6 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 30, 2002 the michigan daily . 4 *PARKING* G SOFA & LOVESEAT Light tan fabric, ex- FALL 2001 665-8825. cellent condition, $100 takes both. 663-4519. ROAD TRIPPING? MODIFIED '96 Dodge *****AVAILABLE AUG. 1 and Sept. 1, Intrepid ES. 50k mi. V6, every option. Room 2002 near Med. & Centl Campus. Modem I for 5 adults and lots of luggage. Lots more! & 2 bdrm. apts. Prkg. A/C, Ldry., Balc., Fum Email siegelsghumnich.edu. & Unfum. 800 Fuller. 769-7520. Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS cle's need 35. Haggard or 49. Buffalo hockey 1. Nabisco cracker 4. Chinese disci- Oberon player 5. Glacial ridge pline 36. Argue a case 51. Ice skater's feat, 10. Does basic 5. Possessions, in 38. Vassal briefly math law 42. Like old 52. "Iliad" setting 14. Lotion ingredi- 6. The "e" sound in bread 55. Mil. address ent "system," e.g. 44. Recent, in 56. Anecdotal col- 15. _ of the crime 7. Topple (over) Germany lection 16. Get taller 8. Houston-to- 45. Circus eleva- 57. British rule in 17. Shabby and Atlanta dir. tors? India run-down 9. Germane 46. Make humble 58. Tax advisor, for 19. Cad 10. Taj Mahal site 47. He's got the short 20. Sob 11. Fail to follow life 59. Evil spell 21. Pass, as time through on a 23. Lustrous ribbed project ANSWER TO THIS WEEK'S PUZZLE: fabric 12. Extinguish X V r V s A O N G 3 A 3 27. Night before 13. Sugary 28. Vietnamese 18. Helps a hood 3 d V N I O d V V 1 3 S New Year 22. NFL Hall of H ObIV 1B9 VVI flO_1V 29. Fly Famer Dawson - I V 1 n O S I 9 30. Turn pale 23. Verboten a 3 -1 1 S O J 3 d H t/ 32. Church ringers 24. Keep from hap- 33. Unskilled worker pening V 1 1 3 1 S S > 3 N M 0 34. Rope fiber 25. Seafood entre 3H V d S 3 - 7 0 0 ± 1 0 source 26. Likeuncultivat- -1 3 V I d V 51 ~15-83 0 37. Hurler Hershiser edland d VA3 H N 0 3 d S 11 3 9 38. Jumped 27. Marry A la H N V/1, 8 3±1Vti 1AR V 39. Genesis victim Romeo and 40. Germany's von Juliet 1 3 1 3 A 3 V 1 3 3 3 V1 Bismarck 30. "Flashdance" 3 S d V ~1 1 M V S 41. Out of work star Jennifer a 0 I 1~ 3 3 H 1 V N M 0 42. Tire in the trunk 31. Wedding site M O 0 3 N 3 S 3 00 1 V 43. Stockholders, 33. Three-time Cy S 0 0 V Id 0 ? S 31 1 I d e.g. Young Award 45. Actress Stevens winner Martinez xwerdeduteaeteeom 94/29/02 ***1 BDRM SEPT LEASE. Perfect location! 2 blks to Law/ Business school, central campus. Incredible aparnent with tons of windows, A/C, huge closets and parking. You're going to love it! $925. Call 395-120 Floorplan at: www.midtownmanagement.com **3 LARGE BDRM apt. avail. for fall. 119 E. Liberty. large, quiet, private. 5 min. walk to campus. Call 769-8555. **2 BDRM. SEPT LEASE. Amazing location! 2 blocks to Law/ Business school, central campus. Incredible apartment with tons of windows, A/C, huge closets and parking. $1500 You're going to love it! 395-1120, floorplanat: www.midtownmanagement.com -AVAIL FALL 2002 4 bdm. 2 bath. house on 311 Mrk Hanab(nerHuron 86 7h). Ideal for graduate students. Nice house in nice neighborhood. Fum. optional. Ldry., prkg., ca- ble TV. 9 or 12 . lease, $1700. Call John at 995-3619. 1 & 2 BDRM. FURN. APTS. 402 Hill St. Central Campus. Avai. Sept, 2002. A/C, Ldry. Prkg., utis. incl. Call 734-497-0323. 1 BDRM APT. Fall 02-03. Near West Quad. New huge apt., great for two. New fiumishings. Parking. Ldry. Heat/water inc. 222-3177. 2 BDRM. APT, in a quiet duplex. Free dry., garage prkg., 2 blks. from stadium. Avail. Sept. 1. $950/mo. 215-877-7581. 2 BDRM. IN Kerrytown, close to UM Hospi- tal. Dishwasher, a/c, Indry. prkg. $1090. Avail- able now. 994-5284. 3 BDRM. WOOD floors, yard, wshr/dryer, pets ok Avail. June. $1495. 994-5284. 5 BDRM. HOUSES, hardwood floors, dsh- wsr, Indry. prkg. Starting at $2250. 994-5284. EFF. & 1BDRM. apts. avail for Fall '02. Fully fumished with prkg. Call Mary 260-3610. 4 PERSON APARTMENT: Tons of storage, Walk-in closets in each bedroom, Front coat closet for extra storage, Back deck for sun- bathing, barbecues...House like a castle! $1800. Call 395-1120. 