- ADMISSIONS ON TRIAL who, despite a lower LSAT score or under- graduate grade point average, will succeed in the study of law. The Law School seeks oly a facade-it is sufficient that the class looks right, even if it does nlot perform right. The Law School tantalizes unprepared students with the promise of a University of Michigan degree and all of the opportuni- ties that it offers. These overmatched stu- dents take the bait, only to find that they cannot succeed in the cauldron of competi- tion. And this mismatch crisis is not restricted to elite institutions. See T. Sow- ell, Race and Culture 176-177 (1994) ("Even if most minority students are able to meet the normal standards at the 'aver-age' range of colleges and universities, the sys- tematic mismatching of minority students begun at the top can mean that such stu- dents are generally overmatched throughout all levels of higher education"). Indeed, to cover the tracks of the aestheticists, this cruel farce of racial discrimination must cpntinue-in selection for the Michigan Law Review, see University of Michigan Law School Student Handbook 2002-2003, pp. 39-40 (noting the presence of a "diver- sity plan" for admission to the review), and in hiring at law firms and for judicial clerk- ships-until the "beneficiaries" are no longer tolerated. While these students may graduate with law degrees, there is no evi- dnce that they have received a qualitative- ly better legal education (or become better lawyers) than if they had gone to a less "elite" law school for which they were bet- ter prepared. And the aestheticists will never address the real problems facing "nderrepresented minorities,"" instead cpntinuing their social experiments on other people's children. Beyond the harm the Law School's racial discrimination visits upon its test subjects, np social science has disproved the notion that this discrimination "engender[s] atti- tudes of superiority or, alternatively, pro- voke[s] resentment among those who believe that they have been wronged y the government's use of race." Adarand, 515 U. S., at 241 (THOMAS, J., concurring in part and concurring in judgment). "These pro- grams stamp minorities with a badge of inferiority and may cause them to develop dependencies or to adopt an attitude that they are 'entitled' to preferences." Ibid. It is uncontested that each year, the Law School admits a handful of blacks who would be admitted in the absence of racial discrimination. See Brief for Respondents Bollinger et al. 6. Who can differentiate between those who belong and those who do not? The majority of blacks are admitted to the Law School because of discrimina- tion, and because of this policy all are tarred as undeserving. This problem of stig- ma does not depend on determinacy as to whether those stigmatized are actually the "beneficiaries" of racial discrimination. When blacks take positions in the highest places of government, industry, or acade- mia, it is an open question today whether their skin color played a part in their advancement. The question itself is the stig- ma-because either racial discrimination did play a role, in which case the person may be deemed "otherwise unqualified," or it did not, in which case asking the question itself unfairly marks those blacks who would succeed without discrimination. Is this what the Court means by "visibly open"? Ante, at 20. Finally, the Court's disturbing reference to the importance of the country's law schools as training grounds meant to culti- vate "a set of leaders with legitimacy in the eyes of the citizenry," ibid., through the use of racial discrimination deserves discus- sion. As noted earlier, the Court has sound- ly rejected the remedying of societal discrimination as a justification for govern- mental use of race. Wygant, 476 U. S., at 276 (plurality opinion); Croson, 488 U. S., at 497 (plurality opinion); id., at 520-521 (SCALIA, J., concurring in judgment). For those who believe that every racial dispro- portionality in our society is caused by some kind of racial discrimination, there can be no distinction between remedying societal discrimination and erasing racial disproportionalities in the country's leader- ship caste. And if the lack of proportional racial representation among our leaders is not caused by societal discrimination, then "fixing" it is even less of a pressing public necessity. The Court's civics lesson presents yet another example of judicial selection of a theory of political representation based on skin color-an endeavor I have previously rejected. See Holder v. Hall, 512 U. S. 874, 899 (1994) (THOMAS, J., concurring in judgment). The majority