20 -The Michigan Daily - Orientation Edition 2003 4 Offering... . Access to an amazing number of resources-including more than seven million books, current journals, video and audiotapes, maps, and more! " Convenient hours-at all 19 libraries. The Shapiro Under- graduate Library is open from 8 a.m. to 5 a.m. daily. " A knowledgeable and welcoming staff to help you with your research. " Study areas for quiet as well as group study. " Easy access to MIRLYN, the online catalog, and reference sources, electronic journals and newspapers, books, images and more from any networked computer. " Job opportunities-flexible shifts in various locations. Web Accessible Services such as... " What I've Checked Out-status of your library activity patron.lib.umich.edu " Ask Us-virtual reference service www.lib.umich.edulaskus/ * Peer Information Counseling-one-on-one assistance www.lib.umich.eduluglIPIC University Library... A World Within A World... 4 4 4 Central Campus North Campus 324 S. State Pierpont Commons 214 S. Main 2 New Stores! Kroger Shopping Center at Plymouth and Nixon Busch's Shopping Center on South Main z. SP1 UJO OV4l1 (4H4