VIEWPOINT * Left, Right and Blue The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - 5 Too little too late SAM SINGER TAE Two BY CHRISTOPHER ZBROZEK Now, for a brief period in high school, I would have been one of the progressives I refer to who actually do hate America ... how listening to too much Springsteen changes your politics! Patriotism is a distinctly human emotion. However, an abstract love for one's country is too subtle and too complex for a dog or a Democrat, as one of today's prevailing political myths alleges, to understand. I am not sure when people started believ- ing conservatives are patriotic and liberals are not. The Pledge of Allegiance was written by a socialist, and the folk-singer Woodie Guthrie, who wrote "This Land Is Your Land," was about as liberal as they come. Yet in today's political climate, and especially since Sept. 11, the stereotype that only conserva- tives are patriots has become so common as to be offensive. Like many stereotypes, this view may have originated from a loose basis in actual facts. Statis- tically, die-hard Republicans are probably more likely than Democ- rats to fly the American flag at their homes or describe them- selves as strongly patriotic. And a small proportion of progressives, appalled by the effects of what they see as American military and cultural imperialism, probably would say they hate America. (Never mind that this sample is about as representative of the mainstream Left as the Timothy McVeigh brand of extremism is of the mainstream Right). Lest some- one has not absorbed the stereo- type enough, let the wise words of law school alumna Ann Coulter guide them: in her book "Trea- son," Coulter writes, "Everyone says liberals love America, too. No, they don't." The problem here is a simplifi- cation, a tendency to conflate patriotic symbols and support for government actions with patrio- tism itself. It is certainly unfair to pick on the the noted political pundit Britney Spears for her blind support of President Bush as portrayed in Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11." Yet it seems that the uncritical mentality she displays is shared by many conser- vatives. While few conservatives would likely agree with the flat- out statement "My country, right or wrong!" many do feel that it is unpatriotic to criticize the govern- ment in a time of war. This, to me, seems foolish at best. I cannot believe patriotism requires, should the ship of state run aground, that we cheer. Fundamentally, one's patrio- tism is based on one's respect for the values which the country rep- resents and is displayed in one's actions to fight for those values. Yet it should go without saying that the particular American val- ues a person finds worth defend- ing will vary with the person's political views; after all, it is impossible to find, even in the writings of the Founding Fathers, a clear, distinct list of what alone qualifies as American values. In a democracy, patriotism should be a motivating force behind individu- als' actions to serve and improve the country as they see fit, not a partisan characteristic. Liberals, perhaps afraid of being perceived as jingoistic nationalists, have shied away from publically pro- fessing their patriotism and have practically allowed conservatives to adopt the American flag as a GOP symbol. In this regard, liber- als are partially to blame for the stereotype that they are unpatriot- ic. Liberals could start to lay this idea to rest by putting an Ameri- can flag up in the yard with the John Kerry sign, to help remind conservatives that, Ann Coulter's rhetoric aside, all Americans have something to celebrate on the Fourth of July. Zbrozek is an LSA junior and a member of the Daily's editorial board. raqi Culture Night in the Green . ..LZone? When I first read it in The Washington Post I flinched. There was no way that the skepti- cal eye of an already poised international media was going to overlook this story's tragic irony: One year and three months into the occupation, the U.S. military, hamstrung by its tactical miscalculations and general cultural illiter- acy, belatedly begins the process of instructively acclimating U.S. soldiers to the Iraqi socio-political dynamic. As the reconstruction period has pro- gressed, the Coalition's fundamental incomprehension of the Iraqi theatre has grown all the more apparent. The mili- tary's prewar assessment of Iraq's numer- ous ethnic blocs as politically vulnerable, rudimentary splinters that would capitu- late to U.S. strong-arming was indeed a crude one. And no group has brought the Bush administration more anguish for its one-dimensionality than the religious leadership of the country's largest ethnic faction, the Shiites. In particular, the shadowy Grand Ayatollah, Ali Al-Sistani, unmistakably the nation's most influential figurehead, has come to represent a per- petual headache for the Provisional Authority. The Coalition's relationship with the cleric has grown gradually more lopsided as the mullah uses his unbound- ed political clout to circumvent one U.S. policy after another. A professed political moderate, from the very beginning Sistani was flagged as a cooperative liaison between Bremer and the embattled Shiite majority. His support was considered critical, not only as a powerbroker, but as an icon of legitimacy. Disappointingly, the only thing that ana- lysts underestimated more than Sistani's obstinacy was his loyalty. The sheik's unyielding demand for an electoral sys- tem based on direct representation has been grounds for constant U.S. backpedaling and has left a vulnerable Iraqi government exposed in the eye of a political hurricane. Sistani's first eruption came last fall after Bremer entrusted the task of craft- ing a permanent constitution to the soon- to-be-appointed Provisional Authority. A symbol of stability to the Bush adminis- tration, a permanent constitution was a post-war necessity - a cornerstone promise Bremer never saw himself break- ing. But to Sistani, the idea was an affront to democratic sovereignty, and the sheik threw flames until the U.S. proconsul gave ground. Sistani's next casualty would be Adnan Pachachi, a former For- eign Minister