appears to believe that broader utopian goals justify the Law School's use of race, but "[t]he Equal Pro- tection Clause commands the elimination of racial barriers, not their creation in order to satisfy our theory as to how society ought to be organized." DeFunis, 416 U. S., at 342 (Douglas, J., dissenting). VII As the foregoing makes clear, I believe the Court's opinion to be, in most respects, erroneous. I do, however, find two points pn which I agree. "A { First, I note that the issue of unconstitu- 'ional racial discrimination among the groups the Law School prefers is not pre- Oented in this case, because petitioner has ever argued that the Law School engages in such a practice, and the Law School ,aintains that it does not. See Brief for espondents Bollinger et al. 32, n. 50, and -7, n. 7. I join the Court's opinion insofar 4s it confirms that this type of racial dis- imination remains unlawful. Ante, at 13-15. Under today's decision, it is still the iase that racial discrimination that does not help a university to enroll an unspecified dumber, or "critical mass," of underrepre- sented minority students is unconstitution- al. Thus, the Law School may not discriminate in admissions between similar- y situated blacks and Hispanics, or *etween whites and Asians. This is so ecause preferring black to Hispanic appli- cants, for instance, does nothing to further the interest recognized by the majority today." Indeed, the majority describes such racial balancing as "patently unconstitu- tional." Ante, at 17. Like the Court, ante, at 24, I express no opinion as to whether the Law School's current admissions program runs afoul of this prohibition. B The Court also holds that racial discrimi- nation in admissions should be given anoth- er 25 years before it is deemed no longer narrowly tailored to the Law School's fabri- cated compelling state interest. Ante, at 30. While I agree that in 25 years the practices of the Law School will be illegal, they are, for the reasons I have given, illegal now. The majority does not and cannot rest its time limitation on any evidence that the gap in credentials between black and white stu- dents is shrinking or will be gone in that timeframe." In recent years there has been virtually no change, for example, in the proportion of law school applicants with LSAT scores of 165 and higher who are black." In 1993 blacks constituted 1.1% of law school applicants in that score range, though they represented 11.1% of all appli- cants. Law School Admission Council, National Statistical Report (1994) (here- inafter LSAC Statistical Report). In 2000 the comparable numbers were 1.0% and 11.3%. LSAC Statistical Report (2001). No one can seriously contend, and the Court does not, that the racial gap in academic credentials will disappear in 25 years. Nor is the Court's holding that racial discrimi- nation will be unconstitutional in 25 years made contingent on the gap closing in that time.' Indeed, the very existence of racial dis- crimination of the type practiced by the Law School may impede the narrowing of the LSAT testing gap. An applicant's LSAT score can improve dramatically with prepa- ration, but such preparation is a cost, and there must be sufficient benefits attached to an improved score to justify additional study. Whites scoring between 163 and 167 on the LSAT are routinely rejected by the Law School, and thus whites aspiring to admission at the Law School have every incen-tive to improve their score to levels above that range. See App. 199 (showing that in 2000, 209 out of 422 white appli- cants were rejected in this scoring range). Blacks, on the other hand, are nearly guar- anteed admission if they score above 155. Id., at 198 (showing that 63 out of77 black applicants are accepted with LSAT scores above 155). As admission prospects approach certainty, there is no incentive for the black applicant to continue to prepare for the LSAT once he is reasonably assured of achieving the requisite score. It is far from certain that the LSAT test-taker's behavior is responsive to the Law School's admissions policies." Nevertheless, the possibility remains that this racial discrimi- nation will help fulfill the bigot's prophecy about black underperformance-just as it confirms the conspiracy theorist's belief that "institutional racism" is at fault for every racial disparity in our society. I therefore can understand the imposition of a 25-year time limit only as a holding that the deference the Court pays to the Law School's educational judgments and refusal to change its admissions policies will itself expire. At that point these poli- cies will clearly have