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June 21, 2004 - Image 10

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2004-06-21

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10 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 21, 2004


For their new summer schedule, FOX has debuted "The
Jury," a drama that takes the viewer into the deliberation
room. The idea is a welcome change from a barrage of
shows that focus solely on lawyers. Each episode begins
with a quick, interesting outline of the case, then moves into
the deliberation room, where the group must unanimously
decide the fate of a defendant.
The show relies on frequent flashbacks from the case,
ranging from pre-trial questioning to testimony from experts
and witnesses. Once the jury gives their verdict, the episode
concludes by showing what the real jury concluded.

The jury is, as expected, an extremely diverse group, who
always seem to be split right down the middle. All have a
specific personality, whether it's the rebellious young adult,
the strong middle-aged woman or the wise old man. The
members piece together everything well, but the rapidly-
changing cast is hard to embrace. Also, time constraints pre-
vent truly engrossing deliberation.
Still, "The Jury" is a quality show that works best on a
case-by-case basis. The only thing this show is guilty of is
the revolving cast, but fortunately, its premise and cool visu-
al effects make up for it. ***
-Douglas Wernert

Adrock, watch out! Dementors!
Boys honor Boroughs

By Joel Hoard
Daily Arts Writer
The last time the Beastie Boys
released a record (1999's Hello Nasty),
America was at t ,
peace, the Twin Beastie Boys
Towers were still
standing and Bill To the 5
Clinton was presi- Boroughsj
dent. Five years, Capitol
two wars and one
right-wing president later, the Beasties
break their silence with To the 5 Bor-
oughs. As the self-appointed voices of
the left, they issue an all-out attack on
George W. Bush and honor their home-
town, all while partying like it's 1986.
The record embodies a classic Beastie
Boys sound with old-school hip-hop
samples of the Sugar Hill Gang and
Run-DMC, electronic beeps and blips,
funk beats and three MCs at the top of
their game. The Boys may be pushing
40, but you wouldn't know it by listen-
ing. They deliver a refreshing kick to a
faltering genre dominated by teenage
MCs and cookie-cutter cluhb hits.
To the S Boroughs works as both a
classic Beastie Boys record and a bold
political statement. Party tracks in the
spirit of "Fight for Your Right to Party"
and the Boys' trademark pop culture ref-
erences are seamlessly juxtaposed with
unabashedly liberal politics and nods to

New York City.
The record kicks off.with the arche-
typal Beastie Boys anthem "Ch-Check It
Out," a lively track featuring a jittery
beat and the Boys trading boastful
rhymes and off-the-wall references to
"Nick at Nite" and Lorne Greene. The
party atmosphere continues with the
bass-heavy "Hey Fuck You" and the
funk-infused "Shazam!"
At the same time, the Beastie Boys'
ideals are brought to the forefront. While
their political rhymes are at times clum-
sy (" 'Cause George W's got nothing on
we / We got to take the power from he"),
the Beasties nevertheless make their .
beliefs known with insight, intelligence
and a sense of humor, offering up sting-
ing insults of G.W and the religious
right on "We Got The" and joke-y jabs
at American culture on "Time to Build,"
in which AdRock intones "It's time tolet
'em know what we expect / Stop build-
ing SUVs strung out on OPEC."
For all of their partying and politics,
at the end of the day the Beastie Boys
are first and foremost New Yorkers, and
To the 5 Boroughs is, atits heart, an
homage to their wounded hometown.
They pay their respects with stark, hand-
drawn cover art that shows the Manhat-
tan skyline with the Trade Center still
standing and the grave, humorless "An
Open Letter to NYC," on which Mike D
tells his city, "Dear New York, I know a
lot has changed / Two towers down but
you're still in the game."

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