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April 29, 2003 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2003-04-29

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Summer Weekly

One hundred twelve years ofeditorialfreedom

April 29, 2003

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Bush addresses local
Iraqi-Americans, war

industry files
lawsuits against
college students
for illegally
Page 3
Columnist John
Honkala reflects
on Saturday's
ceremony and
the governor's
SPage 4

By Andrew McCormack
Daily News Editor
DEARBORN --Amid screams of support, Pres-
ident George W Bush addressed Iraqi-Americans,
representatives from the Arab-American communi-
ty, and the nation, saying "The days of repression
from any source are over. Iraq will be democratic."
Bush spoke at the Ford Community and Per-
forming Arts Center in Dearborn, which has the
largest Arab-American community in the nation
(over 200,000) and is home to the first Islamic
mosque in the U.S.
"I regret that I wasn't here a few weeks ago when
the statue came down. I understand you had quite a
party. I don't blame you. A lot of the people in the
Detroit area had waited years for that great day," he

added. "The opulent presidential palace in Basra
will now serve a new and noble purpose. We've
established a water purification unit there."
Bush highlighted his continued efforts to restore
basic services to the Iraqi people, pointing out
improvements such as the renewed production of
oil and access to clean water in cities like Hillah
and Basra.
"Day by day, hour by hour, life in Iraq is getting
better for the citizens. Yet, much work remains to be
done,"he said. "Congress recently allocated $2.5 -
nearly $2.5 billion for Iraq's relief and reconstruc-
tion. With that money, we are renewing Iraq with the
help of experts from inside our government, from
private industry, from the international community
and, most importantly, from within Iraq."
See BUSH, Page 2

President Bush speaks at the Ford Community and Performing Arts C4
Dearborn yesterday about recovery in Iraq.

remain in


ew film "Better
ck Tomorrow
tears down shooing
sterotypes while
highlighting the By Maria Sprow
dark realities of DailyStaffReporter
modern subur-

-age 11l

Kelly Ryals
helped the
Wolverines to a
strong fifth
place finish at
Page 14
The University
Board of
Regents vote to
raise Residence
Hall costs.

Although police and media reports
are slowly piecing together the events
and motives .leading to the murder of
LSA senior Jessica Smith, dozens of
questions remain - some likely to
remain unanswered, and some of which
can never be answered.
Smith's body was found April 20 in a
Days Inn hotel room in her hometown
of Canton, approximately 20 miles
from Ann Arbor. A hotel
employee found Smith,
a 23-year-old computer
science concentrator,
and called police at
12:46 p.m.
According to Canton
Township Police Depar-
ment reports, Smith had
hero shot five times - Smith
twice in the head, and
once in the neck, hack, and shoulder -
with two separate guns.
Just a day earlier, Smith had been at
home enjoying time with her family. She
had been playing with her dog, making
plans for the Easter holiday, and like
every other University student that
week, fretting over a school project that
would have been due soon.
"She was telling me about something
that had happened at work, and we were
laughing at that, and we were laughing
at how the dog was obsessed with her
See SHOOTING, Page 8

By Andrew McCormack
Daily News Editor
More than 6,400 seniors graduated last
Saturday with one common possession - an
uncertain future. For many this is an exciting
prospect, but for others, the country's trou-
bled economy makes graduation heavier than
the weight of a diploma.
"Actually, I'm a bit nervous about what's
next," said graduating LSA senior Tyrone
John. "(The recession) is what makes me
nervous figuring out what I'm doing."
The economy also has parents both wor-
ried and hopeful about the work environment
their sons and daughters are entering into.
"Our son Paul is graduating," said Bill
Shrader, walking with his wife Marsha
after the ceremony. "This happens every
20 years or so and each generation finds
its way out of it."
Gov. Jennifer Granholm, who spoke at
graduation, also had words of encouragement
for the graduates.
"Indeed, gratefully, this is no simple
world," she said. "In just such times, I say,
trust yourself and the ways you have
learned of diverse thought, of openness to
ideas and respect for others. ... Perhaps the

Above: Governor Jennifer Granholm receives
an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the
University last Saturday at Michigan
Stadium. Right: Students make their way to
the field before commencement ceremonies
began. (SETH LOWER/Daily)
first job out is not the best, but hang on. It
is not a question of whether we will get out
of this but when."
In spite of the difficult environment the
graduates are entering into, speakers like
University president Mary Sue Coleman
emphasized important moral values that the

newsy-uluucu a aumni snouu piai.
"Every day, every hour, you will need criti-
cal skills you have acquired here to separate
the informational wheat from the deceitful
chaff," Coleman said. "You have a deep
responsibility to yourselves and to society to

New office created to address
affinnative action in workplace
By Soojung Chang ment Policy Office and the Office of a Multicul-
Daily News Editor tural Community.
In a letter to the University community, Provost
Amid concern over the role of diversity in stu- Paul Courant, Associate Vice President for Human
dent admissions, the University is trying to improve Resources Barbara Butterfield, and Senior Vice
its services to prevent discrimination and harass- Provost Lester Monts said the office will be respon-
ment at the administrative level. sible for the University's affirmative action policy,
University officials recently announced the sexual harassment policy, equity, diversity, and mul-
creation of the new Office of Institutional Equi- ticultural services, as well as the reporting and
ty, which will merge the services provided by management of related data.
several offices including the Sexual Harrass- See OFFICE, Page 8

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