failed to "'eliminat[e] the [perceived] need for any racial or eth- nic"' discrimination because the academic credentials gap will still be there. Ante, at 30 (quoting Nathanson & Bartnika, The Constitutionality of Preferential Treatment for Minority Applicants to Professional Schools, 58 Chicago Bar Rec. 282, 293 (May-June 1977)). The Court defines this time limit in terms of narrow tailoring, see ante, at 30, but I believe this arises from its refusal to define rigorously the broad state interest vindicated today. Cf. Part II, supra. With these observations, I join the last sen- tence of Part III of the opinion of the Court. For the immediate future, however, the majority has placed its imprimatur on a practice that can only weaken the principle of equality embodied in the Declaration of Independence and the Equal Protection Clause. "Our Constitution is color-blind, and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens." Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U. S. 537, 559 (1896) (Harlan, J., dissenting). It has been nearly 140 years since Frederick Douglass asked the intellectual ancestors of the Law School to "[d]o nothing with us!" and the Nation adopted the Fourteenth Amendment. Now we must wait another 25 years to see this principle of equality vindi- cated. I therefore respectfully dissent from the remainder of the Court's opinion and the judgment. 1. Throughout I will use the two phrases interchangeably. 2. The Court's refusal to address Wygant's rejection of a state interest virtu- ally indistinguishable from that presented by the Law School is perplexing. If the Court defers to the Law School's judgment that a racially mixed student body confers educational benefits to all, then why would the Wygant Court not defer to the school board's judgment with respect to the bene- fits a racially mixed faculty confers? 3. "[D]iversity," for all of its devotees, is more a fashionable catch-phrase than it is a useful term, especially when something as serious as racial discrimination is at issue. Because the Equal Protection Clause ren- ders the color of one's skin constitutionally irrelevant to the Law School's mission, I refer to the Law School's interest as an "aesthetic." That is, the Law School wants to have a certain appearance, from the shape of the desks and tables in its class- rooms to the color of the students sitting at them. I also use the term "aesthetic" because I believe it underlines the ineffectiveness of racially discriminatory admissions in actu- ally helping those who are truly underprivi- leged. Cf. Orr v. Orr, 440 U. S. 268, 283 (1979) (noting that suspect classifications are especially impermissible when "the choice made by the State appears to redound ... to the benefit of those without need for special solicitude"). It must be remembered that the Law School's racial discrimination does nothing for those too poor or uneducated to participate in elite higher education and therefore presents only an illusory solution to the challenges facing our nation. 4. The Law School believes both that the educational benefits of a racially engi- neered student body are large and that adjusting its overall admissions standards to achieve the same racial mix would require it to sacrifice its elite status. If the Law School is correct that the educational benefits of "diversity" are so great, then achieving them by altering admissions stan- dards should not compromise its elite sta- tus. The Law School's reluctance to do this suggests that the educational benefits it alleges are not significant or do not exist at all. 5. Cf. U. S. News & World Report, Amer- ica's Best Graduate Schools 28 (2004 ed.) (placing these schools in the uppermost 15 in the Nation). 6. The Court refers to this component of the Law School's compelling state interest variously as "academic quality," avoiding "sacrifice [of] a vital component of its edu- cational mission," and "academic selectivi- ty." Ante, at 27-28. 7. For example, North Carolina A&T State University, which is currently 5.4% white, College Admissions Data Handbook 643, could seek to reduce the representation of whites in order to gain additional educa- tional benefits. 8. Cal. Const., Art. 1, ยง31(a), , states in full: " T h e state shall not dis- Number of criinate W C0 ciiaelwaagainst, or grant pref- Y ar erential 1995 4147 treatment to, any 1996 3677 individual or group 1997 3429 on the 1998 3537 basis o race, sex, 1999 3400 color, eth- nicity,or 2000 3432 oatsional origin in the opera- tion o p u b l i c employ- ment, pub- 1 i co education, Nutberof or public laWEIIIOOI contract- Year mt I ing See 1995 4147 C oalition 19 17 for Eco 1996 3677 n o m i c Equity v. 1997 3429 Wilson, 122 F. 3d 1998 3537 692 (CA9 1997). 