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May 19, 2003 - Image 11

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2003-05-19

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, May 19, 2003 - 11

Continued from Page 10
nationals. It was most important that we
qualify. Overall, we are very pleased
with our performance this weekend."
Thunderstorms delayed all of the
races on Saturday, and forced the
Michigan first varsity eight to race
twice within a 90-minute span. But the
crew was able to pull out wins in both
races to qualify for the finals on Sun-
day. The other crews followed suit as
all five Michigan boats qualified for
the finals.

"It was great for all five boats to {T p N-
make it to Sunday," Rothstein said. k N O TES
"The novice boat had its best perform-
ance of the year and the second varsity 'M ' Nine drop to
four did really well, too. Those are their
last races of the year because they don't agajist Boilenlak
compete at nationals."
Rothstein has high hopes for nation- The Michigan baseball team dr
als, saying that the team looks forward three of four games to Purdue it
to competing against the best teams in weekend series.
the country. He wants to see how his Yesterday's 7-2 loss proved to
squad stacks up against the nation's best most lopsided, with sophomorer
after two hard weeks of practice. Michael Penn lasting only 4.2 inni
"We are having a great season," Junior catcher Jake Fox opened
Rothstein said. "We can finish high if day's doubleheader with his first
we row well." grand slam, but the Boilermakers

n their
be the

both games 8-6 and 7-4.
Sophomore pitcher Drew Taylor con-
tinued his dominance on Friday, earning
a complete game, in Friday's 3-2 win to
push his record to 8-1 on the season.
- Josh Holman
Men's track finishes
seventh at Big Tens
Sophomore Nate Brannen (800-meter
run) and freshman Nick Willis (1,500

meter-run) each won their respective
events at this weekend's Big Ten Out-
door Championships in Minneapolis.
The duo headlined a seventh-place fin-
ish for the Michigan men's track team.
Freshman Andrew Ellerton finished
second behind Brannen in the 800-meter
run, and junior Nick Stanko finished
third in the 10,000-meter run. All indi-
vidual qualifiers will now move to the
NCAA Mideast Regional on May 30.
- Ellen McGarrity

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