and Bremer's trophy pick to fill the Presidential spot in the forthcom- ing regime. Pachachi, however, declined the executive reigns; a startling move that numerous sources maintain was the result of outside pestering from Sistani. In the wake of the June 28 handover the cleric's stonewalling is likely to intensify. Just weeks ago, Sistani locked horns with Kurdish leadership over the language of a recent United Nations res- olution - a minor illustration of what seems to be an inoperable stalemate. The cleric has denounced Kurdish petitions for regional autonomy and has managed to flush any special concessions to the Kurds out of the recent resolution. In recognition of Shiite opposition, the authors of the carefully worded docu- ment shied away from explicit references to the Transitional Administrative Law, a set of statutes that devolve veto power to ethnic Kurds over the merits of a perma- nent constitution. Riled by the resolution, Iraq's two most powerful Kurdish officials wrote a scorching letter to President Bush threat- ening to withdraw from the new govern- ment if issues of federalism were not adequately addressed. Then, in a rare demonstration of hostility for a customar- ily docile community, thousands of ethnic Kurds traveled north in a collective strug- gle to repossess territory that was taken from them under the Baath regime. Add to that the 1.7 million Kurds who signed a ballot initiative in support of holding a regional referendum on independence, and a troubling pattern appears. As newly appointed Prime Minister Allawi cautiously considers the hand he has been dealt, he does not see a bud- ding democracy, he sees a ruptured and deadlocked populace - a nation on the brink of a succession crisis. Isn't it a lit- tle late for Iraqi Culture Night in the Green Zone? Singer can be reached at A different side of the world BONNIE KELLMAN A Bi t.NI EDGE SAM BUTLER THE SOAPBOX tf +'s rio d +0 have A-ie power n y b nckinor Tvvr = hands. - s ~ My sister has been teaching Eng- lish in Japan for the past nine months. When I recently went to visit her there, I had no idea what to expect. For me, Japan has always been foreign and far away by definition, a place I never dreamed I would actually see. My only preconceptions came from random passages of Lonely Planet and scenes from "Lost in Translation." When I first arrived, I was surprised to discover that many Japanese stereotypes are actually true. For example, schoolgirls really do wear those short plaid skirts you see in Anime. The schoolboys wear suits to match. (After school, they untuck their shirts, loosen their ties and strut through the city like little punk businessmen.) And everything is one size smaller than its counterpart in the United States. I swear that seats and couches are half the height. I banged my head on the top of multiple doorframes. Even at Starbucks, there's a "short" size, which is smaller than a "tall." As I stayed longer, I was struck by how Westernized Japan is. Although I knew that Japan has been heavily influenced by the United States since World War II, I was not prepared for the reality of it. Simulta- neous progress and preservation of culture has created a strange mix of ancient and modern. In Tokyo, temples serenely sit next to skyscrapers. Women in kimonos chat on cell phones. At the Meiji-jingu Shrine, I saw two Buddhist monks direct a BMW into a garage. Western influence extends even further than this. The West is not simply a pres- ence, but a fashion statement. Random English words spring up in advertise- ments. Many people dye their hair shades of brown and blond. In kimono stores, almost all the plastic models are white. At a crepe stand in Toyama, the cashier wore a nickel around her neck as an exotic touch to her outfit. In Japan, the West is cool and trendy, my sister explained. Despite all this, it is definitely not cool and trendy to actually be white. As cau- casians, my sister and I stood out like white elephants in their homogeneous population. It started as soon as my sister met me in Tokyo's Narita airport. As we walked through the terminal, a group of Japanese schoolgirls began to giggle hys- terically. "Hello! Hello!" one of them called. "What's the joke?" I asked my sis- ter as we rushed past. "We are," she said. And that was only the beginning. On the subway in Sapporo, a girl by the door stared at us wide-eyed and open- mouthed. We looked at her. She stared. We looked away. She moved to the seat across from us and stared some more. I was unsure if she was even blinking. Most probably, we were the first white people she had ever seen. Of course, not all Japanese people are like this. Although we did receive count- less sidelong glances, for the most part, they were extremely friendly. The Japan- ese have turned common courtesy into an art form. Even in the midst of our Ameri- can ignorance, they bowed and smiled per- sistently. Shopkeepers welcome everyone who passes by. As my sister and I left one restaurant, the entire kitchen crew stopped to thank us. I had never felt so popular. It was nice, even if its artificiality became stifling after about a week. When you think about it, their attitude makes sense; with so many people packed onto four small islands, they have to be thoughtful and considerate to sur- vive. They have to smooth over conflicts because they can't run away in their SUVs like Americans can. At the same time, though, their courtesy seems to be based on something deeper than calculat- ed flattery. Security is lax. On the overnight trains, there are no doors to the sleeping compartments. In other words, they have faith in humanity. It is unclear if this is the cause or result of their sur- prisingly low crime rate. By the end of the trip, I had seen another side of the world. I had tasted what it's like to be a minority, an outsider, someone living in a country that's being culturally and economically taken over by another. There are a million different per- spectives in this world. The sad part is, we'll never even be aware of a fraction of them because we're all so blinded by our own small lives. It's humbling, really. That's exactly the point of traveling. Kellman can be reached at