9. Given 2000 3432 the incred- ible defer- ence the1 L a w School receives from the Court, I think it Numbero(f appropri- lawscbciol ate to indulge in Year isa the pre- 11995141471 sumptionw that Boalt 1996 3677 Hall oper- ates with- 1997 3429 o u t 1998 3537 violating California 1999 3400 law. 10. Were 2000 3432 this Court to have the courage to forbid the use of racial discrimi- nation in admissions, legacy preferences (and similar practices) might quickly become less popular-a possibility not lost, I am certain, on the elites (both individual and institutional) supporting the Law School in this case. 11. For example, there is no recognition by the Law School in this case that even with their racial discrimination in place, black men are "underrepresented" at the Law School. See ABA-LSAC Guide 426 (reporting that the Law School has 46 black women and 28 black men). Why does the Law School not also discriminate in favor of black men over black women, given this underrepresentation? The answer is, again, that all the Law School cares about is its own image among know-it-all elites, not solving real problems like the crisis of black male underperformance. 12. That interest depends on enrolling a "critical mass" of underrepresented minori- ty students, as the majority repeatedly states. Ante, at 3, 5, 7, 17, 20, 21, 23, 28; cf. ante, at 21 (referring to the unique expe- rience of being a "racial minority," as opposed to being black, or Native Ameri- can); ante, at 24 (rejecting argument that the Law School maintains a disguised quota by referring to the total number of enrolled underrepresented minority students, not specific races). As it relates to the Law School's racial discrimination, the Court clearly approves of only one use of race- the distinction between underrepresented minority applicants and those of all other races. A relative preference awarded to a black applicant over, for example, a simi- larly situated Native American applicant, does not lead to the enrollment of even one more underrepresented minority student, but only balances the races within the "crit- ical mass." 13. I agree with JUSTICE GINSBURG that the Court's holding that racial discrimi- nation in admissions will be illegal in 25 years is not based upon a "forecast," post, at 3 (concurring opinion). I do not agree with JUSTICE GINSBURG's characteriza- tion of the Court's holding as an expression of "hope." Ibid. 14. I use a score of 165 as the benchmark here because the Law School feels itsis the relevant score range for applicant consider- ation (absent race discrimination). See Brief for Respondents Bollinger et al. 5; App. to Pet. for Cert. 309a (showing that the median LSAT score for all accepted applicants from 1995-1998 was 168); id., at 310a-31la (showing the median LSAT score for accepted applicants was 167 for the years 1999 and 2000); University of Michigan Law School Website, available at http://www.law.umich.edu/prospectivestu- dents/Admissions/ index.htm (showing that the median LSAT score for accepted appli- cants in 2002 was 166). 15. The majority's non sequitur observa- tion that since 1978 the number of blacks that have scored in these upper ranges on the LSAT has grown, ante, at 30, says noth- ing about current trends. First, black partic- ipation in the LSAT until the early 1990's lagged behind black representation in the general population. For instance, in 1984 only 7.3% of law school applicants were black, whereas in 2000 11.3% of law school applicants were black. See LSAC Statistical Reports (1984 and 2000). Today, however, unless blacks were to begin applying to law Table 2 13of Number I Number of appicants appicatst Afivan- who were adnitted American African- by the lae 404 9.7% 113} 342 .1% 1170 320 9.8% 1218 304 8.6% 1310 247 7.5% 1280 259 7.5% 1249 Table 3 Number of %Of apPlicant l N'umber of applicants admitted fi A ic w hotwee by the law i apliaants Hispanic school 21 1.1% 1130.. 186 5.1% 1170 163 .% 1218 150 4.2% 1310 152 4.5% 1230 168 ?.9% 1249 % o Numbor If Kumber of appkiante applicants Native who were adttd Amerncan Nat eb the law a heiats Amriecan school 45 1.1% 113} 31 0.8% 1170 37 1.1% 1213 40 1.1% 1310 25 0.7% 1280 35 10% 1249 school in proportions greater than their rep- resentation in the general population, 'the growth in absolute numbers of high scoting blacks'should be expected to plateau, and it has. In 1992, 63 black applicants to law school had LSAT scores above 165. In 2000, that number was 65. See LSAC Sta- tistical Reports (1992 and 2000). 