LGBT Affairs will be expand-
ed from part-time to full-time.
During this past year, an alliance of
students, faculty, staff, alumni and com-
munity members called All Fired Up
had protested the University's proposed
restructuring of the office. The changes
would have included eliminating this
education coordinator position.
Harper's e-mail also detailed changes
to the University Unions.
Continued from Page 1
throughout the rest of July and August.
David Johnson, a Rackham student
who lives in NW IV said he opposed
the University's decision to allow resi-
dents of NW I, II and III to relocate and
keep the same rent.
"Part of the deal is that they get to
move out and keep their low rent,"
Johnson said. "So they'll be living
next to people that are paying more.
My rent is $992 (per month), which is
Levy said, however, that residents of
NW I, II and III that were relocating to
IV and V were significantly helping the
University by "uprooting themselves"
and making a move they had not
planned on or budgeted for, and thus
will be allowed to keep the same rent as
in their previous apartment.
"The current contract holders of NW
IV and V chose to sign a contract for
(those apartments) with the knowledge
of the contract rate that they would be
paying, and they made the decision to
(do) that," he said. "We are asking the
residents of NW I, II and III ... to help
us out ... and we needed in some way
to recognize that."
Although some families from NW I,
II and III will be relocating to IV and V,
some will remain in their current loca-
tion and will be living among single
undergraduates, a situation that some
families find troublesome.
Other residents of the Northwood
apartments have cited the reduction of
family housing to IV and V as problem-
atic for future students who are married
or have children.
Johnson said families from North-
wood apartments will be gathering to
decide on further action.
While the University has chosen to
solve this year's housing problem by
relocating upperclassmen from Baits, 4
the Residence Hall Association -
which serves as a liaison between the
administration and the residence halls
- is providing suggestions to solve a
similar problem in the future. Although
the group's president Amy Keller said
the association supports the University's
current solution, she, along with other
RHA officers, submitted a letter to the
regents regarding the relocation, outlin-
ing changes to the housing system.
Among those suggestions is a call to
rid the University guarantee of provid-
ing freshmen with on-campus housing
and instead offering off-campus hous-
ing options to first year students.
"We believe that a successful 'first
year experience' could result from off-
campus housing should (the off-cam-
pus) office expand both their staff and
services to students," the letter states.
If the guarantee is to continue, how-
ever, the RHA suggests that the Resi-
dential Life Initiatives project "work at
a faster pace" and recognize the need
for a new residence hail.
The letter sent to the regents also
includes suggestions for current North
Campus housing that would dispel the
current "stereotypes regarding the
atmosphere of North Campus." Sugges-
tions include a community center on
North Campus to give it the same feel
as residence halls on Central Campus
and the Hill, improved transportation
for students traveling to classes and the
possibility of offering some introducto-
ry courses on North Campus.
These changes, the RHA states,
would benefit both undergraduate and
graduate students on North Campus, a
demographic that will increase with the
housing changes just implemented,
placing 30 percent of all incoming
freshmen in either Bursley or Baits.
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The M aihigan Dily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Mondays during the spring and summer terms by students at
the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $110. Winter
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The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.
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