4 PERSON APARTMENTS: Want the swankiest apartment on campus? This place is posh! Live like a king or queen in the lap of pure luxury! The biggest bedrooms on cam- pus! $2200. Call 395-1120. *This special can end at any time* No increase ever if you renew consecutively at UTowers Univerity Towers 536S. Forest Ave. 761-2680 K.,! Showing Hours: Man-Fri 10-7 Sat 10-5. Sun. 12-5 universitytowers-mi.com email:utwersmi@al.cm 4 PERSON BARGAIN May lease. Who knew that apts. this great would still be avail- able? You're getting the best apartment we have and they're still available! Gargantuan bedrooms! Amazingly beautiful. Oak wood- work, antique lighting, porh swing, back deck. $2000. Call 395-1120. - AVAIL. FALL '02. Efficiency, and 1 bdrm. William and Division. 8 ft. ceilings, hardwood floors, goodclosets. Gallatin Realty Co. 994-1202 ext.23. AVAIL. FOR BRIGHT Cape Cod on 800 Henry, 3 bdrm. + study. 2 bath., large private yard. Free ]dry., close to Kroger & Yost. $1400. 651-5412.johnjhsunprovide.net AVAIL. NOW, FURNISHED rooms, 1 blk. from campus. Share kitchen, Indry., bath. Start- ing at $350. 994-5284. DON'T LEAVE TOWN WITH UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Time is running out, so get your campus area apartment for Fallt2002 NOW! We offer both fumished & unfuished apartments & homes ranging in size from efficiency to six bedrooms. GREAT CAMPUS LOCATIONS.For ad- ditional information and an appointment to view your new home, please contact WisonWhite Co., Inc. at 734-995-9200 (www.wilsonwhitecompany.com). EqualHousing Opportunity FALL 2002 GREAT 1 bdrm. apt. in prime location. Easily fits two. Heat & water incl. Parking available.665-8825. FALL: ROOM FOR 3 people, 2 bdrm. & at- tic addition at 325 E. Liberty. quiet, private. 5 mmn. to campus, heat, 1 prkg. space. 769-8555. GREAT APARTMENTS 2, 3 & 6 bdMn. Avail. Fall 002. Walk to campus. Also rooms avail Please call 665-5620 or www.bartonbrook.com HUGE 3 BDRM apt. Bath and a half. A/C, dishwasher, garbage disp., prkg & ldry., $1295 and up. Call GHP at 994-5284. 424 HILL ST. 7 bedroom home $3900/mo. Or individual rooms $600-$700/mo. Parking for an additional $75/mo. Beautiful, completely remodeled. 2 kitchens. Appliances. Available June 1 (248) 363-6474 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Wehaveanefficiency, aone bedroomanda six bedroom apartment available near U of M central campus. Pleasecontact Wilson White Co.,bInc.at 734-995-9200 (www.wits-nwhitecompany.com) Equal Housing Opportunity. LARGE FURNISHED 2 & 3 bdnn. apt. on S. State, Near UM bus stop, 5 min. to Mich. Union. Now & Fall lease. Heat & water incl., 2 sink bath, Intercom/sec. buzzer, new fuiture, new appliances, balc. A/C., p8kg, dry, for '2-4 $1000-$1600. No smkg/no pets. 734996-3539 or 734-678-7250 ehtsengla-yaol.om. 9am -8pm. PRE-LEASE NOW AND save! Efficiencies 1, 2 & 3 bdrms. Call 1-800-356-1767. SPACIOUS TWO BEDROOM BI-LEVEL apartment available Fall 2002. GREAT CAMPUS LOCATION, bedrooms & livingroom have balconies, funished, non-smokers only. For additional information, please contact Wilson White Co., Inc. at734-995-9200. www.wilsonwhitecmpany com Equal Housing Opportunity. SPRING/SUMMER Two bedroom apartments,enear U of M central campus, avaiablehay 3rdthough August 16th at REDUCED RATES. Please cntact Wilson White CompanyInc. at 734-995-9200. Equal Housing Opportunity. " Great North Campus Location i * Spacious 1 bedroom apts. " Spacious 2 bedrooms with master bath " Complimentary shuttle around campus " Large private balconies with wooded'vies Management 741-9300 www.annarborapartments.net 070 o 1 BDRM. BRAND NEW townhse. $500/mo +utils. Near Med., Dental School. Fem. pref., n- smkg., prkg., Id., fum., A/C. 677-4383. 3 BDRM. APT. avail immed. to sublet May- Aug. Located at 1320 South U3. (next to Bagel Factory). 2 pkg. spaces, a/c & dshwsr. Great porch that faces South U. Extremely clean. Rent neg. Please call Monica 734-623-1191. SPRING/SUMMER I BDRM. efficiency. $450/mo. Jordan Bohy 313-886-7206. d 46. Canine com- ment 48. Self-image 49. Played for time 50. Lobster soup 52. Follow, as a perp 53. Baseball family 54. Hyde Park architectural attraction 80. Actress Ward 61. To the left, at 62. Back of the neck 63. Watched closely 64. 'The Highwayman" poet Alfred 65. "Foaming cleanser" of old ads DOWN 1. "Awesome!" 2. UN worker pro- tection gp. 3. Disabled vehi- Stumped? Call 1-900-933-5155. 99 cents a minute 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 a 23 24 25 2 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60s1 62 n3 o 465 By Janet R. Bender (c)2002 Tribune Media Services, Inc. 04/29/02