16. I use the LSAT as an example, but the same incentive structure is in place for any admissions criteria, including undergradu- ate grades, on which minorities are consis- tently admitted at thresholds significantly lower than whites. chigan Daily - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 - 18 I agree with the Court that, "in the limit- ed circumstance when drawing racial dis- tinctions is permissible," the government must ensure that its means are narrowly tai- lored to achieve a compelling sate interest. Ante, at 21; see also Fullilove v. Klutznick, 448 U. S. 448, 498 (1980) (Powell J., con- curring) ("[E]ven if the governmenrof- fers a compelling interest to support \ reliance upon a suspect classification, tle means selected must be narrowly drawn t fulfill the governmental purpose"). I do nolt believe, however, that the University of Michigan Law School's (Law School) means are narrowly tailored to the interest it asserts. The Law School claims it must take the steps it does to achieve a "'critical mass' of underrepresented minority stu- dents. Brief for Respondents Bollinger et al. 13. But its actual program bears no rela- tion to this asserted goal. Stripped of its "critical mass" veil, the Law School's pro- gram is revealed as a naked effort to achieve racial balancing. As we have explained many times, ""'[a]ny preference based on racial or eth- nic criteria must necessarily receive a most searching examination."' Adarand Con- structors, Inc. v. Pea, 515 U. S. 200, 223 (1995) (quoting Wygant v. Jackson Bd. of Ed., 476 U. S. 267, 273 (1986) (plurality opinion of Powell, J.)). Our cases establish that, in order to withstand this demanding inquiry, respondents must demonstrate that their methods of using race "'fit"' a com- pelling state interest "with greater precision than any alternative means." Id., at 280, n. 6; Regents of Univ. of Cal. v. Bakke, 438 U. S. 265 299 (1978) (opinion of Powell, % f J.) ("When [political N~ithr Of aditt~ed udg- Arkcan- appbcantg ments] American who were touch upon appicants Viman individ- e~tf r ethnic 106 9.4% back- ground, he 108 9.2% is entitled 101 .% cial deter- 103 79% mination *that the 91 7.1% burden he is asked to 91 7.3% bear on that basis is precise- ly tailored to serve a com- %oj pelling N~b ()f admit govern- mental Hispanc aPPficants interest"). sipp- a wts who wee . Before admitted Hispanic the Court's decision 56 5.0% today, we 54 46% consistent- ly applied 47 3,9% the same strict 55 4.2% scrutiny 48 3.8% analysis regardless 53 4.2% of the gov- ernment's purported reason for using race and Of regardless Number of ad ited of the set- Native appl- anta ting in American who were which race 8 _ wsbeing licants Native was used. We rejected 14 12% calls to use more 13 1.1% lenient 19 16 the face of 18 1.% claims that race was 13 100% being used in "good 14 11% faith" because 1"'[ Wore than good motives should be required when government seeks to allocate its resources by way of an explicit racial classification system."' Adarand, supra, at 226; Fullilove, supra, at 537 (STEVENS, J., dissenting) ("Racial classifications are simply too per- nicious to permit any but the most exact connection between justification and classi- fication"). We likewise rejected calls to apply more lenient review based on the par- ticular setting in which race is being used. Indeed, even in the specific context of high- er education, we emphasized that "constitu- tional limitations pro-tecting individual rights may not be disregarded." Bakke, supra, at 314. Although the Court recites the language of our strict scrutiny analysis, its applica- tion of that review is unprecedented in its deference. Respondents' asserted justification for the Law School's use of race in the admis- sions process is "obtaining 'the educational benefits that flow from a diverse student body."' Ante, at 15 (quoting Brief for Respondents Bollinger et al. i). They con- tend that a "critical mass" of underrepre- sented minorities is necessary to further that interest. Ante, at 17. Respondents and school administrators explain generally that "critical mass" means a sufficient number of underrepresented minority students to achieve several objectives: To ensure that these minority students do not feel isolated or like spokespersons for their race; to pro- vide adequate opportunities for the type of interaction upon which the educational ben- efits of diversity depend; and to challenge all students to think critically and reexam- ine stereotypes. See App. to Pet. for Cert. 211 a; Brief for Respondents Bollinger et al. 26. These objectives indicate that "critical mass" relates to the size of the stu-dent