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June 16, 2003 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2003-06-16

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12 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 16, 2003

'M' sputters at NCAAs, shows potential for '04

By Mustafizur Choudhury
Daily Sports Writer
On Saturday, April Phillips partic-
ipated in her last meet as a member
of Michigan's track and field team.
In her absence next season, many
Wolverines will attempt to fill the
senior tri-captain's void. But,
replacing a three time All-American
is no easy task.
This weekend, a few proved that
they're ready for the challenge set
before them next season.
Five Wolverines competed in the
NCAA Championships in Sacra-
mento, Calif., where the Maize and
Blue finished in a six-way tie for
49th place.
Junior Melissa Bickett maintained
her standing from the day one pre-
liminary round and earned two of
the team's four total points with her
seventh place finish in the discus
throw. She launched the discus a
distance of 168'6" to recveive her
first All-America honor of her
"I've been (training) for this
moment for the last two years,"
Bickett said. "And since I've been
working at it, I'm more happy than
surprised to be an All-American."
Stephanie Linz contributed the
final two points, finishing seventh
in the high jump.
Linz struggled to clear the open-
ing height of 5'8," failing on her
first two attempts. But the sopho-
more made it cleanly over the bar
on her final attempt. She went on to

clear the next height of 5'10", but
that's as far as she would get. Linz
earned her first All-America honor
as well.
Freshman Rebecca Walter ended
her outdoor season on a positive
note, finishing 12th in the 5,000-
meter run. Junior Lindsey Gallo was
unable to make the finals of the
1,500-meter run, bowing out in the
section two preliminaries with a
time of 4:21.50.
The steady improvement of
younger athletes, like Walter and
Linz, has Michigan's coaches feel-
ing optimistic about the future of
the program.
"We're excited about those (ath-
letes)," Michigan coach James
Henry said. "We were pleasantly
surprised when our first-year stu-
dents stepped in and gave us an
immediate and significant contribu-
tion. They are a piece of the puzzle
that will go towards our success."
Phillips, the 2003 Big Ten Con-
ference Track and Field Athlete of
the Year, finished in 10th place in
both the shot put and the hammer
throw. With a toss of 194'6" in the
hammer throw, she was able to earn
her second All-America honor of
this season and the third such honor
of her illustrious career as a
Phillips, who has brought so
much success to Michigan's track
and field program, has decided not
to pursue the sport any further. But
she claims she wouldn't mind
coaching someday.

Continued from Page 11.
runners could attain these times in
the U.S., but the competition is
much steeper in Europe. Participat-
ing in races with other highly com-
petitive runners will make it easier
for Brannen and Willis to reach the
Olympic qualifying times, and it
will provide them with a different
track experience than they are nor-
mally accustomed to.
Having just three combined years
of college running experience, the
pair still has lots of time to become
NCAA champions. Olympic gold
medals may even be on the distant
"To have them compete and be
this good in the nation at this point
in time - it's unbelievable,"
L'Heureux said.
Continued from Page 11
Webber continues to deny ever
receiving substantial funds from
Judge Edmunds moved the trial
back a week from its original date to
July 15. Edmunds also granted the
defense's motion to strike all aliases
from the case; the government can-
not refer to the Webbers by nick-
names in the trial.
The University recently severed all
ties with Webber.

Senior April Phillips ends her Michigan career with a third All-America selection
this weekend, but failed to score any points at the NCAA Championships.

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Carter charged with assault
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) - Former Minnesota
Viking and Michigan receiver Anthony Carter was arrested
after lie beat his wife and pointed a handgun at her head,
according to reports released last Monday.
Carter, a college football Hall of Famer, was charged with
domestic battery, assault with a firearm and false imprison-
ment when he was arrested Saturday. The 11-year NFL vet-
eran, who also played for the Detroit Lions, was released
yesterday on $5,000 bond.
Kimberly Carter told deputies her husband struck her in
the face and threw her to the ground repeatedly early Friday
morning, according to the arrest report. She also said he
pointed a .45-caliber handgun at her head and wouldn't let
her leave their home or call for help.
She said he finally let her out of the house two hours after
Friday's assault when she asked to walk the dog, according
to the report. She walked to a nearby gas station, where
someone called police.
Deputies then went to the home, where the couple's eight-
year-old son was sleeping. Anthony Carter refused to come

to the door or answer the phone, accordingto the report. He
also initially refused to let the child, who has cerebral palsy,
leave the home. Finally, he brought the-boy outside and
placed him near the door on a pillow with is'medications.
Kimberly Carter, who obtained a restraining order, told
deputies her husband had abused her before but "never to
this extreme," according to the sheriff's report. Deputies
reported that they could see bruises and abrasions on her
face and neck.
Stickers heading to Europe
For the second time in the program's history, the Michi-
gan field hockey team will head overseas to begin the sea-
son. The Wolverines will spend eight days in Germany and
The Netherlands, competing in two tournaments and several
exhibition matches.
The trip will begin on August8 in Amsterdam, and the
cost of the trip is being covered by five years of donations
by alumni and friends of the field hockey program.
The competition will likely be fierce, as the tournaments
include clubs from Argentina and China, as well as Ger-
many and The Netherlands.
"It's such a hub of hockey over there," Michigan coach
Marcia Pankratz said. "(The players) will be reassured that
hockey is a well-respected and loved sport around the world."

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