Summer Weekly
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One hundred eleven years of editoril freedom
June 3, 2002
Affirmatively speaking
BAMN hosts third
Jnatwnal conference
By Hiba GhalIb
'$ Daily Staff Reporter
man, the next
University presi-
dent, talks about
leaving Iowa and
what she wants
to achieve in
Ann Arbor.
Page 8
The Daily lays
out plans for
newly elected
president Mary
Sue Coleman to
follow after she
takes office
Aug. 1.
Page 4
Sum of All
Fears," based on
the Tom Clancy
novel and star-
ring Ben Affleck
and Morgan Free-
man, receives
three stars.
Page 10
SNRE junior Rob Campau (left) yells his belief that "affirmative action is reverse discrimination and racism" as a BAMN
demonstrator tries to reach inside his vehicle to honk his horn on State Street in front of the LSA Building Friday.
0* *a Salaries brought to
By Karen Schwartz more transparent.
Daily News Editor The study, compiled by the+
on the Economic Status of tl
A study recently released by the Coin- includes summary informati
mittee on the Economic Status of the Fac- salaries and faculty makeup att
ulty shows the variability in University sity.
salaries from one discipline to another as "We thought it was important
well as indicating a gender wage gap - these various things in respo
information intended to raise questions and salary guidelines that had beenc
make the salary system at the University and see how salary guidelines
Palestinians ask 'U' to investigate
financial support of companies
A crowd of over 600 people from cities around the nation
kicked off their weekends Friday afternoon outside the Michi-
gan League to rally in support of the "new civil rights move-
ment." The demonstration was one of the main events of the
Third National Conference of the New Civil Rights Movement
held this weekend, organized by members of the University's
chapter of the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action and
Integration and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary.
Among other objectives, the conference was designed to
unite leaders in the movement to defend affirmative action and
integration and to express their agreement with the recent 6th
Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that upholds the University
Law School's policy regarding the use of race as a factor in
Because members of BAMN wish to replicate the outcome
of last month's 6th Circuit decision in the Supreme Court, the
conference also aimed to organize a rally that would be held in
Washington, D.C. if the US. Supreme Court decides to hear an
appeal of the decision. They also hope to collect at least 1 mil-
lion signatures in defense of the University's race-conscious
admissions policies by the time of the hearing.
BAMN organizer and Education junior Agnes Aleobua said
the conference covered the basics of the movement - how to
See BAMN, Page 2
light in study
he Faculty,
ion on the
the Univer-
t to look at
nse to the
were being
followed and how optimal and equitable
university salaries were," said Fred Askari,
study committee chair and professor of
internal medicine.
"The most important thing is just that the
study has been done and that people are look-
ing to see if salary guidelines are being fol-
lowed and there is data available - that we
have a more transparent salary system at the
See SALARY, Page 2
hires Rich Mal-
oney to be the
nest baseball
coach after
Michigan's 21-
32 season.
Page 13
Former basket-
ball booster Ed
Martin pleaded
guilty to conspir-
acy and agreed
to fully cooper-
ate with federal
officials Tuesday.
By Jeremy Berkowitz
Daily News Editor
Asking the University to take an action its only taken
twice in the past 20 years, members of the Arab-American
Anti-Discrimination Committee said last week that the Uni-
versity should divest all investments with companies who
supply military equipment to Israel. The ADC claims these
weapons are being used by the Israeli army to commit
human rights violations against Palestinians in the West
Bank and Gaza.
"We just want to stress the point that if you look at the
past few weeks, over 8,500 Palestinians have been arbitrarily
arrested and taken from their homes. There's absolutely no
movement between villages, the economy is being stran-
gled," University ADC President Fadi Kiblawi said, adding
that the ADC is "not anti-Israel, we're anti-occupation."
Kiblawi said the University has investments in companies
like Boeing, General Dynamic and General Electric, which
he said aid the Israeli army. He also said it is University pol-
icy to investigate investments with which a proportion of the
campus has "ethical and moral concerns."
"While we do understand that no financial portfolio can
ever be completely moral or ethical, depending on the narra-
tive point of view, there are policies in place that ensure that
a certain degree of moral responsibility is taken," Kiblawi
said in a written statement. "We are simply asking the Uni-
versity to comply with these policies and create a commis-
sion to investigate our ties to Israel's illegal occupation." He
added that he only hopes the University Board of Regents
acts appropriately when making the decision, saying the
ADC "cannot control the regents with the remote control."
The University has only twice before divested from its